August 16, 2024
As we move through your senior year we would like to target ways we can help you move to your next step in life. Please click the link below and complete our survey. We will use the information from this survey to send you information about opportunities that are helpful to help you as you move toward graduation. We are asking ALL seniors to complete this survey!
The beginning of your senior year has just started. We wanted to send a quick greeting, ask for your help and let you know ways we can help you.
If you haven’t already, please check BOTH your senior schedule AND the credits you still need for graduation requirements. Credits are included on the second page of your transcript PDF. MAKE SURE THE CLASSES YOU ARE TAKING MEET ANY CREDITS YOU STILL NEED TO GRADUATE!
NEW THIS YEAR! Papillion La Vista High School would like to welcome our two new counselors, Mrs. Lawhorn and Mrs. Madler! We are excited to have them as part of our counseling team.
Something else that is new this year is your counselors are assigned by alpha this year. If you have questions about your schedule or credits, see your assigned senior counselor. Your assigned counselor will also help you with all your post-secondary plans, personal social, and classroom needs. Scan the QR code and your counselor will send you a pass to visit with them.
- Mr. Wes Caruso A-C
- Mr. Aaron Reyes D, F-H
- Ms. Sherly Van Steenbergen I-M
- Mrs. Kristen Madler E,N,O, T-Z
- Mrs. Bobbi Lawhorn P-S
Just SOME of the ways we will be proactively supporting seniors and families:
- Senior counseling lesson during English classes during August 26-29
- Weekly Senior Bulletins emailed out on Fridays
Mrs. Bradley is available to help you with scholarships, transcript and letters of recommendations questions, and cap & gowns.
We are excited to partner with all of you to chart the best senior year and path beyond for each member of the PLHS Class of 2025.
General Tips:
- Capitalize all appropriate words, including your name, city, state and all proper nouns include the pronoun “I” rather than “i”.
- You MUST use your full, LEGAL NAME. No nicknames, abbreviated names and, if you have multiple last names you need to include them all.
- Be consistent – Using the same name on all your forms, applications, FAFSA, test scores, etc. will help avoid mistakes and confusion.
- Some applications will have the option to include a preferred name.
- Unless you are given the option for “Other”, “Prefer not to respond”, etc., if you asked you must indicate the gender/sex assigned to you at birth.
- Create a system of email and document folders so that you can keep track of account login formation, passwords, important information and emails, etc..
- Social Security Number (SSN): If you don’t know your SSN we recommend putting it in your phone as a Contact. That way it will be at your fingertips but confidential. Example: ###-##0-#### and use a name your will remember.
- Use a transcripts when listing academic history questions to ensure accurate information.
- If the application does not specify ‘unweighted’, always use your weighted GPA.
- Carefully monitor whichever email account you use for college/scholarship applications. DO NOT USE YOUR PLCS EMAIL! (Considering creating and using a new email just for that purpose.)
- Know your ACT score and the date you took the score you are reporting. Keep in mind that many schools are test optional so you many not have to report your score if you do not feel it will help. Make sure you check if the school allows you to report SUPER SCORES. This could make a difference in the amount of scholarship award amounts your receive.
- ALWAYS review or have somebody else review your work before your submit.
- Most college applications are “rolling”. However, knowing what early action, decision and other application options may be necessary.
PLHS Specific Information
- Use Papillion La Vista High School as the school name.
- High School Code: (CEEB or A.I. code) 281-860
- We do NOT rank.
- We use semesters.
- Weighted 4.0 Scale.
- 18 AP Classes available.
- Class Size:
- Email Mrs. Bradley with your transcript request. (Vickie.Bradley@plcschools.org)
The Papillion La Vista Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age or other protected status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Students: Dr. Trent Steele, Director of Secondary Human Resources and Student Services, 420 South Washington Street, Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 537-6214 (trent.steele@plcschools.org). Employees and Others: Dr. Kati Settles, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources, 420 South Washington Street, Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 537-6206 (kati.settles@plcschools.org.org). Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination with the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education (OCR), please contact OCR at One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street #320, Kansas City, Missouri 64106, (816) 268-0550 (voice), or (877) 521-2172 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.