Raven Family Resource
Royal Oak High School - June 12, 2024
Dear Raven Families,
And just like that, we are closing out the 23-24 school year. On behalf of the entire staff at ROHS, we thank you for your support and partnership this year. Please note that this is the final newsletter for the 23-24 school year.
Warm regards,
ROHS Admin Team
The Last Month @ a Glance:
June 16 - Father's Day
June 17 - Report Cards Go Live!
June 19 - Juneteenth
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 24.25 - AUGUST 26, 2024!
Athletics dates & events > goroathletics.org
Building Calendar link for more details.
A note from Mrs. Ashburn
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
As the interim principal of ROHS, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support and partnership throughout this remarkable school year. Your involvement, encouragement, and dedication have been instrumental in creating a positive and enriching environment for our students.
We have achieved many milestones and celebrated numerous successes, from academic achievements to extracurricular triumphs. These accomplishments are a testament to the hard work and collaboration between our students, staff, and families. Your commitment to our school community has truly made a difference, and I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together.
As we conclude this school year, I wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable summer. May this time be filled with joy, laughter, and memorable moments with your loved ones. Take the opportunity to rest, recharge, and create wonderful memories.
ROHS looks forward to welcoming you back in the fall for another exciting and successful school year. Until then, have a fantastic summer! We also look forward to hearing about all the adventures of our graduating seniors.
Warm regards,
Angela M. Ashburn
High School Summer School Information and Registration
Please click this link to access the 2023-2024 Summer School Packet. The link to register is in the packet as well. Note: payment is due in full at the time of registration. Registration is open!
Summer Food Program
This summer, Royal Oak Schools is excited to announce the launch of the Summer EBT program. This new grocery benefits program provides $120 per eligible school-aged child to help purchase groceries while school is out, ensuring children have access to nutritious food year-round.
- Participation in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program.
- Attendance at a school offering the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program, with qualifying household income.
Families in SNAP, FDPIR, or TANF will automatically receive Summer EBT. Others can apply through Royal Oak Schools Food Services.
**How It Works:**
Benefits are provided on a separate EBT card and can be used at authorized retailers, including grocery stores and farmers' markets. Each eligible child receives $120 for the summer to buy healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, meats, whole grains, and dairy products.
For more information, visit the [Summer EBT] page and see our [Frequently Asked Questions].
All medications must be picked up by noon on June 14. or they will be discarded. Remember that all medication forms need to be completed each new school year.
We firmly believe that providing students with a smooth and informative school transition process contributes to student success at all levels. Our school transition process begins with our Developmental/Kindergarten students as we welcome them into our schools and begin to help them better understand some of the learning experiences that they will soon engage in within our schools. The elementary to ROMS school transition helps incoming 6th-grade students better understand what awaits them in middle school. Our 8th-grade to 9th-grade school transitions are one of the final transitions our students take part in as they begin their journey at Royal Oak High School. We feel strongly about our school transitions process and the opportunities it provides students and families at all levels to understand better the opportunities and experiences that await them at the next level! You can watch the video to learn more.
Here is the link to the video.
Athletic Registration is Switching To A New Platform!
Questions? Contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Russell (daniel.russell@royaloakschools.org)
Consistent attendance at school is directly connected with your child's academic success. We understand that there are times when students need to be absent. We ask that parents/guardians notify the school on each day a student is absent.
The parent/guardian must call the Attendance Office at 248-435-8500 (press 1) by 1:30 p.m. each day of their child’s absence and provide any necessary documentation (e.g., medical documentation). Voicemail is available for messages if no one is available to take your call.
Please keep in mind that excessive absences will lead to a referral to Royal Oak Youth Assistance or our School Truancy Officer. Notices will be automatically generated and sent digitally.
All doors to Royal Oak High School will remain locked until 7:00 a.m. on a daily basis. At 7:00, students may enter the building via the cafeteria door accessed by the drive off of Crooks between Lexington and Normandy. Students arriving before 7:40 must report to the cafeteria. Other doors will open at 7:40 a.m. and relock at 7:55 a.m. First hour begins promptly at 7:55 a.m. and late-arriving students will need to sign in at the Attendance Office (Welcome Center).
