Knightly News
May 10, 2024
Every Student, Every Day Deserves to Learn, Lead, & Excel!
Message from our Principal~ Ms. Tamara Perkins
On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, we will host our annual Simonton ES Fine Arts Night. Bring the whole family out for an evening of art and music. Our chorus program is titled Destination America.
Next Thursday, May 16, 2024, and Friday, May 17, 2024, our students will be recognized for their achievements earned during the second semester. A Spanish-speaking interpreter for be present and all ceremonies will be recorded.
We would like to wish all of our families a Happy Mother's Day and enjoy your weekend!
Students may NOT carry medication of any kind to school. For student safety, we need to be aware of the medication and dosage in case there are any adverse reactions. The clinic worker is authorized to administer medications to students when proper paperwork is completed. Medications should always be in the original containers when brought to or picked up from school by an adult. Medication may not be brought to school by a student. These procedures are a safety precaution for your child, both on the bus and when they visit the clinic. Parents should inform the school if their child has a contagious disease.
If you have medication in the clinic, please contact Ms. Tammy Jones to pick up your medicine by Wednesday, May 22, 2024.
Celebration of Learning
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Upcoming Events at Simonton
Tuesday, May 14
- Fine Arts Night ~ 5:30-7:00 pm
Wednesday, May 15
- Supporting your Child's Transition to Middle School ~ 5:00-6:00 pm (Simonton's Media Center)
Thursday, May 16
- Honor Ceremony (1st, 2nd, & 4th Grades)
Friday, May 17
- Honor Ceremony (3rd Grade)
Monday, May 20
- 5th Grade Celebration (Colclough, Vlaic, & Shoemake)~ 8:30-10:00 am
Tuesday, May 21
- 5th Grade Celebration (Battle, Elliott, & McCree)~ 8:30-10:00 am
- 5th Grade Walk ~ 2:00 pm
Wednesday, May 22
- Last Day of School
- Report Cards sent home
5th Grade parents ~
Student Dress Code
Student dress should not cause any distraction from the instructional program. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately for the school setting, suitable to weather conditions, and in good taste. Short skirts, short shorts, or halter tops/crop shirts are not considered appropriate dress for school. Hats, bandanas, and sweatbands should not be worn in school. Students should not wear any clothing that advertises alcoholic beverages, drugs, or violence. Students should wear shoes that allow for safe play at outside time and PE class. All shorts/skirts should come to the student’s knee.
May's Character Education Trait
Report Cards
Report Cards will be sent home with your child(ren) on the last day of school, Wednesday, May 22nd.
Report Cards will be attached to the Student Documents sections in the Portal the week of Tuesday, May 28. Parents and students can access these documents through the ParentVUE/ StudentVUE window.
Upcoming Events:
2024 GLRS Special Needs Directory
The Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS), a statewide network of eighteen resource centers offering free services to parents and educators of students with disabilities, has recently published its 2024 Special Needs Directory. This directory includes a plethora of contacts for summer offerings, including disability specific camps, as well as contact information for provides.
Georgia Special Needs Scholarships: SB10 and SB47
What: Under state laws passed by the Georgia State Legislature, parents of students who receive special education services or accommodations under a Section 504 Individual Accommodation Plan may request to transfer their child to another public or private school in Georgia.
Who: Any student who currently receives special education services, grades PK-11th and any returning 12th grader, as well as students who are eligible for a Section 504 Plan and are in grades Kindergarten-11th.
For more information click on the link below.
Georgia Special Scholarship (SB10/SB47) - Gwinnett County Public Schools (gcpsk12.org)
Availability of Student eCLASS Course Pages and Digital Textbooks
Virtual Zoom “EVERY DAY MAGIC” Camp
Learning and performing magic tricks have been shown to benefit children and adults with disabilities. The approach is being shown to be an effective treatment technique as it promotes motivation and improves physical, psychological, perceptual, or social functions in those who participate. For this reason, the University of Alabama at Birmingham is hosting EVERY DAY Magic camp free of charge to students with disabilities.
Who: Students with disabilities ages 9-18 years of age.
