Cougar News
Cougar News - Week of 10/9/23
Reminder - No School Monday 10/9
Letter from Ms. Bedford
Hello Smallville,
We had a lot of fun this week for Homecoming! The theme for this year’s Homecoming was “What does it mean to be a Cougar?” students and staff members turned in their heartfelt responses and I shared them during our live announcements. Each student and staff member who turned in a response was entered into a drawing for a gift basket!
I always love Homecoming festivities because it gives us the opportunity to highlight our school spirit. Take a look below at a quick video I created to sum up our Homecoming fun. I also linked our Homecoming kick off video that was shown during our announcements on Monday. Next week, we will be hosting our first dance of the year and we are excited to see that Cougar energy on the dance floor next Friday night!
Video Link-What Does it Mean to be a Cougar
Video Link- Homecoming Week Introduction
Have a great weekend!
Stay Present Cougars,
ATTENTION 8th Grade Families - PSAT
Hello Parents and Guardians,
On Wednesday, October 11th, 8th grade students will be taking the PSAT(Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) here at Small. This assessment is required by AISD and will test 8th grade students on their reading, writing, and math skills. The assessment will be administered in PRIDE classes, so it will be proctored by a teacher that your children are comfortable with and in a setting they are used to. We encourage all students to do their best on this assessment as it will help prepare them to become the best test takers they can be.
While the PSAT 8/9 does not offer scholarship opportunities to students, your child can take the PSAT/NMSQT as either a 10th or 11th grader in an attempt to earn a National Merit Scholarship. The PSAT/NMSQT is designed to be grade appropriate for 10th and 11th graders. Some schools offer the PSAT 8/9, which tests the same skills as the PSAT/NMSQT, but in ways that are appropriate for earlier grade levels.
Please have a conversation with your child about the importance of taking assessments seriously. We want all kids to have a calm and quiet testing environment, so reminding your student about respecting the expectations would be helpful. Testing will be done during 1st and 3rd period, then students will resume a regular schedule when 5th period begins. Kids need to bring a charged chromebook and their charger (just in case).
Girls Basketball Tryouts
Girls' Basketball tryouts will be Monday October 16th and Tuesday October 17th. A physical must be on file and Rank One completed.
7th grade before school at 6:45am (both days)
(See 7th Grade Game Schedule here)
8th grade after school at 4pm-5:15 (both days)
(See 8th Grade Game Schedule here)
Boys Soccer Tryouts
Boys' Soccer tryouts will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct 16th and 17th, as well as Oct 19th and 20th.
You must have a physical on file as well as the Rank One requirements complete before you try out and you must be passing your classes.
We will meet on the big soccer field behind the school each day from 4 to 5.
The AHS PTSA is hosting a Parent Ed Webinar:
Know Your NeuroWhereAbouts:
Brain-based Parenting Strategies for Preventing
High Risk Behaviors
Presented by Dr. Crystal Collier
Wednesday, October 18
6:00-7:30 pm
Parents, caregivers, and school staff who know kid’s NeuroWhereAbouts understand phases of brain development and shape executive functioning skills accordingly. Dr. Crystal Collier, author of The NeuroWhereAbouts Guide, will define brain-based parenting and how to easily integrate brain-savvy prevention skills into daily practice. In this presentation, Dr. Collier will describe the prevention science principles that work to increase youth skills and prevent engagement in high-risk behavior (such as alcohol, marijuana, other illicit drugs, technology overuse, vaping and e-cigarettes, pornography, body image and eating issues, self-injury, suicide, dating violence, risky sexual behavior and more). Learn more at knowyourneuro.org and drcrystalcollier.com
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 5339 7501
Passcode: AHSPTSA
Virtual Library
The PTA is offering the Reflections Program for CSMS students 6th - 8th grade.
This year's theme is I am hopeful because...
Reflections has been a staple arts program in many schools for over 50 years. Through the efforts of our Local PTAs, millions of students have found a creative outlet in the areas of:
Visual Arts
Dance ChoreographyFilm ProductionLiteratureMusic CompositionPhotographyEligible students may enter any or all of the six art categories. Each entry must be the original work of one student and created specifically for the Reflections program based on the national theme and follow the program guidelines.
