News From The Ranch
2025 V24
School Information
School Hours
Office Hours are 6:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Doors and Front Gate Open at 6:50 a.m.
Breakfast Served From 6:50 a.m. to 7:20 a.m.
First Bell @ 7:20 a.m. - Teachers pick up their students from the designated area.
Tardy Bell @ 7:30 a.m.
Dismissal Time @ 2:45 p.m.
Vineyard Ranch Office and Administrator Contact Information
Kelli Nungesser, Principal, knunge@neisd.net
Amy Molloy, Assistant Principal, amollo@neisd.net
Meghan Myers, School Counselor, mmyers@neisd.net
Shanda Ince, School Counselor, since@neisd.net
Elsa Apolinar, Bilingual Instructional Coach, eapoli@neisd.net
Johnna Puente, School Nurse - jpuent2@neisd.net
Janet Aragon, Data Processor (registration and attendance) - jarago@neisd.net
Upcoming Dates
Friday, February 14th - Valentine's Day Card Exchange
Monday, February 17th - President's Day - Student Holiday
Tuesday, February 18th - TELPAS Reading and Writing Test for 3rd and 4th Grade
Wednesday, February 19th - TELPAS Reading and Writing Test For 2nd and 5th Grade
Thursday, February 20th - Kindergarten Field Trip
Monday, February 24th - PTA Advocacy Day
Tuesday, February 25th - TELPAS Listening and Speaking Test for 4th and 5th Grade
Wednesday, February 26th - 4th Grade Field Trip
Thursday, February 27th - TELPAS Listening and Speaking Test for 2nd and 3rd Grade
News From Mrs. Nungesser
Hello Bronco Families,
We've had a busy but exciting week at Vineyard Ranch! Our first graders truly sparkled and shined during their Pajama Party Performance—their energy and enthusiasm lit up the stage! A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped set up and prepare the stage. Your time and effort made this special event even more magical for our students and families!
We also had an incredible turnout at our PreK and Kinder Round-Up, with over 40 families joining us to learn more about what makes Vineyard Ranch such a special place. If you know anyone who is interested in their child becoming part of The Ranch Family, please encourage them to reach out to us, we’d love to welcome them!
As we move through the school year, we want to remind everyone about our Lost and Found. Over the next few weeks, lost and found items will be placed in the courtyard each morning if you want to stop by and check the items. Any unclaimed items remaining at the end of the school year will be donated to the NEISD PTA Clothes Closet.
Thank you for your support in making Vineyard Ranch such a wonderful place for our students to learn and grow!
Mrs. Nungesser
Proud Principal of Vineyard Ranch
Hola Familias de Vineyard Ranch,
¡Hemos tenido una semana ocupada pero emocionante en Vineyard Ranch! Nuestros estudiantes de primer grado realmente brillaron durante su presentaciĂłn de Pajama Party—¡su energĂa y entusiasmo iluminaron el escenario! Un enorme agradecimiento a todos los voluntarios que ayudaron a preparar y organizar el escenario. ¡Su tiempo y esfuerzo hicieron que este evento especial fuera aĂşn más mágico para nuestros estudiantes y familias!
TambiĂ©n tuvimos una increĂble participaciĂłn en nuestro evento PreK y Kinder Round-Up, con más de 40 familias que nos acompañaron para conocer más sobre lo que hace de Vineyard Ranch un lugar tan especial. Si conoce a alguien interesado en que su hijo forme parte de la Familia de Vineyard Ranch, anĂmelo a comunicarse con nosotros—¡nos encantarĂa darles la bienvenida!
A medida que avanzamos en el año escolar, queremos recordarles sobre nuestra área de objetos perdidos. Durante las prĂłximas semanas, los artĂculos perdidos estarán colocados en el patio cada mañana, por si desean pasar a revisar. Cualquier artĂculo no reclamado al final del año escolar será donado al Closet de Ropa de PTA de NEISD.
¡Gracias por su apoyo para hacer de Vineyard Ranch un lugar maravilloso donde nuestros estudiantes pueden aprender y crecer!
Sra. Nungesser
Orgullosa Directora de Vineyard Ranch
Stock The Lounge
We are still accepting donations for Stock the Lounge!
