CHS News
August 23, 2024

September 6, 2024
Spotlight on Student Services
Have you been to Student Services yet this year? The door is open and there is an amazing team ready to help you:
- Counselors – Tracey Jones (A-C), Todd Kriner (D-Jo), JaeHi Hebler (Jp-Ma), Chris Sanders (Mb – Sg), Irene Khaksari (Sh -Z)
- School Psychologist – Stacy Rosock
- Registrars – Jennifer Hopkins (A-H), Kimberly Tracy (I – Z)
- Data & Scheduling – Page Barnes
- Career Readiness – Lisa Clearfield
- Department Secretary – Lynn DeVore
- PPW - Heather Graham
- Multilingual Achievement Liaison - Rosemarie Ha
- Social Workers: Rachel Clark, Amanda Thompson
Student Services is the ‘first stop’ for welcoming and registering new students, as well as creating schedules and resolving scheduling conflicts for all students. Throughout your years in high school, Student Services maintains cumulative records for all students and provides transcripts as needed. During the months of September and October, all students in grades 9 to 12, will attend lessons in Student Services on topics including Naviance, career and college readiness, college application process, student service learning, graduation requirements, and more.
The team assists all students with post-high school career planning, and hosts college visits at CHS for interested students. In particular, Student Services helps seniors with letters of recommendation, as well as hosts information nights for senior parents. In fact, we have a senior parent meeting scheduled for this upcoming Wednesday, September 11, at 7 PM.
Student Services has an open door and provides social and emotional support to students whenever needed.
Learning in Action
Students in Mrs. Galante’s AP Human Geography classes took a walk through history and the continents as they tracked the evolution of cartography (map making), discovering the contributions from societies around the world.
Fall Sportsmanship Video
Thank you to all of our Fall Captains and Drum Majors for creating a positive school environment by creating our Sportsmanship Video for our students and parents.
Drum Majors: Evan Scott, Sean Yu, James Kuo
Football: Brandon Hill, August Dedrick, Daytron Graham
Cross Country: Cate Jorgensen, David Herzberger
Allied Soccer: Jada Benditt Goldstein, Seth Binnie
Cheer: Jiwon Kim, Haylee Simmons, Maddie Reese, Jennifer Littlefield, Leila Mammel, Julia Kuta
JV Field Hockey: Lucy Smith, Gia Morabito, Maria Rubio Pino
Varsity Field Hockey: Jane Baldy, Sarah Middleton, Ava Rudy, Maya Parrish
Golf: Aditi Gunasekar, Krish Ghosh, Brady Harris
Varsity Boys Soccer: Ben Fang, Noah Kantsiper
JV Boys Soccer: Zachary Herzberger, Matthew Yang
JV Volleyball: Jolin Su, Emily Hu, Bella Leider
Varsity Volleyball: Joy Chen, Simar Sidhu, Hannah Shiau
The rules are for everyone, not just students, so please take a minute and watch this amazing video:
https://youtu.be/7Jr5HOObA9kIMPORTANT DATES
- September 10 - PTSA Meeting, 6 PM
- September 10 & 11 - Underclass Pictures
- September 11 - Senior Parent Night, 7 PM
- September 18 - Professional Work Day, Schools Close 3 Hours Early
- September 28 - Homecoming (Breakfast, Parade, Game, Dance)
- September 30 - 2nd Annual Boosters Eagle Golf Classic, register here
- October 5 - Emily Scott Memorial Walk, 10 AM, register here
Homecoming 2024!!!
Please join us on Saturday, September 28, for an exciting day of Homecoming Events:
- Pancake Breakfast: 8 AM – 11 AM
- Homecoming Parade: 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
- Varsity Football vs. River Hill HS: 12 PM
- Homecoming Dance: 7 PM – 10 PM
Pancake Breakfast Hosted by CHS PTSA: 8 – 11 AM
Fuel up for a fun morning by joining our school community for breakfast. All you can eat pancakes, sausage, fruit, drinks, and more. Tickets may be purchased online or at the door. Online ticket sales will begin next week.
CHS Homecoming Parade 10:15 – 11:15 AM
Staging for the parade begins at 9:30 AM in the bus loop at CHS with everyone being in place for the parade no later than 10 AM. The parade will kick off promptly at 10:15 AM!!!
Parade Route:
- Proceed out of the bus loop turning left onto Centennial Lane towards Century Drive
- Turn right onto Century Drive
- Turn right onto Maxine Street
- Turn right onto Centennial Lane
- Turn left into the CHS bus loop (finish)
If you live along the parade route, streets and cross streets may be closed during our parade for the safety of our parade participants. We invite all CHS community members to line the parade route and watch our parade.
