Hawks Weekly
St. Theresa - March 3 - 7, 2025
Reflection and prayer for the Monday before Ash Wednesday
This Wednesday we will begin the holy season of Lent. We can begin to prepare ourselves for Lent throughout this week by thinking of the kind of choices and sacrifices we want to make to renew our relationship with God. We are always challenged to make this relationship stronger. Whatever we do, we want to stay in God's presence. Lent is a time to exercise discipline in our lives, to live in such a way that brings us closer to God. This faithfulness is practiced not just in acts of charity and fasting; it is also shown in the choices we make every moment. The question we should ask is whether what we are doing at this moment is pleasing to God.
Lord, I desire to do all things for your glory. I do not wish to do things for my own self-interest or to satisfy my ego. I desire to do all things in your name, for your cause, for your mission. Give me the strength to live, Lord, to live in a manner worthy of my relationship with you. Give me the strength to live a disciplined life so that all that I do is for your glory. Then I will know peace in my heart. Amen.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendars:
- ABJ Online Registrations for Grade 8 students
- Performing Arts 5/6 - Newsies Jr. tickets go on sale
- Shrove Tuesday - Pancakes will be served
- St. Theresa Open House - 6:00pm
- Early Dismissal @ 2:13pm
- Performing Arts & Sports for Life Registration Opens
- Ash Wednesday Mass - St. Theresa Gym @ 12:30pm
- Hot lunch ordering closes @ 9:00pm
Thursday March 6
- Theme Day - Dress Like a Celebrity Day
- PD Day - No School
- Spring Scholastic Bookfair
- 5O Fort Heritage Precinct
- PAC Meeting - St. Theresa Library @ 6:30pm
- Linking Generations @ 11:45am
- SFL Hockey Hooky Oil Kings
- Parent Teacher Interviews - 3:30pm - 7:00pm
- Parent Teacher Interviews - 3:30pm - 7:00pm
- St. Patrick's Day
- Performing Arts 5/6 - Newsies Jr. Performance - Doors open @ 6:30pm
- Performing Arts 5/6 - Newsies Jr. Performance - Doors open @ 6:30pm
- Performing Arts 7/8 @ Citadel Theatre
- Linking Generations @ 11:45am
- Rock Your Socks - World Down Syndrome Day
- Grade 6 - Swimming at Kinsmen
- Grade 7/8 SFL - Ski Trip @ Rabbit Hill
- Spring Break - No School
- Classes Resume
Performing Arts & Sports for Life Registration - Opens March 5, 2025
Performing Arts
Does your Son or Daughter like Performing Arts? Are they interested in Drama, Music, Movement and Dance Supplemental classes in; Media and Set Design.
The Performing Arts have the power to engage students in a dynamic educational experience, where they can uncover and explore their God-given talents. The arts allow for students to develop creativity, ingenuity, empathy and innovation, which are the keys to success in today’s complex, changing world.
With registration right around the corner, we asked parents of our Performing Arts students a few questions: How do you think the program has impacted your child? How has your child grown? What do you like about the program as a parent? Here are a couple of the perspectives from our very own Performing Arts Parents!
“Performing Arts has been instrumental in motivating my junior high kiddo to go to school : ) PA blocks were, by far, the highlight of her day. It’s a super fun program, filled with diverse opportunities. Beyond learning fine arts skills, it has been a safe and encouraging space for my child to grow in her confidence, her self-esteem and develop meaningful friendships that she otherwise wouldn’t have. PA has taught her discipline in getting her work done early (can’t memorize lines the night before the play!), work ethic (it takes a lot of hours to put together such a polished performance!) and teamwork. You don’t have to be a “theatre kid” to thrive in this program, it’s a safe space for all.”
~ K. D.
“Her confidence has grown tremendously, and she is excited to go to school every day. She loves performing her dances and lines for family and friends, and it’s clear how much she enjoys being involved in the program. Her grades have improved significantly, which I believe is a direct result of her increased engagement and excitement about school. The program has sparked her enthusiasm for learning, and I can see how it’s making a difference in her overall growth. Thank you for all the work you do to create such a positive and encouraging environment for the students. I truly appreciate everything the performing arts program has done for her. She can't wait to come back again next year and we can't wait to see the big show!”
