Lyons Mill Elementary Explorer
Back- to School 2024-2025
Welcome to Lyons Mill Elementary
Welcome to Lyons Mill Elementary! I hope this letter finds you filled with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. As the principal of this wonderful school, it is my honor to extend a warm welcome to both returning faces and new members of our Lyons Mill family.
First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your trust and support in allowing us to educate and nurture your children. Our dedicated staff has been working tirelessly to prepare an engaging and enriching curriculum that will empower our students to reach their fullest potential. With a focus on creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, we aim to provide an educational experience that prepares our students for a bright and successful future.
At Lyons Mill Elementary, we believe that education is not just about academics but also about character development and well-rounded growth. We strive to create a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment that fosters kindness, respect, and empathy. Our school community values each and every student, celebrating their unique talents and contributions. Together, we will nurture a love for learning that will last a lifetime.
As we embark on this new school year, I encourage students to embrace challenges, take risks, and explore new interests. Our dedicated teachers will be there every step of the way, guiding and inspiring students to discover their passions and achieve their goals. From engaging lessons in the classroom to exciting extracurricular activities, there will be ample opportunities for students to explore their interests and develop their talents.
To our families, I extend a special thank you for your continued partnership. Your involvement and support are key to the success of our students. We believe in open and transparent communication, and we welcome your questions, feedback, and ideas. Together, we can create an environment where our students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
I am eagerly looking forward to the start of the school year and the incredible journey that lies ahead. Lyons Mill Elementary is a place where friendships are forged, dreams are nurtured, and memories are made. I encourage everyone to approach this new school year with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a positive attitude. Remember, we are all here to learn and grow together!
Please mark your calendars for our Back to School Nights September 16 Grades Pre-K to 1 and September 17 Grades 2-5. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet your child's teacher, learn more about our school's programs, and connect with other families. We are excited to see you there!
Once again, welcome to Lyons Mill Elementary! Whether you are a returning student or joining our family for the first time, I can assure you that you are in for a remarkable year filled with endless possibilities. Let's make this a year to remember!
Warmest regards,
Linda Macleod
Lyons Mill Elementary
Please Welcome Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Koch, Our New Assistant Principals
This summer Mrs. Maile was promoted to the principal at Arbutus Elementary and Ms. Lundy was promoted to the principal at Edmondson Heights Elementary. Although they will be greatly missed we are very proud of both Mrs. Maile and Ms. Lundy.
We are equally happy to welcome Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Koch, our two new assistant principals to administrative team.
Mrs. Lewis, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Koch, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
August 23- Sneak a Peek at Your Seat - 9:00 am to 9:30 am OR 3:00-3:30 PM
August 26 - First Day of School Grade 1-5
August 28 - First Full Day for Kindergarten
August 29 - First Full Day for Pre-K
September 2 - Labor Day - No School
September 16 - Back to School Night Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Grade 1
September 17 - Back to School Night Grades 2-5
September 17-20 PTA Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser
Important Arrival and Dismissal Information
Prior to the first day of school, we will need to know how your child will arrive to and depart from school each day. Please choose one of the following options:
If you are driving up to school to pick up your child, you need to sign up for one of the car rider zones. Please do not park in no parking zones, including, on the roundabout or in the neighborhood to pick up your children.
1. My child will ride a BCPS school bus to and from school each day. (See attached bus stops)
2. My child will be a walker. Students must live within the “walking zone” to be considered a walker.
3. My child will be a car rider.
Please see the map above and choose one of the following zones:
· Zone A - The main entrance. Pre-K ONLY Enter the main parking lot from Lyons Mill Road, travel around the parking lot loop and turn right to exit on Lyons Mill Road.
Car Rider Drop-off and Pick-up Zones KG-Grade 5 (Choose One - B, or C)
· Zone B – Ballard Green Drive. Travel west on Ballard Green Drive. The pickup zone is located just prior to the circle. After picking up your child you will proceed through the circle.
· Zone C - Wilson Shannon Drive. From Lyons Mill Road turn on to Wilson Shannon Drive and proceed to the student pick up loop on the left. You will exit back on to Wilson Shannon Drive where you can turn left on to Lyons Mill Road.
If you will be pick your child up in a car, please use the following link to register your child for a Car Rider Zone and Backpack Tag:
When dropping off or picking up your child from school, for safety purposes all parents must always remine in their car.
Bus Transportation Guidelines
Students receiving transportation services have the responsibility to follow all bus rules. These rules include:
· Follow directions the first time they are given.
· Stay seated, facing forward at all times.
· Keep all body parts inside the bus.
· Keep hands, feet, legs, arms, personal property, and your voice to yourself.
· No eating, smoking, drinking, or vulgar language at any time on the bus.
· Wait until the bus stops moving before getting out of the seat and moving forward to get off the bus.