We would LOVE for our Future Eagles to join us in the parade. Please email Shalonda Holt at shalonda_holt@hcpss.org or Kelli McDonough at kelli_mcdonough@hcpss.org.
Homecoming Football Game: 12 PM
Our varsity team plays against River Hill High School at 12 PM on Saturday, September 28.
Tickets for the game are available for $ through GoFan.
Homecoming Dance: 7 - 10 PM
Homecoming Dance Ticket Sales
The SGA cordially invites you to the Enchanted Garden Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 28, from 7 PM to 10 PM. Early bird tickets are on sale through OSP for only $12 through Monday, September2, at 11:59 PM, and will then increase to $15. If you are planning on bringing a non-CHS friend with you, guest forms will be available in the front office starting on Wednesday. See Dr. McDonough in Room 106 or Mrs. Holt in Room 405 with any questions.
Homecoming Dance Guest Forms
If you are bringing a guest to the homecoming dance, guest forms are available in the front office starting on Wednesday, August 28, or on the CHS website. All guest forms are due by 2 PM on Monday, September 23. Late forms will not be accepted.
Update Your Family File
All families must update their emergency contact information annually. We’d like Centennial to be the first high school to have 100% of the Family File information to be fully updated, so visit HCPSS Connect today and click submit on the final screen! Read more.
Centennial Class Shirts—Order yours today!
The ABSOLUTE DEADLINE to order your Class Shirt or Sweatshirt will be Sunday, September 8th before midnight! Orders will arrive at CHS just in time for students to wear their class colors for Homecoming Spirit Week!
In keeping with traditions, FRESHMEN wear BLACK, SOPHOMORES wear BLUE, JUNIORS wear WHITE, and SENIORS wear RED!
Use the link to place your order for a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, crewneck sweatshirt or hoodie in your class color! Don't miss the deadline, because we will not have additional shirts in stock!
**This sale supports the CHS Dance Program and is not associated with any other class fundraisers or donation programs.**
Senior Parent Night
Senior parents are invited on Wednesday, September 11th, at 7pm in the auditorium to hear what senior students heard during their English class (September 9th - 11th ) to introduce Student Services staff and roles, explore all careers, college information, understanding college applications, transcript requests, letters of recommendation, Naviance, financial/scholarships, and more.
After School Pizza Sales!
After school pizza sales begin next week! Students staying after school can purchase a slice of cheese pizza ($3 per slice, cash only) before heading to their club meeting, extra-curricular program, study session, or athletic practice/game.
Sales will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and will be fundraisers for the Dance Program, Alpha Achievers, and Science Olympiad. Buy your slice by the gym. All sales are first come, first served.
Eagle Classic Golf Tournament
Calling all Eagles! The Booster's Annual Eagle Classic Golf Tournament is Monday, September 30, at Fairway Hills Golf Course.
Register here for your foursome or as an individual.
All proceeds support all after school activities and sports.
PTSA General Meeting: September 10, 6 PM
Please join us for the PTSA General Meeting on September 10, at 6 PM in the CHS Media Center.
Yearbook Distribution Delayed
Due to a printing defect in the 2024 yearbook, all yearbooks will be reprinted. Unfortunately, this will cause delays in distribution. In communication with our publisher, we can expect that a new batch of printed books by September 30th. Please be patient with us as we navigate this. We want you to have the most quality yearbook possible!
Strategic Planning Stakeholder Input Survey
As part of the HCPSS strategic planning process, students and families are being asked to provide input about their values for our school system.
Parents/Guardians: Please complete this HCPSS Strategic Planning Input Survey by 9/20/2024 and share the student version with your grade 5-12 student(s).
This survey is anonymous and available in multiple languages. If you have students at more than one school, please complete the survey one time, and indicate each school your students attend.
If your student needs assistance completing the survey, please contact our front office for assistance.
Attention Class of 2027!
Our annual donation campaign is up and running! This year we will be in charge of securing a Prom location and beginning the early planning process for next year's Prom. We can't do this without your support! Read more
Help Us Restock the Food Pantry
The CHS Food Pantry was established during the 23/24 school year and has proven to be a great resource for our CHS families in need. We have exhausted many of the items and it needs to be replenished for the new school year.
Donations are requested from our CHS families. Supplies needed include the following items: granola bars, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, mac 'n' cheese, rice, beans, snacks, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, and soup. We with regard to non-food items, we are in need of socks.
Items may be dropped off in Student Services with Ms. DeVore.
Thank you for your support!
