Miner Message
September 3, 2024

Miner Families,
We have been back in school now for a few weeks. The halls are back buzzing, students and staff are around and about the building, and lots of learning has already taken place. I hope that you have enjoyed your summers but I am sure that you are glad to have your kiddos back at school! There has been a lot going on around Miner School so I will take some time to share a few things.
New Staff Joining the Miner Family this Year!
Meet Our New Assistant Principal - Mrs. Jaime Lenhart
Jaime has been with us since August (officially) and has jumped right in to learn the ropes at Miner, build relationships with students and staff, and taking the lead in our efforts to hire more staff.
Jaime has experiences working in general education environments, therapeutic day settings, as well as previous co-operative organizations. She is a trained School Social Worker that found her way to administration a few years ago. She realized that she wanted to make a greater impact on the students that she was servicing and knew that being a school administrator would help her do that. Jaime has worked with various ages, populations, and grade levels. One of her passions is transition and ensuring that students are prepared for life beyond the age of 21. We are so happy to have her apart of the Miner Family.
New Staff!
New Certified Staff:
Jenni Bryan - LBS1 Teacher
Judy Kasner - LBS1 Teacher
Marjorie Gell - Speech
Emily Paine - Physical Therapist
Daniela Ugalde - Occupational Therapist
Emma Williams - Occupational Therapist
Ewelina Miskiewicz - BCBA
Amanda Preston - BCBA
Kemisha Swan - Social Worker
Dylan Pacion - Head Custodian
Jaimie Zimmerman - District EL Coach
We still have a few more positions left to fill and are working diligently to do. In the meantime, one of our very own ESPs, Sara Nigliaccio, has been filling in as a long-term substitute for our current teacher v vacancy. She has been doing an awesome job!\
We also had a group of amazing new ESPs join our family as well. We are certainly looking forward to a great year.
Window project almost complete!
We are so excited to have these beautiful new windows on the west side of the building. They were able to get them in much quicker than anticipated. They make such a big difference! Big shout out to District 25's new superintendent, Dr. Brian Kaye, for providing Miner Staff with breakfast this past Friday in show of appreciation for enduring the window project set back. It was much appreciated!
Exploring Senses
This week's ReadtopiaGo theme in Ms. Gilson's class is the five senses. Mrs. Ebbole brought in an exciting sensory experience with lights, bubbles, smells, and textured items. The students LOVED it!
~Danielle Gilson - Teacher
Cooking Class with Ms. Hennessy!
It’s not letting me do this on my phone right now but our class did our first Friday cooking lesson today! Our trained pastry chef, Ms. Jess, helped us to make chocolate chip black bean brownies. They sound gross, but were delicious! The students were amazing chefs and were very excited about the fact that we got to taste test the chocolate chips!
~Lauren Hennessy - Teacher
PTO Corner
24-25 Miner PTO
If you are interested in being apart of the Miner PTO for the 24-25 school year, please contact myself or our incoming PTO President, Erin Rohlena at erine683@gmail.com. We are looking forward to a fantastic new year and want to hit the ground running!
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Miner students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either tjeffrey@nsseo.org or jlenhart@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Miner!
Important Dates
- September 2nd: No School - Labor Day
- September 11th: First PTO meeting @ 7PM
- September 13th: School Improvement Day - No Students in Attendance
- September 26th: Fire Drill @ 10AM