Panther Pride
We are Panthers! We show P.R.I.D.E! We are Prospect!
March 18th-March 22nd
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Family Science Night on March 19th. The event will take place from 6:00-7:30. The fifth grade students have been working hard on their projects and can't wait to share with you.
Have you ever played Rock, Paper, Scissors, with a Robotic Hand? Come check it out!
During Science Week, students will participate in an all school assembly presented by Astronaut Don Thomas. He is a veteran of four space shuttle missions completing nearly 700 orbits of the Earth and traveling over 17 million miles during his 20-year career with NASA.
Cell phones, Smartphones, and Smart Watches
All cell phones, smartphones, smart watches, and similar electronic devices must be kept powered-off and out-of-sight during the regular school day. Texting, calls, etc. should not be available to students during the school day, as it poses a distraction to our learning environment. Please see the D181 K-8 Student Handbook for more information.
As always, we welcome you to contact the office by phone/email or teacher via email if you need to communicate any changes to your child's routine during the school day.
If your child has an Apple Watch, I have included some helpful information below regarding "Schooltime".
IAR Assessment Schedule- 3rd, 4th and 5th
Math- April 3rd, 4th and 5th
ELA- April 10th, 11th, and 12th
Current Student Registration
All students currently in D181 Preschool/ECE and entering Kindergarten through 8th Grade for the 2024-25 school year must complete the District registration and fee payment process (including the payment of all past due fees from the current school year).
Steps to Complete Registration:
Log In to Skyward: Sign in to your Skyward Family Access Portal. Only the primary guardian will have access to D181 online registration.
Registration Steps: For step-by-step instructions, click here.
SchoolPay Fees: All D181 schools use SchoolPay for processing fees. For instructions on how to use SchoolPay, please click here.
PTO Registration: Are you registered with your school’s PTO? After registration and fee payment is complete, you can complete PTO tasks, including ordering supply kits, registering for the PTO directory, and signing up to volunteer.
D181 Foundation: Don't forget, you can also donate to the D181 Foundation during registration.
Final Submission: Once you have completed PTO information, return to Skyward Family Access and complete the final submission on your registration application.
Visit our registration link for more information:
If you have any questions about D181 registration, please email
D181 Summer Learning Program: Register Now!
In-person program at Clarendon Hills Middle School (June 10-28, 2024).
Register by April 18th: (Login required)
Cost: $175 (1 hour) or $350 (2 hours)
Program: Jessica Schultz (630.861.4900 ext 5162,
Registration: Nick Skrip (
Illinois Science Assessment- 5th Grade Only
The 5th grade students will be taking the Illinois Science Assessment the week of March 18th. Students will take the assessment on March 18th, 19th and 21st. If students miss the assessment make-ups will take place be after spring break.
Each year, World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21. This day is symbolic, as people with Down Syndrome have 3 copies of their 21st chromosome, hence 3/21. To celebrate this day we wear blue and yellow, as well as fun mismatched socks to bring awareness to Down Syndrome. Socks, why socks? Well, the socks represent the triple copy of the 21st chromosome those with Down Syndrome have, and socks just happen to look like chromosomes.
BOE Meeting- March 18th
The District 181 Board of Education will convene on Monday, March 18, 2024, in the Cafetorium, 100 S. Garfield St., Hinsdale, for its Regular Business Meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. with Executive Session. The Regular Business meeting will begin at 7 p.m.
Meeting Preview:
- Approval of the Science Resource
- Approval of the E-Rate for Internet and WAN Services
- Approval of the iPad Device Refresh
- Five-Year Forecasting
- Full-Day Kindergarten Update
- Winter MAP & SIP Update
Public Comment:
Any member of the public may attend the meeting in person to make their comment. Per Board Policy 2:230, each public comment will be limited to 3 minutes.
Please come to Prospect and check out the lost and found. All items not picked up prior to Spring Break will be donated.
Absence Reporting
New and improved absence reporting. You may now notify us of illness, vacation, appointments, and other absences through the same Absence Reporting Link. You may also submit them in advance and we will keep track of them.
Check-In Made Easy
Below you will find a QR code for visitor check-in at Prospect. You can complete the day of arriving at Prospect and your badge will be waiting for you in the office.
ALL K-5 Prospect Families - Before and After the Bell
The Community House will be offering the Before and After the Bell programs at Prospect School to help meet the needs of our families.
The Community House Registration
For more information about either program, please contact Karen Kaspar at 630-323-7500 ext. 248 or at
Connect with us on Social Media:
Principal of Prospect School in Community Consolidated School District 181