What: Parent Mentors Present: “Locating and Understanding Resources within the Community”
When: Camp 1: June 3 to June 28, 2024
Camp 2: July 8 to August 2, 2024
Where: virtually via Zoom. For additional information, email Arts in Medicine at artsinmedicine@uab.edu
GCPS Parent Portal Transition to ParentVUE
On March 25, 2024, family accounts were moved from Parent Portal to ParentVUE. This change will require parents/guardians to reset their passwords.
The district sent out an email notification through ParentSquare on March 25th to families of active students with an email address in Synergy. The message to parents will contain a link parents should click to initiate the password change.
If you received the email, CLICK HERE for more guidance on resetting your password.
If you did NOT receive the email message, see below for steps to help access your account.
Open the link for the new ParentVUE access page:
Click the red lock icon with Forgot Password
Enter the email associated with your Parent Portal account and click Send Email.
When the email arrives, follow the link in your message.
Enter the First Name and Last Name associated with your Parent Portal account. (Sometimes this is where errors occur. Please contact your school's SDMC to confirm the name on your account if you experience problems.)
Enter the new password twice.
You'll get a message that you've successfully changed your password with a link to the login page.
Login with the email as your username and the new password you just set.
Camp Invention
Hello Simonton ES families!
We are excited to host Camp Invention June 3, 2024 – June 6, 2024 here at Simonton Elementary School. A special thank you goes out to the Nordson Foundation who have made a generous donation that will allow us to offer scholarships for Simonton ES students who attend Camp Invention. 30 scholarships will be awarded to the first 30 students who sign up using the google link below. The scholarship award will be $200.00. Parents will be responsible for paying the remaining $85.00. Scholarship funds are for currently enrolled Simonton ES students only.
Hola familias de Simonton ES!
Estamos emocionados de organizar Camp Invention de Junio 3, 2024 - Junio 6, 2024 en la Escuela Simonton. Un agradecimiento especial a la Fundación Nordson que ha hecho una generosa donación que nos permitirá ofrecer becas para los estudiantes de Simonton ES que asistan a Camp Invention. Se otorgarán 30 becas a los primeros 30 estudiantes que se registren utilizando el enlace de Google a continuación. El premio de la beca será de $ 200.00. Los padres serán responsables de pagar los $85.00 restantes. Los fondos de la beca son solo para los estudiantes actualmente matriculados en Simonton ES.
Simonton's Kindergarten Registration:
Other Kindergarten Registration Information:
Annual Parent Involvement Survey
Who: Families of students who are receiving special education services
What: Each state is required to conduct a parent survey to measure parent/family perceptions of the success of parent engagement between home and local schools.
When: Available now through May 31, 2024
Where: Parents can complete the survey via the survey link below. We ask that a copy of the attached letter be sent home with every SWD student. Additionally, we ask that the letter(s) and survey link be posted on your special education teachers e-class pages as well as your school website. Our goal is to ensure that all parents are aware of the survey and have the opportunity to participate.
Please use the following link to access the survey:
Gwinnett Community Services' Event Calendar
News from the Gwinnett County Public Library
Featured Student Events:
VR Field Trip: Machu Picchu - Tuesday, May 14th @4:30pm
Doggie Tales - Saturday, May 18th @11am
Words of Affirmation Button Making - Tuesday, May 21st @5pm
Un Poquito de Espanol: Resiliente - Wednesday, May 22nd @4:30pm
Parent's Guide to Summer Enrichment & Activities (K-8)
We are excited to announce that the Office of Family Engagement in the Department of Federal Programs, in collaboration with the Directors of Teaching and Learning, is providing videos and handouts for all GCPS families in elementary schools to help prevent the summer slide.
The ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies Directors recorded instructional videos highlighting resources and activities for families to support their children at home over the summer. The videos are posted in the GCPS "Engage Equip Empower" series website (bottom of the page). Captions are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese.
Simonton ES Handbook Highlights
Student Conduct
Our students are citizens of our school community. All students deserve a positive and orderly environment for learning. In order to achieve this, Simonton students have clear expectations for behavior and school rules that are consistent with the district supported Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program as well as the GCPS Board's Theory of Action for Change to Improve Student Behavior and Outcomes.
