Dear GST BOCES Community
Greater Southern Tier (GST) BOCES, in strong partnership with our 21 component school districts, fosters and creates educational opportunities that are engaging, relevant and supportive to all learners.
We are constantly researching and investigating how to create the most engaging working environment while continuing to meet the demands of the 21st Century. Our students certainly deserve learning opportunities that reflect the challenges they will be faced with in whatever career pathway they select.
The world has changed and afforded the 21st Century Learner the opportunity to learn and experience knowledge differently than anyone thought possible just a few short years ago. We live in an information driven world, and we must ensure that all students in the Greater Southern Tier have the same experiences and opportunities as any other students across the state or the nation. Through collaboration with our 21school districts, business and industry partners and many others, these are the learning, working and educational spaces we create together at GST BOCES. Together, we provide authentic, diversified and supportive environments with an unwavering focus on student success.
Educating all children is our commitment and is definitely a “team” effort. The Greater Southern Tier is proud to be paving the road to success for your child. We are so glad that you are part of our team!
Kelly Houck
District Superintendent
Greater Southern Tier BOCES
Open House information
Bush Campus Open House
Enrolled students are welcome to attend with their families to meet their teachers and learn more about their day at GST BOCES Bush Campus.
STEM Academy Open House
Enrolled students are welcome to attend with their families to meet their STEM Academy teachers and learn more about their day at SUNY Corning Community College.
Coopers Campus Open House
Enrolled students are welcome to attend with their families to meet their teachers and learn more about their day at GST BOCES Coopers Campus.
Wildwood Campus Open House
Enrolled students are welcome to attend with their families to meet their teachers and learn more about their day at GST BOCES Wildwood Campus.
Component district leaders toured GST BOCES
Ask a leader from any of the GST BOCES component districts what they saw when touring the Bush, Coopers or Wildwood campuses... you will hear about:
- passion and genuine love of learning
- level of student engagement
- upgrades and new programming
- industry standard experiences
- work-based learning
- students knowing what they were doing with the ability to work independently
- impressive curriculum
- community partnerships
- internships that lead to job offers
- earning a certification
- perfecting a hobby
- a fashion show in the spring to display their hard work
- SkillsUSA
- attend college for aerospace, fashion design, business, etc.
- already have a job offer
- start working with GST certification
It is our hope to enhance communication and overall understanding of what BOCES is and does. There are many ways to keep up to date on all that is going on at GST in any given day, week or month. Here are a few tools to use to increase your communication with GST:
Here you will find valuable up-to-date information regarding school events, cancellations, useful links, district policies and community information.
This is a great way to stay in touch and to receive answers to questions. Contact information can be found on the GST BOCES website. (www.gstboces.org)
Social Media
If you are not, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. A significant amount of information and updates are shared on our social media platforms.
GST BOCES can be contacted directly by phoning 607-739-3581.
Other Forms of Communication
Classroom newsletters and the electronic welcome sign are other examples of how to communicate effectively with GST BOCES.
Nothing but success for GST!
Follow GST BOCES for more stories on social media
Instagram: gst_boces
Website: www.gstboces.org
Location: GST Boces Bush Campus, Philo Road, Elmira, NY, USA
Phone: 607-739-3581
Facebook: Facebook.com/gstboces
Twitter: @GSTBOCES