~ K.B
Sports for Life
Is your Son or Daughter interested in Sports? Are they interested in gaining exposure to a range of physical activities and sports, so they can begin to discover sports they enjoy and build confidence in basic skills?
The mission of the Sport for Life Program is to provide students exposure to a variety of sport and recreation activities in a Catholic environment with the focus on creating life-long active and healthy lifestyles. Students will have the benefit of building athletic skill, along with leadership qualities in a faith-filled setting.
The program is based on the Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L) model, which is a movement to improve the quality of sport and physical activity in Canada through improved athlete training and better integration between all stakeholders in the sport system, including sport organizations, education, recreation and health.
Sports for Life Testimonials:
" I went to St. Teresa for two years and participated in the Sport for Life program. I truly believe that the Sport for Life program helped improve on my leadership and teamwork skills that got me where I am today as a post-secondary athlete, playing volleyball for the Nait Ooks. I really enjoyed trying new sports and activities while creating lasting friendships and memories that got me through high school and that we still talk about today. If you're thinking about doing the Sport for Life program, I really recommend it. "
- Emma Buyar
Both of our kids have taken part in the Sports for Life program, and it has been an incredible experience. It kept them active while teaching valuable lessons in teamwork, responsibility, and resilience. The variety of activities helped them grow as individuals and as part of a team. They learned to communicate effectively and support their teammates. Setting goals taught them responsibility and leadership. The challenges built resilience, showing them how to overcome setbacks. They especially enjoyed bonding with peers and meeting students from other classes. It created a strong sense of community and belonging. Sports for Life helped them grow in character and confidence. We are grateful for this amazing program.
- E.N
Parent Information
Performing Arts 5/6 - Newsies Jr. Performance
IT'S SHOW TIME! Our Performing Arts 5/6 program have been working tirelessly preparing for their production of Newsies Jr. There are many opportunities to come out and support the wonderful performers! Tickets at $5 each and are available on PowerSchool. Once paid, students can pick up the tickets in the office. It will be festival seating, first come first serve.
Tickets for the Performing Arts 5/6 performances go on sale Monday March 3rd. Here are the show dates and times:
- Monday, March 17 ~ Doors open at 6:30 pm, show starts at 6:45 pm
- Tuesday, March 18 ~ Doors open at 6:30 pm, show starts at 6:45 pm
Shrove Tuesday - March 4th
St. Theresa will be serving pancakes on Shrove Tuesday March 4th to all students and staff who wish to partake. Shrove Tuesday always falls on the day before Ash Wednesday and is celebrated by Christians all over the world! On this day, we traditionally eat pancakes, syrup, and sausages. In the past, the reason for this was to use up rich foods such as butter, eggs, and milk before Lent. Once Lent begins, we try to abstain from extra treats and rich foods. In other parts of the world, Shrove Tuesday is also called Mardi Gras or Pancake Tuesday.
Students and staff will receive 2 pancakes/2 sausages and juice served in the cafeteria. There will be gluten and vegetarian options available. There is no charge for the pancakes, but a silver donation (loonie/toonie or more?) a basket will be available. There will be no hot lunch on this day.
St. Theresa Open House - March 4th
St. Theresa will be hosting an Open House on Tuesday, March 4th at 6:00pm. Please join us as we highlight the programs and course offerings of our school and answer any questions you might have. A quick guided tour of the school will also be available for those interested. This event is open to all families, not just those entering grade 5 next year. Hope to see you there!
Hot Lunch Ordering Open
Culinary Delights is trilled to announce that we'll be partnering with the St. Theresa Parent Advisory Council for a fundraising initiative through our Hot Lunch Program. With just a few clicks, you can order delicious, hassle free meals for your child while also supporting our school community. A portion of the proceeds from every hot lunch sale goes directly towards funding educational programs and resources, field trips and school events that enrich our children's learning experience. Order today and help us make a difference at St. Theresa!!
MARCH 19TH - 5F, 5K, 5N, 7CR, 7D, 8D
APR 2RD - 6K, 6M, 8A, 8K, 8G
APR 9TH - 5O, 5S, 7R, 7ST, 7S
Here's how to get started...
