The Fowler Weekly
April 15-19
Three quarters of the school year are now behind us!
As we look to the spring we generally see more students try to bring squirt guns or other water items to school. These items are never allowed in school, and even bright colored squirt guns can create a huge commotion and safety concern at school. Please ensure your child does not bring those types of items with them to school.
We are looking forward to our 8th grade Career Day field trips this Friday, our 6th and 7th grade Community Day this Friday and to our Multicultural Night on April 30th!
Also, please note that the district has extended the school year by one day due to the ice storm cancellations. The last day for students is now June 14th.
Be well,
Federal and state mandatory testing begins tomorrow, April 15.
All students will be taking the Math assessment this week, April 15, 16 and 18...We rely on these assessments to assist with student placements, funding, and academic growth tracking. Reminder: we will be running a special bell schedule these two weeks. Take note that we will end the day with period 1. We do this in order to keep lunch times about the same.
Parents, did you have a chance to double check that your student’s iPad is completely updated? If not, please do so now. Mandatory state testing starts tomorrow. Please check in with your student to make sure they know where their iPad is and make sure it is updated to the current operating system. If possible put eyes on it yourself to make sure it is updated to IOS 16.4 or above. Please use this link to update if needed. We will have a very limited number of loaners, therefore, bringing a charged iPad everyday is imperative. We thank you in advance for your help.
We appreciate your support during this process.
We have a very busy week at Fowler this week! In addition to our normal school, ASAs and Affinity Groups we are adding State Testing, and AVID Parent Night, our 8th Grade Career Day, the 8th Grade Panoramic Picture and our 6th & 7th Grade Community Day!
A special note from the Cafeteria: due to the difference in our schedule this week, they will not be serving Pizza on Thursday, April 18 as designated on the Monthly Menu. Our Kitchen recognizes that many students who do not normally eat hot lunch do so on Pizza Day and wanted you to be able to plan accordingly. They will be serving hamburgers and hot dogs in place of pizza.
ASA (After School Activities) are off and running with a great start! It is rarely too late to sign up for an activity, unless it’s reached maximum participants.
The only ASA that has reached maximum is Volleyball.
It’s easy to sign up! Send theEnglish Form|Español Form, along with payment (check or cash), to the Main Office with your student and we will get them on the roster(s).
The AVID Parent Night is this Thursday, April 18 from 5-7pm and is open to any Fowler AVID Family. The students have been working hard to prepare for and share this evening with you.
The 8th grade Career Day, along with the 8th Grade Panoramic Picture, will encompass the whole day for our 8th Graders.
Permission Slips (Spanish) were due last week.
If you have not signed a permission slip for Friday, April 19, please ask your student if they have it or print one from the link above and have them turn it in tomorrow.
Because students will not be in their typical classes and leaving for a field trip mid-day, we ask that you limit picking up your students prior to the end of the day. IF you DO need to pick your student up prior to the end of the day, please call ahead (503-431-5000) so that we can do our best to locate them prior to your arrival.
The 6th and 7th Grade Community Day is designed to provide our students the valuable opportunity to develop essential life skills, empathy, and a sense of civic responsibility while making a positive impact on their communities.
7th grade students will be traveling with their Morning Meeting to give back to our community at large. Once on site students will be assisting with lunch, recess, activity, organizing, entertainment and more!
Because all students will be taking a school bus to their location, (unless otherwise noted) Permission Slips will need to be completed and returned.
They will be handed out in Morning Meeting tomorrow (Monday) and will need to be returned Tuesday, April 16.
If your student does not bring one home tomorrow evening, follow the link above to sign the permission slip and make sure it gets in on time.
7th Grade students will attend Morning Meeting - 2nd period, eat lunch and then depart immediately after lunch (special lunch time 10:36 - 11:06). Students will return to campus at approximately 1:30 where they will attend period 6 and 7.
6th Grade students will attend Morning Meeting - 3rd period, eat 2nd lunch (special lunch time 11:25-11:55) and then join their Morning Meeting teacher working around Fowler doing things like Atrium maintenance, Litter Patrol, making Care Packages and more. Students will attend period 6 and 7.
