BFH Falcons View
March 18 to 21, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Falcon students and families,
As we move into the last week of school before Spring Break I'd like to remind all our families of the importance of submitting their responses in the EIPS 2023-24 Parent Survey. All of the feedback we receive from these surveys plays an important role in many of the decisions we make as a school division and within our own Bev Facey school community. If you have already completed the survey, I would like to thank you. If you still have yet to complete them, please check out the information blurb below. The EIPS parent survey can be accessed by all parents at the link below.
This week we will be focusing on course registration for our current Grade 10 and 11 students for the 2024-2025 school year. I would also like to feature our School Council meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 in our Library. We would love it if you could attend. I'd also like to take this opportunity to introduce to you our new Grade 10 Administrator - Mrs. Renetta Peddle. Renetta comes to us with a wealth of experience at the High School Level as a former instructional lead and as an acting administrator and success coach. Renetta is looking forward to joining the Facey family and working with our amazing students.
Our Spring Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences are right around the corner ,after we return from spring break, and will be on April 10 and 11, 2024. The booking site for parents to book their appointment opens this Monday (March 18) at 8:00 a.m. The site will remain open for bookings until Monday, April 8.
Just a quick reminder that our school council's Bev Facey staff recognition form initiative has been running for the last four weeks, and we really appreciate those of you who have taken the time to recognize our staff for their great work. If you are interested in sharing some recognition of that work please click on the link below.
I hope you all have an amazing week leading up to Spring Break and, as always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ken Wlos
Bev Facey Staff Recognition Form
Our amazing School Council has begun their weekly Staff Recognition Submission Form for the rest of the school year. If you would like to highlight some of our staff for their excellent work in exemplifying the virtues of the "Facey Way" - Commitment, Dedication, Enthusiasm, Loyalty, and Respect- we would love to hear from you via the recognition form. The form will be shared with staff (Teachers and Support staff) directly, as well as with their supervisors. Please click on the button below to access the form. Thanks for putting a spotlight on the people who make our Facey community great!
Bev Facey School Council
Bev Facey's School Council meets every third Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in our school library. This Tuesday (March 19) is our slated March meeting. Our council is vital to our school community, and we would love to see as many parents as possible attend. Please peruse the agenda and the minutes from February's meeting via the PDF Links below the article.
The meeting will be a hybrid model allowing our parents to attend in person or virtually. If you are interested in attending via Microsoft Teams the link is below:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 214 003 559 829
Passcode: mWcPQD
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 780-461-9551,,46533479#
Canada, Edmonton
Phone Conference ID: 465 334 79#
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Annual Feedback Survey for Parents & Caregivers 2023-2024
2024 Elk Island Public Schools Parent Survey
Have your say! The 2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers is now open
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you about your experience with the Division and your school. Share your thoughts by completing the 2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers—open March 1-21.
Annually, EIPS conducts the survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Parents and caregivers are asked a series of questions about:
- their experiences with EIPS and the specific school their child attends;
- the quality of education being provided to students;
- areas for improvement; and
- new this year, the survey includes an additional series of questions—focused on stakeholder confidence in EIPS’ priorities and strategic direction as a whole.
Collectively, the Division uses the survey feedback to help guide future planning, decision-making and strategies—all aimed at enhancing student learning and better serving the wider community.
open March 1-21
To preview the questions before completing the survey, see Question Preview - 2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers.
NOTE: To share the experiences of more than one child, or if you have a child who attends classes at more than one EIPS school—such as Next Step and an EIPS senior high school—simply complete the survey again.
To complement the parent and caregiver survey, the Division is also conducting a similar survey with students in Grade 9 and Grade 12, who are completing the survey in class between March 1 and March 21. Like the parent and caregiver survey, the questions focus on the student’s experience with the Division and their specific school. Only Grade 12 students will complete the stakeholder confidence portion of the survey.
The survey is anonymous and takes roughly 10-15 minutes to complete. EIPS will share the survey results in next year’s Annual Education Results Report 2023-24.
Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences (April 10 & 11, 2024)
Student/Parent (Guardian)/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held on Wednesday, April 10th – 5p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Thursday, April 11th – 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
We will be using an online booking system, as in the past, to book conferences. Bookings will open up on Monday March 18th at 10:00 a.m.
You will not be able to schedule any interviews before that time. Bookings will close Monday April 8th at noon.
You will need to enter your child’s name, the class, and teacher with whom you would like to schedule a conference. You are limited to one conference time per teacher. If your son/daughter has a particular teacher for more than one subject, please just book one 8-minute time slot. If you need more time with a teacher, please arrange a separate phone call at a later date.
Please enter an e-mail address to receive confirmation of your 8-minute interview time.
To book your interview times:
Click below:
https://schoolinterviews.ca/code/yh3umBFCHS Robotics at FTC Alberta Provincials 2024
Our Facey Robotics team "Cyber Flex" did awesome this weekend at FTC Provincials at St. Joseph High School in Red Deer. After the first three matches our team is in a great position ranking in the top ten at 7th place! Day Two of the competition goes today! Great work by these incredible Facey engineers and computer programmers!
