Bush Banner
October 4, 2024
Dates to Remember
10/8 Walk & Roll to school
10/9 4th Grade Group photo
10/10 Book Character Parade
10/11- NO SCHOOL
10/17 1st grade Sock hop
10/18 3rd grade Creepy crawl
10/21 Bush Elementary PTO Spirit night @ Chick-Fil-A ( All Day )
10/22 3rd Grade Field trip
10/23 3rd Grade Field Trip
10/25 Trunk or Treat
A Note from the Principal
Hello Bush Families!
Next Tuesday is Walk and Roll to School Day. This is a wonderful event hosted by the Woodlands Township. There will be mascots and chalk activities for students to participate in when they arrive to school. The Township does a wonderful job with this event. If you would like to participate, you may park at the Woodland Oaks Church and enter the Bush playground at the gate on Crownridge. The event will be from 7:30-7:55. We hope to see you all Tuesday morning!
Next Thursday is also our Storybook Character Parade. This is an awesome event for students and staff to celebrate our love for reading. If you would like to attend, please park at the Woodland Oaks Church and walk to the bus ramp. Parents are welcome to line up around the bus ramp and enjoy the parade of costumes. More information below about the Parade.
Next weekend is also a 4 day weekend for students. We are looking forward to a short break. Have a great weekend, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Go Bobcats!
Mrs. Thompson
GT Referral Window
Referral Requests for Gifted and Talented Testing Referral requests are now open for the Conroe Independent School District Gifted and Talented program. Although the testing will not take place until late January, referral requests are accepted at this time. Referral requests can be made by the parents and/or campus staff. It is recommended that parents of 2nd grade students wait until CogAT scores have arrived before nominating their child because CogAT scores are part of the GT assessment. If you are interested in referring your child, you may want to discuss this with your child’s teacher. Referrals will be accepted October 1- December 19, 2024. You can request a referral form from the front office or the Assistant Principal. You can also find the referral form and other GT information on the CISD GT homepage linked here.
Lunch Visitors
Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child. Due to limited space, we ask that you only have lunch with your student.
Lunch Times
Kinder- 11:35-12:00
First- 12:35-1:00
Second- 12:05-12:30
Third- 12:20-12:45
Fourth- 11:50-12:15
Please use the sign up genius link below to sign up:
Transportation Changes
Should you need to change your child’s transportation during the school day, you will need to send an email with the transportation change to bushtransportationchanges@conroeisd.net.
You may include the teacher in the email as well.
1. Student First / Last name
3. How they're going home:
All transportation changes must be received by 2:00 PM. No transportation changes will be accepted over the phone.
TWHS Theater
It’s that time of year again for The Woodlands High School Theater’s Annual Improv Camp! Such a great time for students in the community to come laugh and learn with our award-winning Improv Troupe.
It is time again for the Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo Christmas Card Contest! This contest is designed to highlight the artistic abilities of students in our county in grades K-12. Students are encouraged to submit a design inspired by this year’s theme ‘Dreaming of a Lone Star Christmas’. One winner will receive a MCFA prize basket and have their artwork used as the official MCFA Christmas Card! Submissions may be hand-drawn or done digitally. This contest is open to all students, participation in 4H or FFA is not required. Feel free to forward this email to others that may be interested. Please see the below graphic for more details and let me know if there are any questions.
Thank you and good luck!
Art Contest
There is an optional art contest. It is on my website and also below here. https://sites.google.com/conroeisd.net/bush-art-room/home
Optional Art Contests - Student creates the art. Parents need to submit it to the contest. Read below!
We have an opportunity for your students:
CISD Fine Arts Department is sponsoring a Holiday Card Contest!
Entry categories for judging:
K-4th grades
5th - 8th grades
9th - 12th grades
Deadline for entry submission: Tuesday, 10/29/24 4:30 p.m.
Winners announced: Friday, 11/1/24
Tentative date for cards printed and delivered to the winners: 12/2/24
Entries must be the original work of the student.
Group entries will not be allowed.
The student must be a current Conroe ISD student.
The subject of the design must be holiday or winter themed.
Both color and black and white designs will be accepted.
All entries must be submitted through: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-v9H9I2W3spp-0jxSqLczetk41XLQDAo-preEecSZ4rKQMQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
On the online form, when it says teacher name, please type Mrs. Beardsley or Ms. Bright depending on which art teacher's class you have right now.
The winning selections will be recognized by the school district, receive a set of cards, and the teachers will receive a set of the cards. These cards will be the official cards of the CISD Fine Arts Department for the 2024 Holiday season.
Best wishes to your students!!
To see previous year's winners click Previous Winners
We look forward to seeing some amazing entries!
Parent Volunteers
Parents who wish to volunteer at any of our CISD campuses or CISD events this school year must submit a volunteer application through the district website. You must reapply every school year!
October is Bullying Awareness Month
Prevent bullying by encouraging kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Learn how at:
#BullyingPreventionMonth #StopBullying #AntiBullying #BullyingPrevention #STOMPOutBullying #ChooseKindness #BeKind #BlueUp #UnityDay
Spanish Translation:
Uno puede prevenir el bullying fomentando la bondad y conservando la calma.
Calling All Watch Dog Dads!
We are excited to announce a new volunteer activity for the Watch D.O.G.S. We are looking for 5 dads each morning the week of Red Ribbon Week October 28-November 1 to help open car doors. Below is the link to sign up.
We are doing the annual Coats for Kids drive.Please bring you gently used coats starting October 3 until October 18 to the foyer of Bush Elementary.
Angie McGhee
Grades 3 & 4
Krystal McCure
Grades K, 1, & 2
2024-2025 Yearbook On sale now!
The 2024-2025 yearbook online store is open! You can use this QR code to order yours today! There are lots of great add-ons this year, plus free emoji icons that can be added to your cover. We are offering two ad sizes that you can purchase and easily design during the checkout process. Order by January 31st in order to save before prices go up after February 1st!
Contact Information
Brooke McCoy, Assistant Principal
Sarah Howard, Assistant Principal
Angie McGhee, Counselor
Krystal McCure, Counselor
Campus Information
Our school hours are 7:55-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 and will go to their homeroom beginning at that time.
Email: bush@conroeisd.net
Website: http://bush.conroeisd.net/
Location: 7420 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1600
Principal: Elizabeth Thompson, emthompson@conroeisd.net
Mission Statement
Bush Elementary: Our mission is to nurture strong and positive connections with students so they achieve independence, build confidence, and grow in their love of learning. Through enriching experiences and parent and community partnerships, we are committed to helping each student achieve their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally.
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.