At least one person in your primary household must be a current PTA member.
Reflections Entry Form | Spanish
Entries must be turned into the office by the end of the school day on Friday November 3rd.
Entries will be judged to advance to the next level of competition.
Plans include to announce the results for CSMS entries during the month of December.
Any questions please contact the Arts in Education Chair at artsineducation@clintsmallmspta.org
Smalloween Volunteers
Ticket Sales: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080C4EABA92FA31-37402726-smalloween
Donations & Chaperones: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080C4EABA92FA31-csms
24-25 Green Tech/Dual Language Transfer Process
We know that the transfer/application window will be November 8th - February 6th. Other than that, we are waiting for more information. Once we know the new process, we will update our website and setup tours and zoom events.
If you would like to get on our "Interested in Small" email list, please fill out this form and we will email you when we have all the information and you can sign up for tours.
Tell your friends!
If you have questions, feel free to email jennifer.newell@austinisd.org
Capstone Project Request
For our capstone project, we would like to start a program where bunnies visit different advisory/homerooms. We will also want to make a bunny pen for them to stay whenever the security fence is done. If you could donate anything, it will be much appreciated.
Lock for the entrance This is basically the same type of lock that is on the other rabbit cage. x1 $8.99 (Amazon)
24" x 50' wire hardware cloth This is in the correct dimensions, and has a little bit extra, so if we need it we have it. x1 $55.99 (Amazon)
10' x 13' clear tarp This works for the top and will cover it all. x1 $27.99 Amazon
6' x 8' clear tarp This is a slightly different type of tarp and will work for the sides. x2 $37.80
- Clean Up Bunny Supplies - $15.99
- Bunny Clean Up Spray - $15.53
Thank you from 2 8th graders in Mr. Brooks Capstone class.
Yearbooks must be preordered.
They are expensive to print and although we do order extra's knowing people forget, we can not guarantee you a yearbook if you do not PRE-ORDER your yearbook.
Order your yearbook today!
$35.00 (until winter break)
How do I order a 2023-2024 Yearbook?
- Have your student take cash or a check for $35.00 to Mr. Shoptaw's classroom, Room 300. He will provide a receipt, please keep for your records OR.....
- Click here to Order online
Australia anyone?
Wow! What a turnout for our AUSTRALIA Trip Info Meeting! I am humbled by your support of international student travel and our Global Cougars Fly EF educational tours!
For those who were not able to attend, know that there's $200 off the price if you sign up BY THIS SUNDAY 9/10. You have until midnight on that day! But don't delay if interested in fulfilling this trip of a lifetime! There's a handful of spots left as I type this today 9/08 on the morning after the meeting!
🔴 Here is the LINK to our ENROLLMENT PAGE: www.eftours.com/2684159ra
You only reserve your trip for $95 per traveler and then decide the most convenient way to pay for your family. VERY AFFORDABLE bi-monthly or monthly payments!
EMAIL mariel.early@austinisd.org or call 512-841-6700 Ext. 70774 if you would like to get the slides from the meeting or clear any questions you may have!
Go Global Cougars! 🐾✈️
THAILAND in Summer 2024
Small is going to THAILAND in Summer 2024 and ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN!
Contact Mrs. Early with any questions you may have at mariel.early@austinisd.org any time! We can Zoom or talk as needed as well.
CLICK HERE for trip information and enrollment: www.eftours.com/2670625sm
📍Bangkok, Kanchanaburi, Phitsanulok, Chiang Mai, extension to Hua Hin (14 days)
From stopping by the most iconic Thai UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the provinces we visit, to immersing ourselves in cosmopolitan Bangkok, to bargaining on floating markets, riding rickshaws, cooking Thai food, engaging with monks, visiting an elephant sanctuary, going to the beach, and much more, this tour will not only provide your student with an opportunity for self-growth in assertiveness and independence but for gaining a deep understanding of Thai culture.
Incoming, current, graduating Cougars, alumni, and their family members are invited to join us, of course! Follow our Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/global.cougars.fly/
Clint Small Middle School
Email: jennifer.newell@austinisd.org
Website: https://small.austinschools.org/
Location: 4801 Monterey Oaks Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-841-6700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057069836221