Falcon Sr. Ladies Handball
Falcon Badminton Sets the Bar with 4th Straight Win!
Falcon Sr. Boy's Handball
Photographer of the Week - Antheia Sakowsky
Congratulations to Antheia S. (Photography 10) on a unique colour splash composition. Students were challenged with showing off some Photoshop skills by adding a splash of colour to a black and white photograph. Well done Antheia!
F.L.I. Celebrates HOLI!
THURSDAY, MARCH 21 - Wear your Brightest and Best Socks!
Bev Facey Celebrates "Pi Day"!
Great job by our FLI students who hosted "Pi Day" last Monday! Thank you goes out to our Falcon staff who stepped up to get pied! All the proceeds were donated to our FLI fundraising initiative for the second semester!
Falcons Archery Attend Provincials!
Great job by our Bev Facey Archery team who attended the Provincial competition at the Edmonton Boat and Sportsman's Show this past weekend! Our top archer, Adam Joy came in 20th out of 730 archers. A special shout out to Alex Benade, Musa Hasan, Sar LoCicero, and Mitchell Palm, all who shot personal best at the tournament!
Bev Facey Registration 2024-25 Information
This past Monday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 12 our grade 10 & 11 students got their course selection sheets for the 2024-2025 School year. Students were asked to complete their selections, and have their parents sign off, and return the sheet to the Bev Facey office by last Friday, March 15. Starting on Monday, March 18, our current grade 10 & 11 students will begin selecting their courses in sessions with administration. Please see the Course Program Guide 2024-2025 Registration Guide for course offerings. (The PDF link is below)
Course Request sheets (also see the PDF Link below) will need to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to administration when students attend the registration sessions with administration.
Weekly Schedule - March 18 to 21, 2024
Monday (March 18, 2024):
- Gr. 10 & 11 Students Register for 24-25 Courses - according to schedule.
- Grade 12 EIPS Survey session - will be done in Block 3.
- Sr. Boys Handball Team travels to Harry Ainlay for 5:45 p.m. games against Old Scona and SPA.
- Facey's Culinary Team are hosted at the Culinary Challenge- at NAIT.
Tuesday (March 19, 2024):
- Gr. 10 & 11 Students Register for 24-25 Courses - according to schedule.
- Grade 12 EIPS Survey session - will be done in Block 3.
- Badminton Team travels to Holy Trinity for a head to head match.
- Falcon Junior Achievement - 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Room 284.
- Senior Girls Facey Handball - our team travels to Harry Ainlay for a 4:45 p.m. game.
- School Council Meeting - at 6:00 p.m. in the Facey Library.
Wednesday (March 20, 2024):
- Opportunity Wednesday - Early out schedule, but busses won’t be here until the regular scheduled time. Rewrites will be available.
- Bev Facey Yarn Club meets at noon in Room 159.
- F.L.I. host their celebration of HOLI - during Opportunity Wednesday - wear white!
- Senior Boys Facey Handball host Ainlay & Osborne at 4:45 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Thursday (March 21, 2024):
- Student Japan Trip Meeting at noon today in room 241.
- Jazz Band Rehearsals - at lunch in Band Rm (142).
- Senior Girls Facey Handball host Harry Ainlay for a 5:30 p.m. game
Friday (March 22, 2024)
- Spring Break Starts - No School
BFCHS Athletics Calendar- March 18 to 21, 2024
Bev Facey Cafeteria Menu - March 18 to 21, 2024
Grad 2024 - Parents and Grads Information Newsletter
Please check out the Grad 2024 parents and graduates' information newsletter. Below is the link to that Newsletter. The Student Grad Council narrowed down the themes for this years Facey Formal. Students voted and the winning theme was Old Hollywood - "Light up Your Future". Please refer to the Newsletter moving forward for important information and deadlines.
Counselor's Corner
Post Secondary Info Sessions
Norquest College
- Open House
- When: March 16, 2024
- Where: Edmonton - Downtown Campus
Register using this link https://www.norquest.ca/about-us/news-and-events/events/2024/open-house.aspx
University of Alberta
- Campus Tour Experience
- When: March 25, 2024
- Where: University of Alberta
Reguster using this link https://apply.ualberta.ca/portal/campus_tour
School of Skilled Trades Diploma and Certificate Programs
Utilize the provided link to explore additional information regarding entry routes into trade professions. https://www.nait.ca/schools-programs/school-of-skilled-trades
Awards & Scholarships
EIPS Summer School
Below are some more important dates and links:
King’s University please click on the link below:
Grant MacEwan:
BFCHS Award & Scholarship Information
CGE Cliamte Retreat 2024
EIPS Summer School
Rap Information Evening - Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Upcoming Career & Job Fairs
Bev Facey Upcoming Important Dates
March 18, 2024- Bev Facey attends the 2024 Edmonton Culinary Challenge @ Nait.
March 19, 2024- School Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. in the Library.
March 22 to April 1, 2024 - Spring Break
April 1, 2024- Easter Monday
April 10, 2024- Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00 p.m.)
April 11, 2024- Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00 p.m.)
April 16, 2024- Bev Facey School Council (6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
#thefaceyway #trueblue
Home of the Falcons!