NORTH NEWS November 2, 2020
Where tradition began, excellence continues.
Shawnee Mission North High School
Location: 7401 Johnson Drive, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: 913-993-6900
Twitter: @SM_NORTH_HS
Great Job Students
It was a great week having students back in the building last week. Overall they did a great job with our new expectations and procedures!
The November daily calendar is attached below for your reference. The next 2 Friday's we do not have school because of the end of the quarter and parent-teacher conferences. This would be a great time for students to get caught up on course work if needed.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please be aware that with the end of the 1st quarter on Friday, November 6th, Shawnee Mission North will be hosting two opportunities to touch base with teacher’s about your student’s progress thus far in their classes. The intent of parent-teacher-student conferences is to provide positive dialogue between parents, students, and teachers to help our students succeed here at North. Please make sure you include your student in the conferences if possible. The conferences will take place virtually and by appointment only. Parents are encouraged to schedule conferences through Skyward. Directions on how to do this are contained in the video below.
First opportunity to schedule: Wednesday, November 11th from 5pm to 8pm
Second opportunity to schedule: Friday, November 13th from 7:40am to 3:20pm
Spanish-speaking parents that need assistance signing up for conferences via Skyward, please contact Maria Diaz-Lorenzana at 913-993-0277 or email her at
SMN Reopening Information
Below is a link to the SMN Reopening Plan for Students and Parents. Within this plan is important information related to health/hygiene, arrival/dismissal, lunch, passing periods, classroom procedures and more. This document will be updated as we adjust our procedures to best serve our students and staff.
Fee Payment and Lunch Money
Plan ahead and add lunch money online under “optional fees” in case students want to purchase ala carte lunch items to supplement the free lunches the USDA is providing. Checks & cash are accepted in the cafeteria as well.
If you want to purchase items from the vending machines, please bring exact change, the office will not be making change this year.
- The Online fee payment portal can be found at, hover over the "Families " tab, and click the link entitled "Pay Fees Online”. The site can also be found at this link. You can set up an account or pay as a guest using the student’s last name and ID number.
- Prior year fees are now past due and need to be paid to avoid being sent to collections.
- Any questions regarding fees, payments, or to arrange a payment plan should be directed to SMN bookkeeper, Shelle Lewis for help. or 913-993-6910.
Panorama Social-Emotional Learning Survey
This school year (2020-2021) the Shawnee Mission School District is once again utilizing the Panorama Social-Emotional Learning survey to assess student’s perseverance, grit, determination, school culture and student-teacher relationships. The Panorama Social-Emotional survey takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete and will be administered once each semester. The first survey window is scheduled for November 2 through November 9, 2020. The Panorama Survey can be completed by students in the remote, hybrid or in-building learning environment. Parents/Guardians would have opted their student(s) in or out of the survey during the 20-21 registration process. Survey data will be reviewed at the district and classroom level to determine areas of strength, as well as areas where more instruction and/or support is needed. Once survey results are returned, parents/guardians are welcome to see and discuss the results with their students’ teachers, social workers, and counselors. Sample survey questions can be found here and here.
College Now & Quick Step Enrollment Deadline EXTENDED
The College Now and Quick Step Plus College Algebra enrollment deadline has been extended to Monday, Nov 9. Enrollment guides for College Now and Quick Step Plus can be downloaded below. Please be sure to complete all steps in the enrollment process. If a student obtains a placement waiver, student will still need to log in to MyJCCC, register for the course, and pay tuition. More information can be found by clicking here.
AP Students
Total Registration is now open for students to pay for their AP Exam(s). The cost is $100 per exam. The priority deadline to register and pay is Tuesday, November 3rd. A $40 late fee will be added to any exams that are paid for AFTER November 4th. All AP exam payments are being taken through Total Registration… NO payments will be accepted at the school. You can pay for your AP exam(s) at
If you have questions or need financial assistance, please reach out to Leah Murray at
College Scholarship Information
Scholarships (students will need to sign up to access page): Click on the link for more information.
Student JOB Postings
Advent Health - Dietary Aide - Food Services click here
Lowe's Careers - Seasonal Worker - click here
Johnson County Park & Rec - Before & Afterschool worker click here
FOOD SERVICE….Did you know…………
Did you know some ways you can help encourage healthy meals for your student?
- Explore – Encourage your child to try new foods at home and school.
- Encourage breakfast – Breakfast fuels learning. School Breakfast is available at all schools. No advance registration necessary! All students are welcome!
- Know the options – Schools offer a variety of selections at meals. Talk with your child about healthy choices.
- Encourage good nutrition – Encourage your child to take and eat the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat milk offered in school meals.
- Be a healthy role model – Eat a wide variety of healthy foods with your children.
The school breakfast menus, lunch menus, and other nutrition information are available on the district’s website at
SMN Athletics & Activities
Weekly Athletic Update
Trevor Maxville placed 11th at KSHSAA 6A XC STATE Championships with a time of 16:51
Aniah Grady qualified for 6A KSHSAA State Gymnastics scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 6. Her specialty event is the beam.
The boys soccer team completed their 6A with a 3-1 loss to SMW on cold, Tuesday evening. The team finishes regular season 8-8.
The football team completed our shortened season with a road loss at BVN, 49-13 in 6A regional match-up.
Athletic Paperwork - Winter Sports
Winter Sport Coaches
Girls Basketball - Martina Mihailovic
Wrestling - Tom Peterman
Boys Swim/Dive - Cody Fothergill
Bowling - Anna Monteer
Technology Issues
Student Support Tech Link: Lastly, if you have not already, please have your student check out the Black SMSD Icon in the dock next to the life preserve (Hep Desk) icon. This Student Technology Support link will direct you to helpful information and be a reference when troubleshooting your MacBook during remote instruction. Student Tech Support Reference
Please contact the front office for support 913-993-6900
For SMN PTSA/Booster Club news and updates like us on Facebook and follow on Twitter....