3rd Annual Emily Scott Memorial Walk
Please join us on Saturday, October 5, for the 3rd Annual Emily Scott Memorial Walk to benefit the Emily Scott Award presented by the Bright Minds Foundation! Last year we were able to give out FIVE scholarships to high school seniors, including two students from Centennial High School.
Registration is open now!
The event will cost $20 per registrant. The $20 price will guarantee a t-shirt for the walk up until Thursday, September 12th, 2024. After September 12th, a t-shirt will not be guaranteed as our vendor needs a few weeks to fulfill our order. The link to register is located here.
Please Note: Day of registrations will be accepted for $10. Please bring a check made payable to “Centennial High School” or exact change in cash and arrive by 9:45am. There will be no walk shirts for day of registrations!
Unable to attend the walk?
Register for the event using the above link and you can walk virtually with us, or make a donation towards the Emily Scott Award. Please use this link to make a donation of any amount. We appreciate your generosity!
Help Our PTSA Win $5,000!
Please vote for our school in the Big, Bold Back-to-School Challenge. One vote per email address!
Schedule Your Formal Yearbook Picture
Senior Portraits are available through Prestige Photography by Lifetouch. A photo session are available at our school on the following dates: October 7, 8, and 9.
To schedule your appointment, visit schedule.prestigeportraits.com, click the “Locate My School” link, enter the city and state where our school is located. Once you find the school, click the schools’ name and it will take you to the account to schedule and appointment.
Information about session details and pricing may be found here.
For tips about your upcoming session and outfit inspiration, visit prestigeportraits.com.
Information Finder
Keep current on news and events throughout the school year by checking the CHS website: https://chs.hcpss.org. We have added an A to Z Reference Guide to the website as your one-stop information finder: attendance policies, parking permit applications, food and nutrition services, student technology support, and much more.
New From the CHS Theatre Department
Check out the Newsletter from Skyward Theatre — Centennial's Theatre program for information about shows, auditions, merch, and more!
Change of Address
Please remember that all families are required by Policy 9000 to notify HCPSS if they move to a new home address. Current residency documentation must be updated each time residency changes.
ARL Bus Schedules
On the Regular Bell Schedule:
- AM ARL bus departs at 7:50 AM and returns to CHS at 9:35 AM
- PM ARL bus departs on A DAYS (M, T, TH, F) at 12:45 PM and returns at 2:30 PM
- PM ARL bus departs on B DAYS (M, T, TH, F) at 11:15 AM and returns at 2:30 PM
On the Eagle Time Schedule – Wednesdays:
- AM ARL bus departs at 7:50 AM and returns to CHS at 9:35 AM
- PM ARL bus departs on A DAYS at 12:55 PM and returns at 2:30 PM
- PM ARL bus departs on B DAYS at 11:20 AM and returns at 2:30 PM
Career Readiness Monthly Spotlights
Each month, the Career Readiness Advisors spotlight a career industry/cluster. We provide students with information about career cluster pathways, curricular connections to that pathway, and opportunities for students to learn from industry professionals in those clusters.
We are ALWAYS looking for speakers to participate in our monthly virtual panel discussions, and/or to engage with our students as an in-person speaker.
Please click on the following link to share your information:
Important Back to School Information for all CHS Students and Families
Apply for Financial Aide
The HCPSS participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. Students from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals.
Parents/guardians must submit a new application every school year to maintain their student’s eligibility.
Update Your Medication Forms
Students who require medication to be administered during the school day need to have new forms (dated on or after July 1st) completed for this fall. For your convenience, you can find these forms on-line at the HCPSS website. Read more.
Getting to School
The official school hours for Centennial High School for the 2023-2024 school year, as set by the HCPSS Board of Education, will be 7:50 AM to 2:35 PM. Bus schedules will be available online.
We believe that the safest way for students who do not drive themselves to get to school is by accessing the transportation provided. However, we do understand that there may be occasions when it is necessary to drive your student to school. When that happens, please follow the procedures listed below to help ensure the safety of all students during school arrival time.
Students who must be driven to school are to be dropped off from the sidewalk next to Burleigh Manor, along the tennis courts, and to the auditorium entrance at the side of the building following the established traffic pattern. Drivers are NOT to use the parking aisles to drop off students.
Students may NOT be dropped off along Centennial Lane. Parents are to refrain from making U-turns on Centennial Lane as it impedes traffic and contributes to unsafe conditions for students and drivers.
Students who are driving themselves to school are encouraged to arrive early to avoid being tardy. Traffic jams occur daily during the morning rush along Centennial Lane. We very much appreciate your partnership to ensure our commitment to student safety.
Students who arrive at/after 8:00 AM are considered tardy and may receive disciplinary consequences.
