The Family "Celebration" Chronicle
January 2025
A Message From The Principal
Greetings Margaretta Middle & High School Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you all had a wonderful holiday season. As we ring in the New Year, I want to extend my warmest wishes for a healthy and fulfilling 2025. Let’s continue to work together to make the second half of this school year a positive and enriching experience for every student.
First, I am excited to share that we will be hosting our Artist Alley on Saturday, January 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in room 102 of the high school. It will be featuring personal art displays by our creative high school and 8th-grade students. This event provides an amazing opportunity for our young artists to showcase their talents. We look forward to celebrating and showcasing their hard work.
Next, please join me in congratulating our middle and high school robotics teams on their remarkable success during recent competitions. Their dedication, teamwork, and innovative problem-solving truly exemplify the spirit of our school. We are incredibly proud of the students, and I encourage you to follow our school’s social media and website for updates and upcoming events where you can cheer them on.
Please note that semester exams will begin on Monday, January 13th, and students will be on an adjusted schedule from January 13th through January 16th. We encourage students to start reviewing their notes, asking questions in class, and establishing a steady study routine. With a positive mindset and focused preparation, our students can confidently demonstrate their understanding of the material and set themselves up for success in the upcoming semester. More information about exams will be communicated through Final Forms on Monday, January 6th.
Additionally, please note that there will be two hour delays for juniors and seniors only on Wednesday, January 22nd and Wednesday, January 29th to accommodate mid-year diagnostic testing for our 6th through 10th-grade students. This modified schedule ensures a focused testing environment, helping us gather the information needed to adjust our instruction and support to each student’s needs. Juniors and seniors need to plan accordingly for the adjusted schedule.
I also want to highlight the success of our monthly initiative, The Chill Zone. During this time, every student joins a teacher-led group based on shared interests, allowing them to build relationships and develop a sense of community across different grade levels. Feedback from both students and staff has been overwhelmingly positive, and we look forward to continuing these meaningful activity periods.
Lastly, we are always seeking ways to involve families more deeply in the academics of our school. Please see the flier below for information regarding an exciting opportunity to engage our students and families in planning for the next school year called Exploring Your Future: Enlist, Enroll, Engage. During this event we will host the mandatory College Credit Plus meeting, prepare our 8th graders and families for the the transition to high school, and review the various pathways for graduation. Families with also have the opportunity to talk with our teachers from all of our departments. This event also includes the opportunity for families to enjoy a free spaghetti dinner. We hope to see all of our families on January 30th.
Thank you for your continued support of Margaretta Middle and High School. Together, we are creating an amazing community where learning, growth, and connections thrive.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or need further information about upcoming events at 419-684-5351 or at jtheis@margarettaschooldistrict.com.
Dr. Jennifer Theis
Assistant Principal Additions
As we close another year and look ahead to 2025, I find myself reflecting on my own use of technology, particularly my phone. As the Assistant Principal, I regularly witness and address cell phone-related behaviors among our students. I encourage families to make it their New Year’s Resolution to be intentional about cell phone use, especially regarding their students.
One article on the topic states:
"High proportions of youth engage in heavy smartphone use and media multitasking, with resultant chronic sleep deprivation and negative effects on cognitive control, academic performance, and socioemotional functioning." (Abi-Jaoude et al., Smartphones, Social Media Use, and Youth Mental Health, 2020)
In 2025, I hope we can continue to create an environment at school that encourages students to put their phones away, helping to mitigate some of the above-mentioned effects of prolonged smartphone use. Please partner with us by having meaningful conversations with your students about their cell phone habits.
Mr. Roberts
Assistant Principal
Main Office Information
Attendance reminders: Please email jmorriscox@margarettaschooldistrict.com or call 419-684-5351 to report your child’s absence. Dr. Notes can be emailed to jmorriscox@margarettaschooldistrict.com or dropped off in the student services office.
As we enter 2025, here's to all of our Margaretta families enjoying good health, prosperity, and happiness. Happy New Year!