Let's show our teachers and staff just how much we appreciate them! We will be stocking the Teachers' Lounges with all of their favorite snacks and drinks to treat our Vineyard Ranch staff like they are "all of that and a bag of chips!"
Congratulations To Our PTA Reflections Winners
This year’s PTA Reflections contest theme, Accepting Imperfection, inspired our talented Broncos to create incredible works of art through the medium of their choice. We are especially excited to announce that Penelope Cox’s dance choreography will be advancing to the state level for judging!
We are so proud of all our students for their creativity and artistic expression. Way to go, Broncos!
Valen-Kind Week
February 10th - February 14th
Join Us For Classroom Garden Day
Classroom Garden Day is coming up on Sunday, February 16th from 9:30-12:30pm. Please join us in preparing our first wildflower bed, painting rocks, and doing some general garden clean up. A link with additional details will be sent out soon to sign up for this event; drop ins welcome.
DĂŤA DEL JARDĂŤN: El DĂa del JardĂn será el domingo 16 de febrero de 9:30 a 12:30 p.m. Ăšnase a nosotros para preparar nuestra primera cama de flores silvestres, pintar piedras y hacer una limpieza general del jardĂn. Se enviará un enlace con más detalles para inscribirse en este evento.
Air Purifier Boxes
On Friday, February 21st from 7:30-9:30am we will be replacing the filters on our incredible air purifiers. A link with additional details will be sent out soon to sign up for this event; drop ins welcome. Do you want to learn how to make these powerful and affordable air purifiers for your home or for your child’s classroom? Join us on Friday, February 21st for a tutorial! Our current air filters reside in the cafeteria, library, music rooms, and front office and are always working overtime to ensure our common spaces have clean air.
CAJAS PURIFICADORAS DE AIRE: El viernes 21 de febrero de 7:30 a 9:30 a.m. estaremos reemplazando los filtros de nuestros increĂbles purificadores de aire. Se enviará un enlace con más detalles para inscribirse en este evento. ÂżQuieres aprender cĂłmo hacer estos poderosos y econĂłmicos purificadores de aire para tu hogar o para el aula de tu hijo? Entonces acompáñanos el viernes 21 de febrero para un tutorial. Nuestros filtros de aire actuales están ubicados en la cafeterĂa, la biblioteca, las aulas de mĂşsica y la oficina principal, y siempre están trabajando a toda hora para garantizar que nuestros espacios comunes tengan aire limpio.
Valentine's Day Card Exchange
February 14th
Cafeteria Closure Dates For February
When we close the cafeteria for guests, please know it is due to events being held on the stage, activities in the cafeteria, or decorating for events that take multiple days to prepare.
Our cafeteria will be closed to guests on the following dates in February, as listed in the flyer below.
Thank you for your understanding!
Please make sure you arrive with enough time to sign in and get your visitor badge. The lines may be long to sign in, so please plan accordingly.
A few reminders:
Parent Lunch Tables: These are designated for you and your child on the stage. Please note that your child’s friends cannot join you at the parent lunch table.
Guest Limit: Please limit your party to two guests per person.
Busy Days: Fridays are our busiest days for lunch guests. Please plan accordingly.
Community Resource Fair
Show Off Your Bronco Pride
Early Release Dates
For The School Year
Library News From Mrs. Barnes
Library volunteers are welcome to pop in at any time! The library schedule will be updated weekly and is linked here:
If you would like to apply to be part of our library advisory committee, please complete an application and return it to Mrs. Barnes.
Designated Check Out Time
Just a reminder that the designated time for early check-out is no later than 2:00 p.m. We appreciate your attention to this guideline, as it helps ensure a safe and efficient dismissal process each day. If you need to make any dismissal changes for your child, please be sure to contact the front office by 2:00 p.m. On early release dates the designated time for early check out is 12:00 p.m. Thank you for your cooperation!
Join Vineyard Ranch PTA
Our Mission, Vision and Core Values
2024-2025 NEISD Calendar
We are excited to share with you the calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. This calendar includes all essential dates such as holidays, early release dates, parent-teacher conferences, , and other district dates. We will send reminders throughout the school year as well.