Spartan Mail
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Good morning, Battle High School!
TODAY is a "B" day.
These are the daily announcements.
Welcome Back!
In case you have forgotten the bell schedule - please see below.
Since we do not know what the weather will do, please take note of the Early release schedule as well as the Late Start schedule below.
Students! This is 2nd semester - B day. Check Infinite Campus for schedule.
From the counseling office...
We will NOT be able to make any schedule changes at this time unless you have previously discussed it with your counselor.
If you have a hole in your schedule (ex: NO 3rd block class listed on A day) OR if you believe there was an error, PLEASE email your counselor ASAP and they will address it.
Those interested in playing football next year...
There will be a football meeting and workouts TODAY @ 4:15pm in the Weight Room.
Last chance to help out Swim & Dive!
We have a giant swimming/diving event at Mizzou Aquatic Center TOMORROW & Saturday, Jan.10th & 11th and are looking to see if anyone is needing volunteer hours for anything.
You are welcome to sign up here in the slots that are open
Mark your calendar NOW for Movie Day!
Movie Day is on January 28th, during 3rd block on B day.
Blue and Gold Card Incentive
Sign up using or code from flyer
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Evers.
Culture Club meets TODAY!
Culture Club will be meet TODAY, Thursday in room E101 after school from 4:15pm – 5:15pm.
We will be talking about Asian New Year/Lunar New Year celebrations and meaning.
We will also be serving food and Playing Trivia.
All are welcome.
BLARM deadline extended
The BLARM deadline for submission has been extended!
Please submit all writing, visual art, or creative work to us before the *new* deadline, Friday, January 17th.
You can scan the QR code or simply email us at
See Mr. Smith or Breleigh Moore if you have any questions!
Freshmen, Sophomores & Juniors!
It's almost time to choose classes for next school year!
Course fair during lunches - Jan. 21-24
Stop and check out the tables during lunch in the Commons.
Course Fair in Commons Jan. 22nd
Students and Parents come visit after school with our teachers offering their courses.
Course Requests due Friday, Jan. 24th
Students - your course request forms will be due by the end of the day on Friday, Jan. 24th to the Counseling office.
Student Individual Advisements - Jan. 27th - Feb. 21st
Each student will meet with their counselor during this time to finalize their class schedule for next school year.