· Always board your assigned bus and get on and off at your regularly assigned bus stop.
· Once off the bus, proceed immediately away from the bus.
Arriving Late?
Arrival is between 8:30 and 8:40. The bell rings at 8:40. It is very important that all students arrive to school by 8:40.
All students are expected to be in their seats and ready to begin the instructional day at 8:45 a.m. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. are considered late and should follow these guidelines:
1. Enter through the main door and report to the office.
2. A parent must accompany the student(s) into the office and sign their child in.
Sneak a Peek at Your Seat
Please join us on Friday, August 23 9:00-9:30 OR 3:00-3:30 to meet your child's classroom teacher and visit their new class. You are also welcome to bring your child's school supplies.
We also encourage everyone to join the PTA!
For More Information Please Visit our Lyons Mill ES Website
To view the 2024-25 school supply list, teacher’s contact information, and more please see the Lyons Mill Elementary School website: http://bcpslyonsmilles.ss3.sharpschool.com/ OR Google “Lyons Mill Elementary School”.
Student Attendance
School attendance is essential to ensuring student success. If your child is absent for any reason, please let your child’s teacher know and send in a note signed by the parent. Absence notes must be presented no later than five days after the student returns to school. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. are considered tarty and must be signed in by an adult.
Breakfast and Lunch
Throughout the school year all Lyons Mill students will have the opportunity to receive a free breakfast each morning between 8:30 and 8:45. Students must arrive BEFORE the 8:45 late bell to have breakfast at school.
All students will have the opportunity to receive a free hot lunch or they are welcome to bring a packed lunch. We will not be accepting lunches dropped off from fast food restaurants. If your child forgets their packed lunch, you may drop it off to school prior to 10:00 am so you child can pick it up in the office on the way to the cafeteria.
How do I provide funds to my student for snacks?
Every student has an account! To add money to your student’s account for snacks, please visit www.MySchoolBucks.com Don’t worry about lost snack money, ever again!
BCPS Policy on Specials Treats and Outside Food
Just a quick reminder, as per BCPS Policy students are not allowed to bring or share any outside food or drinks in the classroom. No drinks (other than water) and absolutely NO CANDY, cookies, cupcakes can come into the classroom. Students are also not allowed to bring in breakfast. The only breakfast items and drinks that can be consumed are BCPS provided items.
All open food and drinks must be eaten in the cafeteria or tossed in the trash at the end of the lunch period.
Visiting the School – Raptor IDs
We welcome parents to visit. However, to ensure the safety of our students, Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) utilizes a system called Raptor to screen visitors and issue photo identification badges for use when guests enter the building. This process helps to ensure that your children are safe and that the building is secure. If you registered previously, you are still in the system. This process required you to give your driver’s license, or other government-issued identification card to our school secretary to scan at her desk.
Starting the first day of school, August 26, BCPS policy dictates that all visitors, including parents, grandparents, and regular volunteers, check in at the office and wear a new badge each time they enter the building. It only takes a few minutes to register for the first time. On subsequent visits to the school, you do not need to provide your license.
Since parents are with their children for Sneak-a-Peek, you will not need to be pre-registered to enter, however we strongly encourage you to stop at the office to take care of registering so that it is done for future visits.
Are you interested in volunteering with the PTA? If so, you must complete the online training for Baltimore County Public Schools. This training must be completed each school year prior to volunteering at any event where children are present. Some examples of events where PTA has needed volunteers include: Trunk-or-Treat, American Education Week, Teacher Appreciation Week, Fundraisers, Multicultural Night, Reflections arts program, or providing support onsite at school during the day!
BCPS Volunteer Application
Instructions for BCPS Online Volunteer Orientation
Safe Schools Training-New User
Safe Schools Training-Returning Users
LMES Code of Conduct
Again, this year we are going to start off strong by teaching, modeling and positively reinforcing our LMES Code of Conduct. Our Leadership Team has prepared an exciting kick-off for the year – filled with both student and staff prizes!! Be sure to ask your child if they have received LMES Explorer tickets – We will be looking to find students who are safe, respectful, responsible and/or kind!!
LMES Spirit Wear
Lyons Mill Elementary School Spirit Wear is available at1st Place Spiritwear Store
Please join the PTA
The annual cost of dues for the LMES PTA is $10 ($1.03 online processing fee) per person.
To join the P.T.A., click here to register and pay your dues. Registration is for one person, not per family:
PTA Meeting Dates
Lyons Explorers PTA first general meeting of the new school year is scheduled for Sep 17th, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Kona Ice will be serving refreshments.
Lyons Mill Elementary School
Website: https://lyonsmilles.bcps.org/
Location: 9435 Lyons Mill Road, Owings Mills, MD 21117, USA
Phone: 443-809-1719
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lyons.millES
Twitter: @twitter_LyonsMill