Collins Cadence
January 10, 2025
Collins Cobras
Dr. Julie English, Interim Principal
Cassie Hertzenberg, Interim Principal
Chelsea Harness, Assistant Principal
Chiante Deal, Counselor 5th Grade
Alex Schultz, Counselor 6th Grade
Email: contactcollins@conroeisd.net
Website: http://collins.conroeisd.net/
Location: Collins Intermediate, 6020 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 281-298-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollinsCISD/
Twitter: @CollinsCobras
Greetings from Dr. Julie English and Mrs. Cassie Hertzenberg, Interim Principals for Collins Intermediate
We are so excited to join the amazing staff at Collins Intermediate. We will be sharing the responsibility as principal for the spring semester. For the most part, we will be alternating weeks on campus. Both of us retired from our positions in May, 2024 and are now working for the district to substitute and support campuses where needed.
We have enjoyed getting to know the students and staff at Collins. This is a wonderful school and community. We feel very blessed to have the opportunity to spend the next few months here.
Please know that while we will be alternating weeks, we will be in communication throughout each week in order for each of us to be informed of the day to day happenings on campus.
You can reach us through email at:
Bus Tag Reminders
Please remember that your student needs to have a SMART Tag on their backpack to ride the bus every day. If your student has lost their bus tag, they need to request a replacement by clicking the link below.
Mrs. Leblanc's Retirement Concert
Key Dates
Lost & Found
We still have a very full lost and found! If you see any of your child’s belongings, please remind them to pick it up from the stage during lunch. As we have colder weather, please remember to label your child’s jackets and all belongings so they can easily be returned to their rightful owners when misplaced!
Reporting Absences at Collins
The district has created an app to report student absences. Please see the information below to access the absence reporting app. You will not be able to upload files, so you will still bring any notes or documents to the front office, or email them to our registrar at nvillanueva@conroeisd.net
Parent Portal
If you haven't already signed up for the new parent portal, you will need to sign up before you can access the absence reporting app. This is also where you can check your child's grades, progress reports, and report cards.
Student Clubs Calendar
UIL Academics
UIL Academics
The University Interscholastic League (UIL) Academics program is a competitive academic and literary program that offers a variety of contests for students. The program is aligned to state standards and covers a variety of academic topics.
Conroe ISD offers the following competitions for both 5th and 6th grade: Art, Number Sense, Music Memory, Listening, Dictionary Skills, Oral Reading. Social Studies, and Maps, Graphs and Charts. In addition to those listed already 6th graders can also compete in Mathematics, Science, Impromptu Speaking, and Modern Oratory.
Each competition can have a team of 3 students who compete and one alternate for each grade level. Students may compete in up to 2 events that do NOT take place at the same time. To commit you must be available to complete on the dates below:
Interested in representing Collins on one of our UIL Academic teams? Learn more about each UIL event and sign up below. (We do not guarantee having representation in all events, depending on teacher sponsorship and student interest)
Interested? Fill out the interest form here!
Welcome back Cobras! We will be beginning our basketball unit this week. We will begin with lead up activities and work our way up to playing games. We will have a cobra cardio day on Jan. 15th for a grade.
We are very excited to have Knox athletics come talk to our 6th graders on Friday the 17th! The coaches will be going over the differences between PE and Athletics, explaining how Cross Country, Cheer, and Drill are year long commitments, and what the options are for their PE credit.
In Mr. Hunt’s art class, we are continuing to work on our grid art project. Students are learning how to draw realistically and how to color with oil pastel. In Mrs. Williams’ art class we are working with clay. Students are exploring how to use a variety of tools, practicing different techniques for working with clay, mapping out their designs in an orthographic drawing and beginning their final clay project.
5th Grade Music/Art Field Trip
Collins 5th grade Music/Art students are going to see College Park High School's production of Anastasia The Musical on Wednesday, January 15th, and we are in need of chaperones. All chaperones MUST complete the Conroe ISD Volunteer Application to be eligible. Below is a link to the application.
If you’re interested in chaperoning our field trip, please sign up below!
Community Events
Feeder School Events
Calling Future Cavaliers! Experience the Magic of Anastasia the Musical at College Park High School
– Future Cavaliers, this one’s for you! The Woodlands College Park High School invites you to a magical evening of theatre as we proudly present Anastasia the Musical on January 16, 17, and 18 at 7:00 PM, with a special matinee on January 18 at 2:00 PM.
Bring your family and friends to see this extraordinary production, based on the animated classic that follows Anya’s thrilling journey of self-discovery and adventure. You’ll be amazed by the incredible talent and hard work of the students you’ll soon be joining!
Tickets are just $10 for students and $13 for adults when purchased online at www.twcptheatre.com. Seating is limited, so grab your tickets early to secure your spot for an unforgettable night of music, drama, and fun.
Let this performance inspire your passion for the arts and give you a glimpse into the incredible opportunities awaiting you at College Park Theatre. We can’t wait to see you there!
For more details, visit our website or contact us at ssegura@conroeisd.net
Spirit Wear
This is your last chance to purchase spirit wear this year!
6th Grade Parents
Math Selection Placements
It is the time of year that many families start to think about course selections for Knox as we move into our spring semester. We have created a short presentation that discusses options student will have in regard to their math selections. Please watch the presentation and view all linked documents to help make the best decision for your student as they transition to Knox next year.
Teams Math Selection Q&A: Tuesday, January 14th , 6 p.m.
Additional Documents/Sites linked in the presentation:
CISD Summer School Information
2024-2025 Handbook
Times to Remember
Times to remember
Bell Schedule:
- 8:50 AM—4:05 PM
- Students may enter the building by 7:45 AM (Please enter 5th grade side door)
Lunch Times (Visitor to Collins Café must sign up here... https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DA4AB2EA6FBC43-50692527-collins#/)
- A Lunch (5th grade) 11:55 - 12:30 PM
B Lunch (6th grade) 12:35 PM-1:10 PM
- 8:00 AM—4:30 PM
End of Day:
- 3:30 PM Calls to change transportation will end
- 3:40 PM Early check out of students will end
- 3:35 PM Cones for car rider dismissal will be set - cars for early pick up will not fit in front parking area
- 3:50 PM First Flight (7 cars) will move forward to cones
- 4:05 PM Flights 1 - 6 dismissed along with bike riders
- 4:10 PM Walkers dismissed - continue to scan parents cars using sign with student's ID number. Students will meet parents at cones 1 - 7. Once a flight is loaded it will be dismissed to take a RIGHT hand turn only to exit.
- Buses will be dismissed based on bus arrival to campus.
Other Helpful Links
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The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.