Please be advised that if your child is not involved in a regularly scheduled, supervised activity, they must exit the building by 3:15 p.m. (4:15 p.m. when the Learning Commons is open). The only students remaining in school after normal school hours should be under the direction of a coach, teacher, or administrator. Please understand that our concern is focused on the safety of all of our students, as we cannot provide supervision for students not participating in a school activity.
If you would like to have your child participate in this program, please fill out this form. Be sure to indicate if you child has any food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you as the parent are responsible for checking all food labels when the food arrives home. Royal Oak Schools, as well as Blessings in a Backpack, will not be held responsible for any accidental food allergen exposure.
Incoming ninth-grade students will exchange their current ROY Chromebook for a new Chromebook during Freshmen Orientation on 8/16/24 (8:30 AM – 11 AM) at Royal Oak High School.- If students do not bring their current Chromebook to orientation, they will not receive a new device on that day.
Royal Oak High School has created an ROHS Canvas Community page/course. This page houses different resources which includes, but is not limited to support contacts, wellness resources, career and testing information, scholarships and counseling information. Canvas works in conjunction with MiStar. On your student’s schedule you’ll notice it’s 10th period. Students do not need to do anything for this page/course. It is another way to give students the resources that they need.
Thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program, a state-funded program that allows all students to receive meals at no cost for the 2023-2024 school year, breakfast and lunch will be free to all students. Second meals are not free and will be considered ala carte.
Although all students can receive meals at no cost, it is still vital that eligible families fill out a free/reduced meal application. A school’s eligibility for federal Child Nutrition Programs such as Summer Food Service Program and others is based on free and reduced-price eligibility. Students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Federal and state education funding uses free and reduced-price eligibility.
We know that drop-off and pick-up can be difficult with everyone's busy schedules. With a few hundred students who are coming to and leaving school during a very short turnaround time of 10 - 15 minutes, we need to ensure safety. In order to do this in a safe and efficient manner, it is imperative that all families respect and follow the designated drop-off and pick-up location.
One of the greatest and growing areas of concern is the practice of families dropping students off in the circle drive (Lexington/Crooks). This is an area for buses only. We will be working with RO Police Officers to help reinforce this No Parking/Drop off Zone. Thank you for your support and understanding.
As a reminder, MiStar is the official gradebook and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can go to the MiStar Parent Portal to see up-to-date grades for their child. If you have any questions about your child's progress or would like to meet with your child's teacher, please connect with them directly to schedule a conference time. (ROHS Staff Directory)
Parking permits can be obtained in the Main Office. In order to receive a permit, students need to have a completed application, $30 or a check made out to Royal Oak High School, their license and proof of insurance. By now, ALL students should have their parking permits if they are parking in the school parking lots. If you have questions, please contact Caroline.Krynak@royaloakschools.org
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can complete the ECF Chromebook Request Form in order to get a Chromebook for a student. Please make sure to read the request/commitment form carefully. Chromebooks will be delivered to ROHS toward the end of each week.
Please visit the District Technology Website for additional information and support. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Hermon (Amy.Hermon@royaloakschools.org)
Graduating Seniors!
To ensure that you do not lose access to your Xello data and account after you graduate, please make sure you have your PERSONAL email attached to your account.
- Go to your dashboard, click on the face in the upper right
- In the PERSONAL section, click ADD EMAIL ADDRESS
- insert your personal email.
You will receive a validation email to the personal address you provided. This allows you uninterrupted access to Xello after graduation. This will allow you, in addition to exploring Careers, Schools and Majors, to access the Jobs through Opportunities on the home page, as well as scholarships under College Planning!
For additional help, go to help@xello.world.
Juniors & Seniors can look under College Planning on their Dashboard!
Freshman & Sophomores look under Links & Resources.
Spring Testing SAT/PSAT Score Information:
- If you are unable to see your score, there may have been an issue linking the score with your College Board Account
- Call: 866-870-3127, Option 2 for help with this issue.
Sign in to My AP.
Go to My AP Profile and select Registration. Confirm it's set to the right school year, 2023/24
Confirm that the school listed as the School You Attend is the right one. Double-check the city and state since there can be multiple schools with the same name.
If you need to make a change, search for and select your school. If multiple schools are listed after you enter your school name, you can use the zip code filter to help narrow down the search results to your location. Click Save.