Registrar and Testing Information
“Why do I need an ACT Score?”
The ACT gives colleges and universities an idea of how prepared you are for college-level work. An ACT score helps you stand out in college admissions and demonstrates your strengths in English, Math, Reading, and Science. No matter what their next steps are after graduation, students with an ACT score are better positioned for success and support on their unique journey to career success.
Common Challenges Students Raise About the ACT
Challenge #1: “I’m applying to a test-optional school.”
Students who provide test scores often have higher admission rates and many test-optional schools require scores for scholarships or entry into specific programs like nursing and engineering. ACT results can also meet Math, English, or STEP prerequisites, helping students avoid extra placement tests.
Challenge #2: “I’m going to trade school.”
While ACT scores aren’t usually required for trade schools, submitting an ACT score may help a student stand out. A high score may allow students to bypass placement exams and qualify for certain programs or scholarships. It also keeps options open if a student wants to transfer to a college later.
Challenge #3: “I plan to work right after high school.”
The ACT student score report offers career readiness insights, including an indicator of progress toward the ACT® WorkKeys® National Career and Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®), and career matches based on student’s skills and interests. ACT also offers planning tools to help students map out life after high school. With MyACT and Encourage, students can explore how well their interests align with potential careers.
Challenge #4: “I plan to enlist in the military.”
Students enlisting in the military will need to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Exam. Having an ACT score can be beneficial if a student decides to pursue college while in the military or after service, making the college application process easier.
Challenge #5: “I may go to college later, but not immediately after high school.”
Taking the ACT in high school is often easier than preparing for the test a few years later and ensures students will have a score whenever they choose to apply to college.
Challenge #6: “I’m not sure what I’m doing after high school.”
Even if plans aren’t clear yet, having an ACT score can help students be prepared for future college and career opportunities. Students who may be reluctant to take the ACT initially are often pleasantly surprised when they score better than expected and discover new options to consider for college and career success.
Here is a link to help you prepare for the ACT: Preparing for the ACT Test
"Mutually Assured Destruction: 10 Plays About Brothers and Sisters"
Reading Buddies
High Counselor's Corner
There is an Amazing opportunity for members of The Class of 2026. The FBI Cleveland Future Agents in Training (FAIT) Academy is now accepting applications for the 2025 session. The FAIT 2025 Academy is scheduled for June 9-12, 2025. FAIT is a 4-day program for high school rising seniors (Class of 2026), that live within the FBI Cleveland Division area of responsibility. FAIT is a chance for students to learn about the FBI and is similar to a mini Citizens Academy.
Students selected for the FAIT Academy spend four interactive days at the FBI Cleveland Field Office and at a local offsite location in downtown Cleveland, participating in both classroom and hands-on activities. Classes offer insight into a number of topics and specialties including criminal, cyber threats, and terrorism. Students learn from special agents, intelligence analysts, and a variety of professional staff about investigative tactics that include gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and solving cases. After completing the class, students are more aware of challenges their communities face, and better understand how the FBI serves their community. Graduates are encouraged to serve as young ambassadors for the FBI.
Selections are competitive, as they receive hundreds of applications each year competing for 45 spots. Participants are selected based on eligibility requirements, an anonymous reading and scoring of their personal essay. If you are interested in obtaining a checklist and application or if you have any questions please see Mrs. Lott.
Applications will only be accepted via email, as ONE submission by January 31, 2025.
Buckeye Girls State
On January 7th a representative from The American Legion Women's Auxiliary Post will be here to speak to all junior girls about Buckeye Girls State. Buckeye Girls State is a week-long program designed to educate Ohio's young women in the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of good citizenship. By getting involved in the process, BGS delegates learn more about city, county, and state government in one week than they will in an entire semester of high school.
This year's experience will be at BGSU main campus from June 8th through June 14th.
