Great Start Collaborative
Hillsdale County - May 2024
April was Child Abuse Prevention Month
There are ways parents and caregivers can act and talk at every age and stage to prevent children from being victims of abuse. All children are different, and you know your child best. Be guided by their ability to focus and the questions they ask. These conversations are ongoing and can happen over years. Use their questions, family discussions, children’s books, and situations that may occur to have open and ongoing conversations. Everyday situations that may arise, can be teaching and learning opportunities.
Below is an informative and educational poster for children of all ages. It contains a set of body safety rules to help children learn and remember to keep themselves safe. Each rule is designed to promote physical and emotional safety, and to help kids protect their bodies.
Do you know your child's early warning signs if he/she feels unsafe? This free poster to help children recognize how their body lets them know they feel unsafe.
Upcoming Events
Welcome Baby Home Visit!
Mom Meet Up
When: Every Friday at 10am
Who: Moms and their little rascals
Where: Hillsdale First Baptist (across from the library)
What: A chance to spill coffee while chatting, and see who can stack the most toy blocks while making new mom friends
Prenatal & Postpartum Exercise Opportunity
Don't miss out! Prenatal/Postpartum Birth Ball Exercise Class starts this Saturday at 10 am, 9 E Bacon (next to the library). It's FREE! All trimesters up to 2 years postpartum welcome. Join for fun, and maybe some belly laughs, that will also help to strengthen your core. Bring your ball and yoga mat if you have them. Let's have a great time together!
Helping Hands Pregnancy Resource Center
CAPA Offerings
Michigan Works! Southeast Offerings
CAA Offerings
BHSJ Community Health Agency Information
MSU Extension Offerings
Child Care
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