Eastview Update
October 18th, 2024
Note From The Nurse
Note from the Nurse:
It’s cold and flu season, which means viruses are on the rise! We were made aware of multiple confirmed cases of pneumonia this week. Nursing wanted to take the time to send home a few reminders for school attendance and what to be looking out for. If your child has a continuous or disruptive cough, please keep them home. Good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses from spreading in the classroom. If your child has a fever above 100 F by mouth, please keep them home for 24 hours. Students need to be fever free without the use of medication (Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen)for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child continues to be sick, please reach out to your pediatrician for further guidance. Our goal is to keep everyone as healthy as possible, we thank you for your cooperation at home as well.
Corrie Taips, RN
Kim Chmiel, RN
Eastview and Learwood Nurses
Eastview Elementary (440) 933-6283 ext. 3209
Learwood Middle School (440) 933-8142 ext. 2901
Halloween Parade Information
We will be having our Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31, around 9:10 a.m. We are going to have the students parade through each classroom prior to heading outside for the parents to see. If you are planning on coming to watch the parade that morning, please line up on the sidewalk near the front bus loop and up to the main entrance. We will still start the parade by exiting out of the 4th grade doors and will walk along the front of the building and make our way to the front doors at the main entrance.
While students are not required to wear costumes on October 31st, those students who do wish to participate are reminded of the following guidelines:
1. Please choose a costume that does not reflect violence. Inappropriate “props” such as plastic guns, knives, and weapons of any kind are not allowed – even if they are a part of your child’s costume.
2. Students should wear their costume to school.
3. All costumes should maintain the integrity of our school dress code.
As a reminder, Avon Lake City School district has approved specific parties throughout the year that allows food in the classroom. All food must be store bought and pre-wrapped. No home baked goods will be allowed in the class. We also encourage take home treats instead of a food based item: pencils, erasers, stickers etc. If your child has a food allergy, please work with your homeroom parent/teacher to discuss the food options and discuss with your child what they are able to consume.
Picture Retakes
Picture retakes will be on Friday, November 15th.
Student Art Chosen To Be Displayed At ESC
The following students art was chosen to hang at the Lorain County ESC. Way to go artists!
No School November 1
There will be no school for students on November 1st for Teacher-Inservice Day.
Reminder: Take Back Togetherness Night on Wednesday, November 13th!
Keep in mind that Wednesday, November 13th will be our first Take Back Togetherness Night in the ALCSD! These nights will provide opportunities for families to spend time with one another exclusively, as there will be no homework given, activities after school, or athletics practices. We want families to unplug from social media and devices and spend quality time with one another. Keep this date, and more information will be forthcoming!
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home on Monday, November 5, 2024 through secure document delivery.