For additional assistance, students may contact AP Services for Students using this form, or call 888-225-5427 or 212-632-1780.
Student Access to myworkkeys.com
Starting July 1, 2024, students can view their scores online and print their own National Career Readiness Certificate by creating their free account at myworkkeys.com (www.myworkkeys.com). Students will provide the following five matching criteria when creating an account:
- First name •
- Last name •
- Month of birth •
- Day of birth •
- State Assigned Student ID Number (SASID)
Abbie Stys - Counselor (A-D)
Erin Boedeker - Counselor (E-K)
Chloe Dahm - Counselor (L-R)
Jim Bowker- Counselor (S-Z)
Emily Wade - Special Education Social Worker
Clarisa Ceaser - Special Education Social Worker
Ben Weiss - General Education Social Worker
It is time to prep the class of 2025 for their senior year and postsecondary planning options! We met with our current juniors on Thursday, May 30th to review important information regarding senior year and to prepare students for postsecondary planning. The resources covered can be found HERE.
Oakland University (OU) is hosting groups for elementary, middle, and high school students to share study and coping strategies to help promote educational and mental health success for students. See this flyer for details: OU SEHS Counseling Center - Summer Study and Coping Skills Groups
Summer school will be offered for students requiring credit recovery. ROHS summer school information can be found HERE. To enroll, complete the following form: LINK HERE.
Could you benefit from increasing your academic skills to fully prepare for college level coursework? OCC’s College Jumpstart Program will allow students to take one three-credit college course to enhance academic performance, increase self-confidence, and successfully transition to college.
- The Jumpstart Program is offered from July 8 - August 8 on OCC’s Auburn Hills Campus. Tuition is free to Oakland County residents who have earned a high school diploma/GED by the program start date and have not previously attended college classes.
- Students Will Gain the Tools to Succeed in College. During this five-week program students will receive these benefits: a free Chromebook, $700 scholarship for the Fall 2024 semester at OCC, free course materials, lunch provided daily, financial aid and admissions assistance, campus tours, career counseling.
Sign Up is Open Now. Students can head to the website and complete the interest form by 4 p.m. on May 31. Enrollment is limited to 120 participants on a first come, first served basis. Students can reserve a spot today by completing the interest form. Students can learn more by attending a free, online information session. For more information, head to our website. Questions? Contact secondary@oaklandcc.edu
SENIORS, get up to $27,500 for college!
Paying for college just got easier for the Class of 2024 thanks to the Michigan Achievement Scholarship! 7 out of 10 Michigan high school seniors may qualify, no matter your GPA (and there’s no application essay)! Just fill out the new, streamlined FAFSA to apply. Learn more at mi.gov/ACHIEVEMENT
Michigan high school seniors have the chance to follow their dreams AND win free pizza for a year,* just by filling out the newly simplified FAFSA by June 30, 2024. Steps below.
Create FSA ID’s (both student and parent)
Fill out the FAFSA form together. (It’s only 36 questions, no essay required!)
Text FAFSA to 844-34-PIZZA.
We’ll just need your full name, email and mailing address. That’s it! Then, you’ll get your entry confirmation and a link to the full contest rules. Already completed the FAFSA? You’re still eligible. Just text FAFSA to 844-34-PIZZA to enter.
Virtual Behavioral Health Urgent Care through Common Ground
Access to mental health care when you need it most GET HELP NOW. CALL: 248-983-5454
Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC) is a virtual visit platform for people who need immediate emotional or psychiatric support from a licensed healthcare provider.
We recognize that family and community support are integral to our success. This is why we encourage you to join the Royal Oak High School Parent-Teacher-Student Association! Check out the website for more information.
- Canvas Access Instructions
- Raven Haven School Store
- ROS Music Department Updates
- ROHS Guardian Tech Resources
- Special Education Department Website
>>Call 8-555-OK2SAY (855-565-2729)
>>Text to 652729 (OK2SAY)
>>Email OK2SAY (OK2SAY@mi.gov)
>>Visit the website (https://www.michigan.gov/ok2say)
>>Click here for email access instructions
>>Students are encouraged to change their passwords. They can use this link to do so.
>>Links for ParentPortal and StudentPortal