News for the Nest
January 31, 2025
A newsletter for Clayton families from school leadership and the PTA
News from School Leadership
SELabration Week & School Counselors Week - see below
Monday, Feb 3
- 3:30 CAC Meeting at Library
Tuesday, Feb 4
Wednesday, Feb 5
- Pajama Day (see below)
Thursday, Feb 6
- 6:00 pm Evening Choir Performance
Friday, Feb 7
- Wear Clayton spirit wear
Saturday, Feb 8 Happy Birthday, Ms. Heape!
Looking Ahead
Feb 11 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Capitol
Feb 14 - Buy-A-Spot Sign Ups go live at 4:00pm (more details to come via email)
Feb 17 - NO SCHOOL (Parent-Teacher Conference Day)
Feb 21 - 8:00 am School-wide Assembly to celebrate Nan Clayton's 90th birthday and Black History Month - Students wear red for Nan Clayton 🍎
Next week is SELebration Week + Counselor Appreciation Week
SEL is social emotional learning. We LOVE SEL at Clayton! 💜
Wednesday, Feb 5 - Pajama Day
From Our Counselors
Counselors seeking topics for Coffee Talks
Seeking Volunteers for Career Day in May
Click on image to access form
Valentine's Day is Feb 14 - please do not send treats or candy for the class
Many students have food allergies. Please do not send food or treats for the class on Valentine's Day. Teachers will send out information regarding card exchanges. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
ICYMI (see below for repeat info)
Big Changes to PreK enrollment process and timeline for 2025-26
Summary: Clayton will continue to have a Pre-Kindergarten program for four-year-olds for the 2025-26 school year. Families can apply for PreK earlier this year, compared to past years. Enrollment for PreK opens February 5. A significant change to be aware of is that parents across AISD will be able to rank their top three schools, and seats will be allocated based on a random lottery system. There will be no waitlist or priority selection. Families will be notified of the lottery outcomes on March 14, 2025.
Further Information: In February 2025, Austin ISD is launching an Early Bird Tuition-Based Pre-K4 enrollment period for families that do not qualify for free Pre-K4. This initiative will provide families the opportunity to enter a randomized selection process for a limited number of Pre-K4 seats in order to better plan for their child care needs.
Please note that families who qualify for free Pre-K are guaranteed a seat for their child. These spots have been reserved and will open for applications on April 1, 2025. Learn about the qualifications for free Pre-K >
Austin ISD families interested in an Early Bird Tuition-Based Pre-K4 seat can apply to up to three (3) Pre-K4 campuses from February 5 – March 7, 2025. Seats will be allocated based on a random lottery system, and there will be no waitlist or priority selection. Families will be notified of the lottery outcomes on March 14, 2025.
2025–26 Early Bird Pre-K4 Guidelines
- Students must be four years of age on or before September 1, 2025 to apply
- Students must live within Austin ISD boundaries (i.e. no out-of-district transfers)
- Pre-K4 Dual Language programs and Winn Montessori are excluded from Early Bird Pre-K4
- Programs follow the Austin ISD School Year calendar
- Full-day curriculum runs from 7:45 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Monthly tuition for full-day Pre-K4 is $550
- Families selected for Early Bird Pre-K4 will be required to submit a deposit to secure their seat, which will be applied to the first month’s tuition
Caregiver Learning Opportunity at BARANOFF ELEMENTARY
2nd Annual CLAYTON ROCKS Adult Fundraiser!
All donations support our second annual fundraiser, are tax-deductible and will be acknowledged in our silent auction catalog. Please share with friends, family, and your community! Thank you for your support!
Graduating Senior Alumni Scholarship
Restocking Perez Food Pantry
2025 PTA General Member Meetings!
We welcome all players in the southwest Austin area in 1st through 8th grades. The SWAG Lacrosse team is the primary feeder program for the Bowie HS Girls Lacrosse club. At the youth level, the emphasis is on fundamentals and having fun. The program is designed to introduce young players to the competitive side of the sport while enjoying the game. We are hosting open practices in January for any girls wanting to try it out! QUESTIONS: admin@bowielax.com