The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program is a research-based framework proven to provide practices and strategies for all students to increase academic performance, improve safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish a positive school culture. Students are encouraged to solve problems by taking responsibility for their actions, the consequences that result, and to develop plans of action that demonstrate positive ways to address difficult situations. Students that successfully follow Simonton behavior expectations will participate in school recognition and reward programs throughout the year. Ultimately, our goal is for Simonton students to develop into responsible, respectful and supportive adults.
Simonton administrators have broad discretion to determine consequences for student behavior infractions. While students are expected to be held accountable for their actions, they will also complete Simonton ES Action Plans and may be required to participate in Restorative Conversations to reflect on behavior choices and the impact on others. The range of consequences for infractions assigned by a local school administrator may include, without limitation:
In addition to the information provided above, parents will receive a copy of the GCPS Handbook Information for Students and Parents in July that outlines the code of conduct to be followed by all students to ensure a safe, secure and orderly environment in which to learn.
Please review the Simonton Discipline Plan:
* A student will be placed on the Accelerated Plan after a Simonton ES Action Plan has been completed or a previous discipline referral has been made. Student violation of a GCPS Discipline code would also warrant being moved to the Accelerated Plan.
From our Counselors...
Information for Parents: New Resource for K-5 English Language Arts
Students may NOT carry medication of any kind to school. For student safety, we need to be aware of the medication and dosage in case there are any adverse reactions. The clinic worker is authorized to administer medications to students when proper paperwork is completed. Medications should always be in the original containers when brought to or picked up from school by an adult. Medication may not be brought to school by a student. These procedures are a safety precaution for your child, both on the bus and when they visit the clinic. Parents should inform the school if their child has a contagious disease.
The application for free and reduced lunch is now available. There will be no waiver in place to offer free lunch for all students. Please complete the application if you feel this is a service your family will need. All students who have not been approved for free or reduced lunch service will be charged the full price each day.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Clinic Card
Does your child have a medical concern that we need to be aware of? Stop in to see Mrs. Tammy Jones in the clinic.
Complete the clinic card if your child has any medical concerns that we need to be aware of. We also need to know any medication your child is taking and directions of what to do while we are caring for your child until you arrive.
We are excited to announce that our school district has adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your child’s school and Gwinnett County Public Schools.
ParentSquare provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to receive and send information, such as:
- Weather-related closings & delays
- School and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Upcoming class activities
District & school information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text via ParentSquare. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
We encourage all families to create a MPP account. No purchase is necessary to have a MPP account. You will be able to read and digitally sign documents and/or make necessary payments. It is a great way for you to manage and keep track of all of your student payments and forms in one place throughout the school year.
MyPaymentsPlus is linked directly to your school’s student information system (SIS), enabling us to show real-time balances and invoices, and eliminating the need to call or visit your school in search of information.
Whether you’re viewing what your 2nd grader ate for lunch, renting a locker for your middle schooler, or purchasing a parking permit for that new driver in your family, MyPaymentsPlus ensures you never miss a beat, from Pre-K to graduation day.
Simply create a free MyPaymentsPlus account to get started today.
Elementary e-Tips for Parents
Simonton is committed to dynamic high quality instruction resulting in a passion for learning, leading and excelling.
Core Belief
Every Student Every Day, Deserves to Learn, Lead, and Excel
We commit to giving our students a fresh start every day.
We commit to preparing quality and engaging lessons that will prepare our students to be successful in school.
We commit to teaching, modeling and holding our students accountable for appropriate school behavior.
We commit to providing our students with a structured and safe learning environment.
We commit to a great year of learning, leading, and excelling
Simonton Elementary School
Superintendent ~ Dr. Calvin J. Watts
Board Member ~ Mr. Steven B. Knudsen
Principal ~ Ms. Tamara G. Perkins
Assistant Principal ~ Mr. Nicholas Gilmore
Assistant Principal ~ Dr. Joe Sanfilippo
Assistant Principal ~ Mrs. Amy Steinberg
Website: gcpsk12.org/SimontonES
Location: 275 Simonton Road Southeast, Lawrenceville, GA, USA
Phone: 770-513-6637
Twitter: @simontonPride
Instagram: @SimontonPride