Leopard Lines
Begich Middle School - May 2024
In this edition:
- Registration for the 2024/2025 School Year
- ASD - Begich Middle School Fall Sports Update
- Fall 2024 School Sports and Physicals
- Begich Phone Policy Q&A on May 20th 4:30pm Begich Library
- PE Department News
- Work @ Begich
- May is Mental Health Awareness Month
- 2024 ASD School Start Times
Registration for the 2024/2025 School Year!
Registration for the 24/25 school year is now open. Please register your student by logging on to Q ParentConnection: https://parentconnect.asdk12.org/ under the quick links tab. The ParentConnection site works best on a tablet, Desktop, or Laptop. If you do not have access to a device we will have various in-person registration events during summer break. If you need help with your ParentConnection pin or a password reset please contact Ms. Barbara at 907-742-0593 or by email at mccambridge_barbara-sue@asdk12.org
ASD - Begich Middle School Fall Sports Update
With the change of school start times, as well as the addition of 6th grade to Middle Schools, we wanted to share information regarding Anchorage School District Fall Sports.
Links to required sports/activities forms and sport/activity schedules are available through the ASD Sports and Activities Webpage.
Baseball - Outsourced with Alaska Legion
Registration will be live August 1st
First Practice anticipated August 19
Jamboree competitions August 24 & 31
First Competition September 7
Competitions Saturdays in September
Some weeknight competitions, including Mulcahy Stadium under the lights
First Practice August 19 (4:15 p.m.-5:45 p.m.)
First Competition September 4
Following weeks, races Mondays and Wednesdays (5 schools each)
Races begin 6 p.m., with the exception of Championships
First Practice August 19 (4:15 p.m.-5:45 p.m.)
First Game September 5
Games begin 6 p.m. on weeknights, varies on Saturdays
All participants are required to have a current physical/health examination form on file. You must also submit a completed Activity Participation Form and the Covid Supplemental Waiver of Liability Participation Form. A separate form is required for each activity.
Please click here for additional information on obtaining a physical through the Anchorage School Based Health Centers
Interscholastic Sport Fee: $110.00 (Payable through Q ParentConnection or by cash or check to the Activity Clerk). Financial hardship waiver forms may be submitted to the Activity Clerk. Forms can be turned in to office 108 or emailed to: heiken_lauriann@asdk12.org
Fall 2024 Sports and Physicals
This is a great time to make an appointment for your student to get a physical with their doctor during summer break. All student athletes need to have a physical within the past 18 months. In the Fall, Begich will offer Boys Basketball and Cross Country Running.
8th Graders should know that high school fall sports start at the end of July or early August. High school fall sports include: running, swimming, volleyball, tennis, gymnastics, riflery, flag football (girls), and football (boys).
Begich Phone Policy Q&A Monday, May 20th at 4:30pm in the Begich Library
I would like to share with you an article from the Washington Post that was published in the Anchorage Daily News recently: How a Connecticut middle school won the battle against cellphones There is an emerging consensus among both mental health and educational professionals on the detrimental impacts of smartphones and social media on teen behavior and mental health.
As we plan for next school year, the administrative team at Begich is exploring the possibility of updating our cell phone policy. In light of this evidence, some middle schools are exploring phone-free policies for the school day. This school year our neighboring middle school, Wendler Middle School adopted a cell phone policy requiring students to keep phones turned off and not on their person during the school day. Mr. Wilson, the principal at Wendler, reported an increase in positive interactions and a decrease in disciplinary issues.
Some of the safety issues we see here at Begich that could be significantly reduced by an enhanced phone policy: meeting to vape in bathrooms, arranging conflicts and physical confrontations, online cyberbullying, student privacy concerns, and inappropriate content being viewed, distributed, and shared at school and online.
It is true that smartphones have made it convenient and reassuring to message students during the school day. If you need to get a message to a student or make contact during the school day, our front office can deliver them a message or arrange for them to call you. There is concern from parents that they wish their children to have a smartphone at school in case of an emergency. Here is an article from the Washington Post that explains how smartphones can be more of an impediment, even a danger, in these situations: Even after shootings, experts warn against cellphones in schools. Phone use and deviation from active shooter training could place students more at risk.
What can you do to support your own student’s mental health and academic success? If your child already has a smartphone, consider having them leave it at home during the day. If they have social media, monitor their activity and communication on those platforms. If your child doesn’t have a smartphone, consider waiting until they reach high school. If they do not yet have social media, consider waiting until they are 16. Your child’s social media activity is your business as a parent. Ultimately, your child’s smartphone belongs to you.
Please join us in the Begich library to provide feedback or ask questions on the proposal of an enhanced cell phone policy at Begich for the 24/25 school year. We will be meeting in the library on Monday, May 20th at 4:30pm for approximately one hour.
PE Department News
Happy May and the end of School from the Begich P.E. Team! Bring on the daylight and warmer temps!
We’re excited to get classes outside as we transition to new activities. Melting snow allows for outdoor P.E units such as flag football, track & field, soccer, frisbee golf, and ultimate frisbee. Students can expect to complete their one-mile runs on the outdoor track as well.
As always, please encourage your student to come to class prepared with a can-do attitude. Let’s finish the school year strong, Snow Leopards!
Work at Begich
Begich has job openings for the 24/25 School Year:
Career and Technical Education Teacher
Science Teacher (2)
Paraprofessional (Resource and Lifeskills)
If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, please visit ASD's talent management website.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As we approach the end of the school year, routines tend to relax and graduations and celebrations are just around the corner. This is a great opportunity for us at the Anchorage School District (ASD) to highlight the importance of mental health and wellness.
Our community’s collective wellbeing is central to ASD’s mission. A wellness-centered perspective is the foundation of ASD’s initiatives, goals, and guardrails. This perspective is deeply rooted in our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) – which is our framework to organize how we meet the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students in ASD.
Throughout this month, we have been engaging with our students, staff, and community, sharing ways to stay mentally fit. Here’s some useful information to get you started:
- Mental health is for everyone! It is never too early or too late to learn positive coping strategies to impact wellness.
- You are not alone. Everyone has ups and downs, and it is okay to not be okay. If someone asks how you are feeling, be honest. We have been there.
- Not sure what to share when things are tough? Try the following:
- I am actually going through some tough things right now.
- Today is just not my day.
- I am on the struggle bus.
- I am having one of those days.
- It has been one of those days.
- Working on our Mental health can be viewed as a lot of little things adding up to a big thing. Check out some simple strategies to strengthen your mental muscle:
- Take a screen break. Get away from your phone or computer.
- Check in with your basic needs. Are you well hydrated? Are you getting enough sleep?
- Make a list of your strengths. You are awesome!
- Create something.
- Try a guided meditation.
- Text or call a friend.
Thank you for prioritizing the well-being of our students, staff, and community. Through open conversations, destigmatization, and encouragement, we can build a community where everyone feels supported and valued, and finish the school year stronger than ever.
School Start Times
Please see the infographic below regarding ASD's plan for school start times beginning in August of 2024.