The 8th Grade Panoramic Picture is going to be taken when the 8th grade students return from their Career Day Field trip this Friday, April 19. If you would like to purchase this memento for your student, it can be done by clicking the picture below:
School Calendar Update: We have had several phone calls inquiring about the last day of school. Last week our School Board officially changed the last day of school from Thursday, June 13 to Friday, June 14 due to the inclement weather we experienced in January.
Yearbooks are available. Yearbooks are sold for $30 on a prepay, first come/first serve basis and they are simple to purchase.
Yearbooks are handed out the last week of school.
You may send a check or cash with your student to turn in at the Main Office or you can click here and purchase the yearbook online.
PLEASE follow these instructions to be sure your student gets their yearbook:
When paying online you will need your student’s ID number and their legal last name as it appears on their school records (upper and lowercase sensitive).
If you have problems logging in please email smilettivega@ttsd.k12.or.us to have your password reset. PLEASE DO NOT set up a guest account.
Federal and state mandatory testing begins next Monday, April 15.
Mark your calendars for the 8th Grade Promotion on Wednesday, June 12, 6-7pm. More information to follow soon!
Here are a few ways to check out Tigard High School's extracurricular band and color guard activities. As the school year starts to wrap up they are reaching out to rising 8th and rising 9th grade students throughout the Tigard/Tualatin district to share information about our band program and ways students can be involved.
- Check out this YouTube video created by our Tigard High marching band.
- You can also check this out for more information: https://mckeesfabulousforum.blogspot.com/
- Students can email Kati McKee (kmckee@ttsd.k12.or.us) Assistant Director if they would liek to be placed on the interest list.
Kelley Ilic
Booster President
Tigard High Band, Orchestra & Auxiliary Boosters
Parent/Athlete Informational Meeting April 19th 6pm THS Commons
Pre Tryout Workshop: May 1st 4-6:15pm
Tryout Week: May 6-10th 4-6:15pm
To support all Tigard High School athletics, school, and community
To promote and uphold school spirit and good sportsmanship
To develop citizenship and leadership skills
To develop organization and team-work skills
To represent THS at selected cheer competitions
The PSO Silent Auction is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the PSO and it’s here!
April 22-26 OSAS English Testing
April 24 THS Cheer Team at Lunch
April 30 Multi-Cultural Celebration
May 1 PSO Meeting
May 1 ASA Soccer Jamboree at Twality
May 4 ASA Running Club 5K
May 8 ASA Volleyball Jamboree
May 7-9 THS THS Sport & Activity Lunch Visits
May 10 ACDA Middle School Choir Festival
MONDAY, 4/15
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
PI, 3:15-4:15pm
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
LGBT, 3:15-4:15pm
REAP, 3:15-4:15pm
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
MEChA, 3:15-4:15pm
REAP, 3:15-4:15pm
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
BSU, 3:15-4:15pm
AVID Parent Night, 5-7pm, Media Center
FRIDAY, 4/19
Regular Schedule
8th Grade Career Day
8th Grade Panoramic Picture
6th & 7th Grade Community Day
Tigard Parks & Rec and the Festival of Balloons 5K 2024 Fun Run
June 22
Click on Picture for More Information
City of Tigard Mini Duathlon at Summerlake Park
June 1
Click on Picture for More Information
9th Annual Free Community Shred Day
April 20
Click on the Picture for More Information
Winona Grange Annual Seed & Bees
April 27
Click on the Picture for More Information
Chehalem Valley BMX Beginner Clinic 2024
May 4
Click on the Picture for More Information
USTA Weekly Summer Tennis Camps for All Levels at Tigard HS
Click on Picture for More Information
Washington County Composite Mountain Bike Team
Click on Picture for More Information
City of Tualatin Blender Dash June 2024
Click on Picture for More Information
Mary Woodward Multicultural Night
Click on Picture for More Information
May 3rd
WashCo Bikes Summer Bike Camp
June 9
Click on Picture for More Information
Tigard Parks & Rec Earth & Arbor Day Celebration
Click on Picture for More Information
April 27
Email: fowleroffice@ttsd.k12.or.us
Location: 10865 Southwest Walnut Street, Tigard, OR, USA
Phone: 503-431-5000
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223