Cougar Chronicle
January 31, 2025
The Principal's Office
Changes to Daily Sandwich Options!!!
Starting on Monday, February 3rd, the only sandwich option for lunch will be Peanut Butter & Jelly. We understand that we just sent home the February menus and the other options are listed at the top but we need to make this change and didn't want to waste more paper! In addition, all sandwich orders need to be in by 9:30am in order for Chef Dena to have enough time to prepare everyone's meal. If you know that your child(ren) will be arriving late due to an appointment and they would like a Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich, please email Danielle at dmackay@u32.org before 9:30am so that she can help order their lunch!
Power of Positivity at Calais
We’ve asked staff to start sharing positive stories each week and this week there has been so much to share.
Students: A student took responsibility and made amends for something that happened which had left some hard feelings with other classmates. They did this without prompting to solve the problem. What a kind and empathetic heart they have!
Staff: Ms. Linda is much more than a para/support for the 5th/6th graders! She is flexible and capable each day! She helped me be more positive at recess! That helped me reflect and accept another perspective, Thanks Linda!
Before Randy cleans our hallway floors, he patiently and carefully hangs up the many mittens, hats, boots, etc the children carelessly left on the floor below their hooks. Every afternoon.
Our goal is to elevate the positive things happening in our school and to share that with our Calais Community!
Updates to Teaching Reading in Vermont
Act 139, Vermont's new literacy bill, was passed by the Legislature late last spring and went into effect on July 1.
Act 139 is intended to support strong literacy achievement for all students by focusing on young learners. Specifically, Act 139 focuses on K-3 learners and requires assessment to identify students who might need support, the provision of student support, professional learning for teachers, and caregiver notification when student assessment results are substantially below expectations.
The shifts we've made in our district to the Acadience reading assessment and the Fundations program in recent years are in alignment with Act 139.
We are in the middle of our winter assessment window right now, which means students are taking the Acadience reading assessment again. If your K-3 child scores well below the winter expectations, your principal will send a letter home as required by Act 139. The letter will let you know your child's current strengths and areas for growth along with the supports that are or will be put in place to support your child's continued growth in reading.
In future years we will send the family notification letter after the fall assessment window.
Please reach out to your principal if you have any questions about Act 139.
COVID Tests Available at Calais Elementary
If you need a COVID test, please either stop by or email Nurse Kathryn at ksaunders@u32.org. Stay healthy!
Survey for WVSA Regional District PreK Families
If you are a PreK family in the WVSA regional district, please fill out this survey by Feb 10th!
Guide to Elementary Report Card
"Would You Rather.."
Be able to breathe underwater or be able to fly?
Would You Rather Eat Pancakes or Waffles - RESULTS
Tiny Mic Interview with Mr. Weiss
Important Dates
1/31 - Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle
2/1 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Northfield (1:00pm)
2/1 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (Time TBD)
2/1 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (Time TBD)
2/3 - 2nd Grade - Cross Country Skiing
2/5 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (6:30pm)
2/5 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (5:00pm)
2/8 - Winter Carnival
2/8 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (11:30am)
2/8 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (12:30pm)
2/10 - 1st Grade - Cross Country Skiing
2/10 - Washington Central Allies and Caregivers of LGBTQIA++ Children Group Meets @ U-32
2/11 U-32 Transition Night for Rising 7th Graders
2/12 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Berlin (6:30pm)
2/13 - Friends of Calais Meeting
2/15 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (1:00pm)
2/15 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (12:00pm)
2/17 - Coffee & Conversations with the Supertendendent
2/17 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (6:00pm)
2/17 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (5:00pm)
2/20 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Berlin (5:00pm)
2/20 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Berlin (6:00pm)
3/10 - 5th Grade - Cross Country Skiing
3/17 - 6th Grade - Cross Country Skiing
Sign Ups and Donations Needed for Winter Carnival - February 8th
If you are interested in signing up to help with a station or donating towards the Winter Carnival, please sign up here.
