News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

A Note from Your Principals
Dear Eli Terry Families...
As we gear up for the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to take a moment to share our gratitude for each and every one of you. Your support, enthusiasm, and partnership make our school an absolutely fantastic place for our students to learn and grow.
As we dive into this busy holiday season—complete with turkey, pie, and maybe a little too much football—let's take a moment to appreciate all the little things that make life special. Whether it's our children's laughter, the smell of freshly baked cookies, or finally mastering the art of cooking that turkey without burning it (no pressure!), there's so much to be thankful for.
So, as you gather around the table this Thanksgiving, we encourage you to share your gratitude with those you love.
Wishing you all a delightful Thanksgiving filled with joy, laughter, and plenty of leftovers for the days ahead.
Remember there is no school tomorrow or Friday. See you in DECEMBER!
Tuesday's Spirit Day
While Tuesday was “Dress Like a Teacher” day for students, what they didn’t know was it was a secret, "underground" spirit day for staff which was “Dress Like a Student”! We even made our Morning Announcements in kid-friendly language.
Flip-flopping outfits made for so many laughs and fun on our last full day before break!
Enjoy some pictures from the day below!
November's PAWSitive Office Referrals & Shoutouts
HOLIDAY FAIR - Next Friday
The Holiday Fair is next Friday December 6th!
We have some amazing vendors this year who will be selling homemade crafts at a reasonable price. All vendors are asked to sell some items in the $5-10 range. It is really a nice event to get the kids in the spirit of giving, and the kids love being able to surprise the ones they love!
We also have a team of volunteers that will help wrap and label your students presents. (If you want to help wrap please sign up, we can always use more hands!)
Here are a few tips so your child has a successful experience at the holiday fair.
1. We will be sending home shopping lists early next week, please talk with your child about who they are buying for and what their budget is.
Note: Kindergarten classes will get a 5th grade buddy to help them shop and stick to their lists and budgets!
2. Please send your child’s shopping money in a clear Ziploc bag with your child’s name and teacher clearly written on it. (In the unfortunate event it gets dropped or lost we can get it back to its rightful owner!). Please keep in mind that large sums of money are not necessary, as crafters will also have low cost items available for sale.
3. If your child will be shopping for multiple people you can send them with a reusable bag to help them carry all of their treasures.
A note for all volunteers - please make sure to bring your ID and sign in to the office before reporting to the gym. Follow all school safety protocols as our children’s safety is our #1 concern!
ET Spirit Wear FLASH Sale
Need a holiday gift idea?
The PTO is selling a limited number of Eli Terry sweatshirt blankets!!
Purchase must be made through this link and they will be delivered before the holiday. Upon checkout you can select if you would like to pick it up to keep it a surprise or have it sent home with your child.
When they are gone they are gone!
Enrichment Opportunity
Invention Convention - Grades 3, 4, 5
PTO News & Events
Holiday Fair - December 6th
Mark Your Calendars!
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Wednesday, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break - Thursday & Friday, November 28-29th
PTO Holiday Fair - Friday, December 6th (during the school day)
CCMC Pajama Day - Friday, December 13th
Early Dismissal - Friday, December 21st
NO SCHOOL - Winter Break - Monday, December 23rd - Wednesday, January 1st
Please note: All events can easily be added to your own Google Calendars by clicking the blue hyperlink above! We don't want you to miss a thing!
Events in the Larger Community
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