Students can arrive as early as 7:00 AM, as our cafeteria is open. Between 7:00 AM and 7:40 AM, students are permitted to wait outside or go to the cafeteria. Students enter through the main doors in the bus loop area (they have to walk on the sidewalk at the auditorium entrance to the front) that lead directly into the cafeteria. Students may NOT go to classrooms before 7:40 AM unless they have a pass from a teacher.
Bus Locator
The online HCPSS bus locator tool is now available and can be found on the HCPSS Transportation webpage. Bus information also can be found in Family File via HCPSS Connect Synergy. With some overlapping school start times and/or transportation exemptions, it is possible that buses for different schools will arrive at bus stops around the same time. Please review your child’s bus number and be sure they know it and check before boarding the bus.
Walk Area Maps
Walk area maps for some schools recently have been updated. Please consult your school’s map to determine if any changes affect your address. Families can find 2023-2024 student walk area maps for each school on the school’s website under View School Details.
Centennial Class Shirts—Order yours today!
Show your school spirit and rep your class--CHS Class Shirts & Sweatshirts have been part of the CHS tradition for almost 20 years! Get yours in time for Homecoming 2023!
Use the link below to order your Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior shirt/sweatshirt--hurry because our online store closes on Sunday, September 17th at 11:59pm. All shirts will be delivered to CHS during spirit week.
Link to order: CHS Online Store
Questions: rebecca_clark@hcpss.org
NOTE: This is not the same shirt that is given out when you make a donation to your graduating class! This item can only be purchased using the link above.
Student Technology Devices
To help remove technology barriers and advance equitable student learning outcomes, HCPSS has moved to a 1:1 student-to-device ratio. All students have or will be provided with a Chromebook. These devices are required for all county and state testing and assessments. HCPSS Technology and Devices information
Students who do not currently have an HCPSS issued device should report to the Media Center to have one assigned on Monday, August 26.
All students will be assigned a locker. Students may come to the front office before the school day begins, during their lunch shifts, or during Eagle Time to report a broken locker or request help with a locker.
Parking Permits
Permission for students to drive and park vehicles on school system property is a privilege. Parking spaces for students at Centennial High School are limited. Accordingly, in order to be granted this privilege, applications for parking permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis in priority order: 1) Seniors; 2) Students enrolled in Work Study/Intern Mentor Programs; and, 3) Juniors.
Permits will be issued in this order through the end of the third week of school. Beginning September 18th, remaining permits will be issued in the order applications are received. Permits will not be reserved for students who do not yet have a valid Maryland Driver's License. Students ARE NOT required by the school system to attend a ‘Safe Driving’ presentation this school year.
To apply for your permit:
- Login to HCPSS.me.
- Complete the application packet and save as a pdf.
- Take a photo of your driver’s license.
- Follow this link to submit the online application. The information collected through the online application is required by HCPSS.
- Your submission will be reviewed, and you will be notified via email once it is accepted.
For questions about applying for a parking permit at CHS please contact Marie Dow at marie_dow@hcpss.org.
Please follow these procedures to report an absence:
Absence notes and tardy notes for excused absences are to be emailed to CHSabsence@hcpss.org. Students who bring in physical notes may drop them off in the front office before the start of the school day.
Discretionary absence requests must be completed and attached through email in advance of the absence. The last possible day of school for the 23/24 SY is June 18th. If there are any make-up days added to the end of the year, we need you to be available to take exams on any day from June 7-18. Any requests for Discretionary Absences during that window of time will not be approved. Likewise, Discretionary Absences will not be granted during the week of January 16th, mid-term exam week. For questions about attendance, please reach out to our Attendance Secretary, Diane Howse at diane_howse@hcpss.org.
Support the Groups Who Support Us
The CHS PTSA offers programs, services, and supports to enhance the high school experience for all students, teachers, and parents. Join the PTSA now by logging into the CHS PTSA website.
The CHS Boosters serve all student extracurricular activities, including sports teams, school clubs, and student organizations. Join the Boosters now by logging into the CHS Boosters website.
Friends of Music supports vocal and instrumental music at CHS to guarantee the sustainability of these programs and to provide vital support to our music directors. Help our talented musicians thrive by joining us today through the FOM website: http://www.centennialmusic.org/.
It is important to support organizations that do so much for us and our students. We are a community!
Information About Bullying
The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Preventing bullying is an important part of this goal. HCPSS Policy 9460 states that bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation are prohibited in HCPSS. Our administration and staff have been trained and made aware of this policy as well as preventative and responsive measures.