- Go to https://sttheresasp.hotlunches.net/
- Click on "Click Here to Register"
- Enter Access Code STSP
- Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines, and your child's hot lunch order for the upcoming week)
- Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom
- Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends St. Theresa Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"
- Proceed to order hot lunch for your child(ren)
We accept hot lunch order payments through PayPal Or Cheque OR Cash OR Etransfer.
You can either pay with a credit card as a PayPal guest (Visa, Mastercard or Amex), or set up your own PayPal account.
DEADLINE for ordering is WEDNESDAY MARCH 5 2025 AT 9:00 PM
Please have payments to the school NO LATER THAN THURSDAY MARCH 6 2025
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Thank you,
Christine Laughlin
Spring Scholastic Bookfair
Our Spring Scholastic Bookfair is quickly approaching. It will run the week of March 10th. The hours are as follows:
Monday March 10 - 10:30am to 3:30pm
Tuesday March 11 - 9:00am to 3:30pm
Wednesday March 12 - 9:00am to 3:30pm & 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Thursday March 13 - 9:00am to 3:30pm & 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Friday March 14 - 9:00am to 12:30pm
We accept cash, debit, and MYDOH.
If you are interested in MYDOH please check out this link:
If you are interested in helping with the Bookfair, please email Mrs. Wagner at susanw@eics.ab.ca
Support Catholic Education Through Your Property Taxes
Did you know that you can support EICS by directing your property taxes to Catholic education? Please read this letter from EICS Board of Trustees Chair Le-Ann Ewaskiw to learn about this meaningful opportunity to strengthen Catholic education for our students.
Organization of the Hawks Weekly
The newsletter is organized based on our four school assurance priorities for this year.
- Faith Integration
- Learners and Learning
- Systemic Wellness
- Community Engagement
Ash Wednesday Mass
Ukrainian Bilingual - Pysanky Motanky
This week, the Grade 6, 7, and 8 Ukrainian Bilingual students crafted beautiful Pysanky Motanky, which will be proudly showcased at the Open House on March 4th. Easter eggs (PYSANKY) are one of the oldest forms of Ukrainian folk art, and are a symbol of eternal life. Rather than the traditional wax and dye method, these eggs are crafted using threads. Glue is gradually applied to the egg shell with a thin brush, and the thread is applied in layers. Working on these products is laborious, but fascinating because you want to see the final product as soon as possible!
Carnaval d’hiver
The grade 5 and 6 French as a Second Language Students will be studying about winter carnivals in class, and will be participating in our very own Carnaval d’hiver.
Activities include sled races, relay races, and other events that will help us appreciate the cold land in which we live!
6D at the Strathcona County Library
Hawks Athletics
- Last Thursday, the Hawks basketball teams both defeated Ardrossan.
- On Wednesday at Lakeland Ridge, the girls team played hard but ultimately lost while the boys continued their regular season win streak.
- On Thursday, against OLPH, both teams won against our fellow EICS teams.
- Monday will be the last regular season game before playoffs begin. Come out and support the teams as they face off against Rudolph Hennig; the girls play at 4:00 with the boys game to follow at 5:15.
- Good luck to the boys basketball team this weekend as they will be participating in the Southpointe Sr. Tournament (the girls team will be playing in this tournament next weekend).
- Thank you to all students who attended the preliminary tryouts this past week during lunch hour, and students who have been asked to attend the next round of tryouts are asked to stay tuned to announcements for their next tryout date.
Handball Volunteer Coaches Needed
We are currently seeking volunteer coaches for the upcoming handball season! The season runs from April-May.
If you or someone you know would be interested in coaching the girls or boys team this year, please reach out to either of the Athletic Directors (tiffany.kadey@eics.ab.ca or Jamie.dziwenko@eics.ab.ca).
St. Theresa in February
Qualifying Round at the Elementary Running Room Indoor Games
Proud of Team Green with a 4th place finish in their 8x200m heats. All the best to Team Black, who will be competing in the quarterfinals on March 8th!
