Steele Stallion Press
Sept. 25, 2024

December 6, 2024
Upcoming Events
Dec 6 - School Tours Start
Dec 10 - Colorado Gives Day
Dec 10 - Steele Dines Out at Campus Lounge
Dec 23 - Jan 7 - No School/Winter Break
Jan 10 - First Friday Coffee with the Principal, 8:30
No CSC or PTA meetings in December
From the Principal
Dear Steele families,
We’ve had a great week back with students! Although we only have a couple of weeks before winter break we’ve got a lot going on. Our student council just met to organize a spirit week for the last week of school. Here is what you need to know:
Monday, 12/16 - Winter Whiteout: Think head to toe snow
Tuesday, 12/17 - Switch Day: Dress like your friend, a teacher, or someone you admire
Wednesday, 12/18 - Grade level color days
kindergarten - pink & purple
first grade - orange
second grade - red
third grade - green
fourth grade - yellow
fifth grade - blue
Thursday, 12/19 - Pajama Day
Friday, 12/20 - Holiday Aesthetic - Fun and festive holiday gear
December also marks the start of school tours at Steele. Do you know any families who might be interested in joining our community? Encourage them to sign up for a tour on our website.
Have a great weekend!
Check out this week’s Caught in the Act Winners!
Marti_Rosenberg@dpsk12.netSchool News
Important Parking Information!
Next week, Denver Water crews will be in our area using video monitoring equipment to inspect underground infrastructure. This work is expected to last one day. Please carefully read the information below.
Where: South Lafayette Street between East Alameda and East Dakota avenues.
What to expect:
“No Parking” signs will be posted in the work area. Street parking will not be available during working hours and vehicles left in the “No Parking” zone may be subject to tow.
There are no planned water outages on this project; however, while unlikely, emergency water shut-offs may occur.
A small portion of South Lafayette Street will be closed between East Alameda and East Dakota avenues; however, flaggers will be present to assist with traffic control.
Working hours are typically Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Denver Water Customer Care at 303-893-2444, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., or visit denverwater.org/Construction
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Steele Dines Out - Campus Lounge on Tuesday 12/10
20% of total sales goes back to Steele!
Colorado Gives Day - Dec 10
Every year our community participates in the giving tradition of Colorado Gives Day, an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. Colorado Gives Day is a great opportunity to make your tax-deductible contribution to support our tremendous school and thriving students. Our 2024/25 Colorado Gives Day campaign goal is $8,000, to help us meet the PTA’s overall fundraising goal of $300,000. The more money Steele raises between now and Colorado Gives Day, the more of a boost we will receive from the Community First Foundation's $1+ million-dollar incentive fund.
The Steele PTA page for Colorado Gives Day is here.
New recurring donation match this year! If you set up a new recurring monthly donation on ColoradoGives.org in the next 3 weeks, Colorado Gives Foundation will match your first month’s gift, dollar for dollar, up to $100 (with a total match pool of $250,000 across all organizations)!
*Does your employer match your donations to nonprofits (501c3)? If so, you can double your
impact by using your employer’s donation matching program!
School Photo Orders
The fall 2024 ordering period for school photos will close on December 31st, 2024. After this date, a minimum order of $18 will apply. To take advantage of no minimums, be sure to view and place your orders before the deadline.
Picture Day Dashboard: https://thebloombeehive.com/steele
Thank you for your continued support!
All the best,
Bloom School Pictures
Art Exhibit
Check out the 2nd Grade Winter Joy Exhibition at the Eugene Field Library now through January 7th!
2nd Graders were asked to create a piece of art that brings them joy in the winter for our local library. Congrats to all the 2nd Graders who worked hard on their pieces!
Staff December Gifts
Hello Steele Families!
For the holidays the PTA collects funds from the school community to give to our extras/office/other staff. It’s Holiday time!!
Below are all the staff members that will be gifted from your contribution....
Specials x5
Office Staff x4
Custodial staff x3
Lunchroom staff x3
Intervention/Team Leads: x2
Special Ed
If you would like to say happy holidays by contributing to their monetary gift, please do so in one of these ways by Friday 12/13.
- Venmo: @Gaby-Wentworth (indicate specials)
- Zelle: gabywentworth@gmail.com
- Cash or check dropped off in an envelope marked Specials in my mailbox at 1224 South Gaylord St.
Thank you so much and please reach out if you have questions.
Gaby Wentworth (Max and Poppy’s mom)
Lunchroom Updates
DPS has started an A La Carte program for students. This means that students can purchase additional items with their lunch. To do this, students must have money in their My School Bucks account. Steele is working to get a list of items being sold as well as their ingredients and will share that when we have it.
Get Involved in the 2025 Steele Auction!
Looking for a way to become more involved with the community next year? We’re looking for 2 co-chairs to lead the planning and organization of the 2025 Steele Auction! The only prerequisite? A genuine passion for Steele. The auction committee will support you every step of the way with planning, organizing, and fundraising efforts. If you're interested in learning more about the role and what’s involved, reach out to us at auctionsteele@gmail.com for more details.
Community Events
Shop and Support Steele
Minted's Fundraising Program
Shop, Save and Give Back
Enjoy 20% off Minted holiday cards and gifts using our exclusive code, and they'll donate 15% of every purchase back to our cause.
Ongoing Ways To Support Steele
King Soopers - to link your card, search Steele or EG710
Quick Links & Helpful Information
STEELE INFO: School Calendar| Lunch Menu | My School Bucks Login | Specials Rotations | Steele Directory | DONATE NOW
AFTERSCHOOL INFO: Discovery Link Login | Discovery Link Info
PTA INFO: Sign-up to Volunteer | PTA Website | Contact PTA
COMMUNITY INFO: Merrill Middle School News | South High School Raven News
To submit information to this weekly Friday newsletter, send concise and edited content to steelecommunication@gmail.com by 12 PM on the Wednesday before publication.
Vice President of Communication: Mike Moore
Press Editors: Jamie Nicolson and Laura Bushek