We know how important your role is in not only supporting your children, but also reporting possible incidents as you become aware of them. The Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment and Intimidation (BCHI Reporting Form should be used to report all alleged incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation that occur at school or have a connection back to the school setting that create a risk of harm to other students while they are at school or interfere with the educational environment. An online version is available and can easily and confidentially be used by students, staff, and family members. Hard copies of this form are available in the main office, staff workroom, school counseling office, media center, and health services office. If you believe your child has been bullied, please complete and submit this form as soon as possible and/or assist your child in doing so.
Once the form is submitted, school administrators will ensure the parent/guardian of both the alleged target and alleged offender are aware of the report and will begin an investigation within two school days of receiving the report. Parents/guardians can expect a school administrator to reach out to them during the investigation. Once the investigation is completed, parents/guardians will be provided with written notice of the outcome of the investigation within fifteen days of receiving the complaint, excluding extenuating circumstances.
There are times when incidents of peer conflict or code of conduct offenses may occur that may not be bullying but may need follow up action. If you become aware of something that falls under conflict and/or a code of conduct offense, please notify a school administrator via email or phone call so that they can become aware and follow up as needed.
Lastly, cberbullying is bullying using electronic media like computers, cell phones, and game systems. Our digital interconnectedness makes bullying different and more damaging than it’s ever been before. It allows hatred and publicly humiliating gossip or photos to be instantly far-reaching and inescapable as electronic media is everywhere. It can NOT simply be ignored. In October 2013, the State of Maryland enacted Grace’s Law, making misuse of interactive computer services a criminal offense. Its purpose is to prohibit anyone from using electronic media (computers, tablets, phones, etc.) to maliciously engage in conduct that inflicts serious emotional distress on a minor and/or places that minor in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. A person who is found guilty of violating this law is subject to imprisonment and/or fines.
While all of this information will be reviewed with students at school, we are asking you to do the same at home. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring all of our students feel a sense of safety and belonging in their school communities! More information can be found on the HCPSS Stop Bullying website. If you have any questions regarding this policy or its implementation, please contact a school administrator.
EAGLE Raffle!!!
Don’t forget to join and support all 3 Centennial groups - CHS PTSA, Boosters, and Friends of Music - by Sept 10th, to be entered in the Eagle Membership Raffle! Homecoming tickets, pancake Breakfast, Spirit Wear and performance seating. https://www.centennialboostersonline.com/ https://www.chs-ptsa.org/ http://www.centennialmusic.org/
HC DrugFree
Know what's happening in Howard County. Sign up for HC DrugFree's free newsletter at tinyurl.com/HCDFNews or follow us on social media to get updates on events as well as information to keep your family safe and informed:
- Facebook: facebook.com/HCdrugfree
- X: twitter.com/chdrugfree
- LinkedIn:linkedin.com/company/ch-drugfree
Affordable & Convenient Year-Round SAT & ACT Prep, College Essay Writing Workshops & Admissions Crash Courses in Partnership with Howard County High Schools
Both in-person and live, virtual, eight-hour college prep classes are being offered in partnership with Atholton, Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt. Hebron, Reservoir, and Wilde Lake high schools and are open to students from all high schools.
SAT Prep Boot Camp at Centennial HS
Sat., and Sun., Sept. 21 & 22 from 9 AM - 1 PM
HoCo College Essay Writing Workshops - ONLY TWO OPPORTUNITIES LEFT!
Sat., & Sun., Sept. 7 & 8, from 9 AM - 1 PM @ University of Maryland
M/W Sept. 9 & 1, from 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM @ Wilde Lake HS
These workshops affordably help seniors craft their Common App personal essay from idea generation, to outline, to the completion of a first draft.
Virtual College Admissions Crash Course
NEXT COHORT: Sept. 10, 12, 17, 19, from 7 PM - 9 PM
A top-level overview of everything high school students need to know about the complicated, confusing, and competitive world of college admissions in order to best support their own application and college success. Appropriate for 10th-12th graders.
CHS students can register for ANY Answer Class at ANY location or online – and a percentage of tuition will be donated to CHS PTSA! School year classes are being regularly added –check here often!
- Centennial High School’s website is a great source of information at https://chs.hcpss.org.
- On Twitter @hcpss_CHS and Instagram @CentennialHS.
- Read the Wingspan, CHS student newspaper
- CHS PTSA https://www.chs-ptsa.org/and CHS Boosters https://www.centennialboostersonline.com/.
- CHS Friends of Music http://www.centennialmusic.org/
- Register to receive school system updates and alerts at https://www.hcpss.org/hcpss-news/, click on Subscribe and select Centennial High School.
👋 Need more help? Reach out to support@smore.com