Our local American Legion will be sponsoring junior female students from our school district this year. Interested students are invited to the official Buckeye Girls State website www.ohiobuckeyegirlsstate.org to explore opportunities Girls State can offer.
If students are interested in signing up for Buckeye Girls State they can do so in person or send an email to hlott@margarettaschooldistrict.com. The deadline to sign up is January 30th.
Buckeye Boys State
On Tuesday, December 3, 2024 a representatives from The American Legion was here at MHS to meet with junior boys. The Ohio American Legion presented the American Legion Buckeye Boys State program at Miami University. June 8 - 15, 2025. Interested students were invited to the official Buckeye Boys State website www.ohiobuckeyeboysstate.com to explore opportunities Boys State can offer.
If students are interested in signing up for Buckeye Boys State please let Mrs. Lott know. You can do so in person or send an email to hlott@margarettaschooldistrict.com.
Scholarship Information
Please refer to our Guidance website for scholarship information including scholarship application procedure, scholarship application tips and all current available scholarships through our office.
Our website can be accessed by completing the following steps
log on to the Margaretta website at Margarettaschooldistrict.com
Go to the breadcrumb trail across the top titled Parents/Students and click on this.
You will then see a list of available options. Follow the list down and click on Guidance.
Once you click on Guidance you will see our page.
For the most recent scholarships please click on Scholarship Program Link. You will then see the available scholarships organized by name, eligibility requirements, deadlines and application availability.
College Credit Plus Program and Mandatory Meeting
Ohio Revised Code 3365 established a College Credit Plus Program, which allows college-ready students in grades seven through twelve, who qualify for college admission (each college will set their own criteria for student eligibility), to take college level courses while in middle or high school. These students will earn college credit and high school graduation credit through the successful completion of college courses. The purpose of the program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and expose students to options beyond the high school classroom. Students may have to take Ohio End of Course Exams, depending on the subject area. Once enrolled in a college class, the student can only take 120 total college credit hours up through school graduation.
There will be a mandatory meeting at Margaretta High School in the Gymnasium on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 6:00 pm. If parents and/or students are unable to attend this informational session, interested students, parents and guardians are able to log onto https://www.ohiohighered.org/ccp/resources and view an “Informational Session.” There is both a slide show and a video that can be viewed. If this is not possible please contact Mrs. Lott for a meeting.
From Freshman Year to Cap and Gown Presentation January 30, 2025 at 7:30 pm in the High School Gymnasium
I will be giving an informational presentation on graduation requirements during our upcoming Family Evening event. I hope to see many of you at this event.
Middle School Counselor's Corner
Make plans to visit us on January 30 for our Explore your Future: Enlist, Enroll, and Engage Night! We will be offering new and exciting information regarding the transition from 8th grade to High School as well as our scheduling process and graduation requirements!
Mental Health Concerns
Just a reminder to reach out to school counselors with concerns for your child. We also have Family Health Services available in our building. Contact information is found on the Margaretta website at www.margarettaschooldistrict.com
If you have questions or concerns about your student(s), please contact me at hwiley@margarettaschooldistrict.com or call the MS/HS office at 419-684-5351.
Mrs. Wiley, Middle School Counselor
Upcoming Dates
January 2nd - Board of Education Organizational Meeting @ 3:00 p.m.
January 4th - OhGo Food Drive 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
January 6th - MARMO Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
January 6th - Athletic Booster Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
January 11th - Artist Alley 11:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
January 13th - Semester Exams Begin
January 16th - End of Second Quarter
January 17th - Staff Data/Inservice Day (No School for Students)
January 20th - MLK/No School
January 25th - High School Solo & Ensemble
January 22nd - iReady Diagnostic or Readiness Assessment (ELA)/Juniors and Seniors Only on a Two Hour Delay
January 27th - Board Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
January 29th - iReady Diagnostic or Readiness Assessment (Math)/Juniors and Seniors Only on a Two Hour Delay
January 30th - Explore Your Future: Enlist, Enroll, Engage - 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.