Pink Shirt Day
Grade 7CRL Science
Grade 5 and 6 Smoothie making in Foods
6D Science Planet Projects
Parent Societies
Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
The St. Theresa Parent Advisory Council performs many vital functions for our school community, by helping to facilitate school wide student functions and providing valuable funding to our school via fundraising. Parents involved in the PAC learn about planning and development within the school and are part of the planning process. These roles make their involvement very important to the families, administration and teachers.
Next Parent Council Meeting - Monday March 10, 2025 - St. Theresa Library @ 6:30pm
2024/2025 PAC Meeting Dates:
September 24, 2024
October 22, 2024
November 26, 2024
January 21, 2025
March 10, 2025
2024 - 2025 Executive PAC Members:
Chair: Kara Gettings
Secretary: Rosie Conrad
Treasurer: Kim Pennock
Fundraising Coordinator: Tana Currie
Bilingual Ukrainian Catholic Parents Society (BUCPS)
Bitaemo! Sherwood Park's Ukrainian Bilingual Program began in 1980 and has seen decades of success in academic achievement, global learning, and celebration of the rich Ukrainian heritage. From Preschool/Sadochok to Grade 12, the Ukrainian Bilingual Program offers a community-minded cultural environment along with an enhanced academic curriculum. BUCPS Mission is to promote, advocate, support and foster cultural and educations opportunities for students in the Ukrainian Bilingual Program.
Next BUCPS Meeting - TBA
2024-2025 Executive BUCPS Members:
President : Andrea Chmilar
Vice-President: Kelsey Whattam
Treasurer: Laurie Leeder
Secretary: Paula Harasymiw
Parish News
Grade 6 and Up Confirmation
Please see the below links to register for the Grade 6 and Up Confirmation sessions starting in February 2025:
OLPH Parish
We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe
13 Brower Drive, Sherwood Park AB. T8H 1Y7
Phone : 780 467 5470 Fax : 780 467 0530
E-mail: info@olph.ca Website: www.olph.ca
Dear Parents:
Welcome to a new year of Catholic education and faith formation for your child!
Each year, in a Catholic school, your child will learn about many aspects of their Catholic faith— including learning about the seven sacraments. In our Archdiocese, preparing children for the celebration of their own sacraments always occurs in the parish, with the support of the school: • preparing for First Reconciliation, and then First Eucharist, can begin when a child is 7 years of age and in Grade 2 or older
• preparing for Confirmation can begin when a child is about 12 years of age and in Grade 6 or older • special preparation is also available for children of any age who are not yet baptized
Most children attending Catholic schools are ready to receive at the ages shown above, but there is no such thing as too late. Are you seeking for your child to celebrate a sacrament, such as Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation? Are you ready to help them live out their Baptismal promises? Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and Elk Island Catholic Schools are each involved in preparing your child for a Catholic sacrament along with you. It is a group effort, and everyone has a role:
• As a parent, the Church has always held that you are the primary teacher of the faith for your child. You teach them about God; set the example; talk about your own faith; and you bring them to Mass. • The place where the sacraments are celebrated and lived is the Catholic parish. We the people of God in the Church are each part of the Body of Christ. Being in relationship with the parish community (with all its challenges and blessings) is essential for your life of faith and that of your child. The preparation for, and celebration of, the sacraments happens in the parish church. • You must sign your child up for preparation at the parish. The school doesn’t do this part of the process for you. Catholic schools are a special place for children to learn more about Jesus Christ, to practice living in a community of faith, and to develop and deepen a relationship with Christ. We (Catholic parish and Catholic school) are eager to walk beside you and your children during this very special time.
Please call OLPH parish office 780-467-5470, send an email to sacraments@olph.ca or visit www.olph.ca/sacraments to get started or learn more.
As you prepare your child for their sacraments may this also be a special time for you - of deepening your own understanding and of growing in faith for the whole family!
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
A Roman Catholic Christian community.
We come together at our Lord’s invitation to worship God, celebrate the sacraments, and deepen our faith. We strive to be thankful, generous and welcoming, and are sent forth to help advance God’s Kingdom on earth by proclaiming the Gospel and serving others.
Helpful Links
St. Theresa Catholic School
Email: stt@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stt.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 2021 Brentwood Blvd, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-464-4001
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.TheresaCatholicMiddleSchool/