Spaghetti Dinner Raffle - TONIGHT!
These forms are being sent home in the Friday folders this week but if you need a new one, please email Danielle at dmackay@u32.org!
Calais Humanity & Justice Coalition
Starting later this month, Calais will be starting the formation of our own “Humanity & Justice Coalition” in alignment with the strategic goals and vision of the WCUUSD. Simply put, the HJC is a group working to ensure all people feel heard, welcome, and safe at Calais Elementary and in our community. It is a celebration of all that makes us who we are and will work to ensure we will always be a community that welcomes and respects all people.
Our first step is to work with our students to better understand what it means for an HJC to exist at Calais. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me and be sure to talk with your students - those conversations are going to be critical. This is something we believe is important and I personally want to ensure that all viewpoints are heard and all people have a stake in this work. Do not hesitate to reach out to me personally with any questions.
Additionally, we will be planning a Parent/Community Humanity and Justice Information Session in the Spring. Be on the lookout for more information in the future.
New Group : Washington Central Allies and Caregivers of LGBTQIA++ Children
Washington Central allies and caregivers of children exploring and/or identifying LGBTQIA++
(not our official name!)
The SECOND MONDAY every month--- 5-6:30pm.
Beginning February 10th
Location: Room 128 at U-32
We invite all district members with children (preK-12) in their care or in a caring relationship with kids who are or are exploring their gender expression.
Sometimes the health and well-being of our kids is hampered by the social expectations we have all been taught-- about what to expect from boys and girls.
As adults we carry our upbringing of such expectations AND we adore our kids who may be breaking up with those very ideas.
This group welcomes conversations about how our kids are declaring who they are, defying expectations, how our kids love pink or don't, play with trucks instead of dolls, wear dresses instead of pants, or both, love everyone and sometimes do not receive such open heartedness from others.
What do we do about pronouns, bullying, our own 'coming out' as adults who love and adore kids who tell us they are questioning how they fit in the world? What about LGBTAQ++ and non-binary? Wondering about gender and as age appropriate, growing into social and emotional intimate interests?
We want to create a place to share experiences and resources guided by Shelley Vermilya, district equity scholar and gender studies educator, and parents.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Please send questions and RSVP
Shelley Vermilya svermilya@u32.org
Dance - Now Happening in MARCH - Info Coming Soon!
The Parent Advisory Team has worked with a group of students to put together another school dance! The next dance will be in March and while we are still working on the final dates and details we want you to start thinking about your dance moves now!
Backpack Program
Dear Calais Families,
We will be starting the Backpack program soon here at Calais Elementary School for families. The program is designed to provide families with children who attend Calais, the necessary food and clothing that they may need throughout the school year. Food and Gift bags will be dispensed in a discreet and caring manner. This program runs the full school year on a weekly basis with exception to student breaks and summer. This includes winter clothing, Thanksgiving and Christmas presents, in addition. There is no cost associated with this program. If you wish for your child to participate in the program, please sign below and return this letter to the school in your child's folder or drop it off at the Main Office by next Friday. Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions or any needs for your child at any time.
Feel free to email me at rfrisenda@u32.org or call 802-454-7777 ext 105 at any time.
Ruth Frisenda
School Counselor
Calais Elementary School
February Menus
Important CES Links
Food Assistance for Families
Links and Resources
Type in your zip code or county to find different resources in your area!
To help with essentials
Pictures from 3/4 Cross Country Ski Trip
Interview with Ms. Scoop
Hi Calais Cougars!
Today we are interviewing Donna - yay!
Her favorite color is coral.
Her least favorite color is white.
Her favorite animal is a dog.
Her least favorite animal is a skunk (stinky).
Her favorite food is asian food (yum).
Her least favorite food are hot dogs.
Her favorite sweet food is chocolate chip cookies (yum).
Her least favorite sweet food is raspberry pie.
If you could be one thing in the world, she would be a kinder person. What would you want to be if you chose anything?
Bye for now!
Ms. Scoop