Wk 9 Term 4 2024
Tauranga Primary School
Feature Newsletter Sponsor
Principal's Update
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ngā mihi nui, kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to you all.
As we prepare for the end of the year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish our leaving Year 6 learners all the best for the next stage in their schooling. They are prepared for new challenges and opportunities that await them at Intermediate, and we look forward to hearing of their successes and achievements in the future.
Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui
Be strong, be brave, be steadfast
Aaron Moores, our Board of Trustees chair, is standing down from his position on the board. Aaron will leave as the last of his five children graduate from TPS. I would like to extend our gratitude to Aaron for his leadership, dedication, and unwavering support of our school over the past 11 years. Aaron's commitment has ensured that our governance team have been focused on achieving positive outcomes for the learners in our care, he has provided a steady hand through challenges and opportunities alike. We deeply appreciate the countless hours Aaron has devoted to fostering an environment where students and staff alike can thrive. Thank you Aaron for your service and for being such an integral part of our school's journey.
Pam Wilkins has decided to step back from the Junior Team Leadership role and focus on class teaching. Jana Smith will be taking on the Junior Team Leader role from 2025. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pam for her leadership and unwavering dedication to our school community. As a leader, she has always led from the heart, bringing empathy, and care to every decision and interaction. Pam's pragmatic approach and efficiency have been instrumental in guiding the junior team through challenges and achieving success. Beyond leadership, Pam is an exceptional teacher whose passion for education inspires both colleagues and students alike. While Pam has stepped back from her leadership role to focus on classroom teaching, we know that her impact will continue to resonate, and we are so fortunate to have her as part of our teaching team. Pam, thank you for everything you have given and continue to give to our school.
Thank you to our parents and supporters of Tauranga Primary School. We are continually striving to provide the very best education we can for your children and appreciate your support and partnership in this endeavour.
Year 6 parents, I especially want to thank you for trusting us with your children throughout their primary school years. For some this will mark the end of your close association with TPS, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you well and thank you for your contributions and support over many years.
Lastly, thank you to the teaching team, support staff, Friends of the School and BOT of TPS, you are a remarkable group of people who have contributed so much to make TPS a wonderful place to learn and grow in. I appreciate and value your support and look forward to an exciting 2025.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone.
Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te tau hou hari.
Dates for the calendar:
- 3rd February 2025- Whānau Connect Day - parents will be sent information in mid January to make an appointment with their child's whānau/class teacher. This interview will be a chance for you to talk with the teacher and share what is important (from your perspective) for the year ahead for your child.
- 4th February 2025 - First day at school for children
Hei kōnei rā
Fiona Hawes
Office Opening Hours in January
Thursday 30th and Friday 31st January 9:00am - 2:00pm
Stationery 2025
To start the 2025 school year, the only cost that we request is for school stationery. Stationery can be purchased directly from the school and all of your child's stationery needs for the year will be provided directly to the classroom throughout the year.
School Stationery 2025:
Your child's stationery for 2025 will be entered onto their school account in early January.
There are three ways you can pay:
- through the 'school shop'
- via eftpos at the office
- directly into our bank account Tauranga Primary School Board (12-3440-0009600-00) Please reference your child (SURNAME, first initials, Stationery)
We have negotiated with our suppliers excellent stationery prices:
- Year 1 $39.00 New Entrants - 5 year olds new student to TPS in 2025
- Year 1 $29.00 Returning students who were Year 0 in 2024
- Year 2 $38.00 Rms 11, 12, and13 and the Year 2 students in Room 14 (new students to TPS will also need to purchase a book bag $3.50 & whiteboard $4.60 )
- Year 3 $47.00 MH3, MH4 and MH5 (book bag and whiteboard included)
- Year 4 $47.00 MH3, MH4 and MH5 (new students will need a purchase a book bag and whiteboard)
- Year 5 $38.00 SH1 and 2 (whiteboard included)
- Year 6 $34.00 SH1 & 2 (new students will need to purchase a whiteboard)
FOTS meeting Tuesday 11th February, 5:30pm in the staffroom - everyone welcome
2024/25 Ballot Dates
Out of Zone Enrolments
Enrolment for Term 1 2025 - held on Friday 25th October 2024
(Additional ballot for Term 1 Friday 17th January 2025 if necessary)
Enrolment for Term 2 2025 - ballot to be held on Friday 14th February 2025
Enrolment for Term 3 2025 - ballot to be held on Friday 9th May 2025
Enrolment for Term 4 2025 - ballot to be held on Friday 25th July 2025
Enrolment for Term 1 2026 - ballot to be held on Friday 17th October 2025
Enrolment packs can be collected from the office, or use our online enrolment form at www.tauranga.school.nz / enrol (code 1991)
Any queries or to check your child's name is on our pre-enrolment list please contact our
Enrolment Officer: Barbara Turley at office@tauranga.school.nz
School bank account - please check:
School Bank Account
There is an updated Confirmation of Payee system coming into NZ to check if the account owner name and number match payments being made. It will either show as a Match, Partial Match or Not a Match.
To ensure our families with gain a Match for payments, please ensure that the school's bank account is noted as: Tauranga Primary School Board not just Tauranga Primary School.
Term 4
- 11th - 13th December - Year 6 Camp Totara Springs
- 16th December, Monday - Year 6 Leavers Assembly, Holy Trinity Church, 9:30am followed by shared morning tea with Year 6 whānau at Tauranga Primary School
- 17th December, Tuesday - School closes 12:00pm
- 27th January - Auckland Anniversary
- 30th & 31st January - School Office open
- 3rd February - Whānau Connect Day - (interviews with parents) details to be sent home in January
- 4th February - First day of term for students
- 5th February - 9:00am pohiri to welcome new families to Tauranga Primary School
- 6th February - Waitangi Day, school closed
- 11th February - Friends of the School meeting, 5:30pm staffroom, all welcome
- 18th February - Board of Trustees meeting, 6:30pm staffroom
- 20th February - TPS Family Picnic, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Our Newsletter Sponsors:
Community Notices
School Contact Details:
Fiona Hawes
Deputy Principal
Cathy Ediker
Assistant Principal
Robyn Caley
Junior Team Leader
Jana Smith
Middle Team Leader
Brianna Perfect
Senior Team Leader
Jo Howard
International Student enquiries
Cathy Ediker
Business Manager
Susan O'Neill
Enrolment Officer
Barbara Turley