Blue Valley Northwest
Principal's Newsletter - August 30, 2024
Hello, Husky Families!
Thank you once again for helping BVNW start the year strong! Week 3 was a success, and our students are settling into a great school routine!
Our athletic teams have fantastic momentum right now, and I wish them the best of luck in their competitions over the next week!
I’m very proud of how well our staff and students have implemented our school's structured expectations (shared last week and also linked in repeating information), especially in the area of personal electronic devices in the classroom. Their commitment to staying focused and minimizing distractions in class is setting a positive tone for the school year.
As we approach Labor Day weekend, I hope it offers some rest and relaxation for you and our students. This is a reminder that staff will engage in professional learning on Tuesday, so we'll return to class on Wednesday, September 4th to an Odd Day block schedule. The September Odd/Even/Traditional Calendar rotation is below.
Finally, please see the information below regarding our first soccer game at SWIDAC this evening and our first home football game next Friday, Sept. 6th. Go Huskies!
Leah Vomhof
BVNW Principal
New Information:
September Odd/Even/Traditional Calendar
Our September Odd/Even/Traditional Calendar is below!
24-25 Bell Schedule
As a reminder, our bell schedule is below.
BVNW News Website
Visit the link below to see the BVNW journalists’ work featuring news, human interest pieces, personality profiles and opinion writings. You can also find photo galleries, reviews and games on the website - www.bvnwnews.com.
National Honor Society Invitations
Invitations to juniors/seniors who qualify for NHS were sent via email yesterday, August 29. Please encourage your students to check their email. A qualifying GPA is 3.5 and above (GPAs do not round), and applications and teacher references are due Friday, September 13th.
Activities & Clubs - Get Involved in BVNW!
Is your student interested in getting more involved at school? This week they participated in a Virtual Club/Activity Fair. You can also find a master list of clubs, activities, and honor societies, along with their sponsors, here.
Link to The Express:
It’s Game Day! Soccer v. BVN is TONIGHT!
Our first varsity competition of the year is here! Varsity/JV Soccer vs BVN @ SWIDAC beginning @ 5:00 PM. You must purchase a ticket to enter (click here). Come cheer on the Huskies in a fun and safe game day environment.
Friday, Sept. 6th - 1st Home Football Game!
Blue Valley Northwest hosts our first home football game of the season Friday, Sept. 6th. Providing the information below before the game will help facilitate a positive fan experience for everyone attending. Please read the information below carefully before attending games.
Middle School and Elementary Student Attendance
We ask that middle or elementary school students arrive and remain seated with an adult for the entirety of the game. Unsupervised students will be asked to leave with the adult they entered the game with by event security. There is no safe area for students to “play” during the game; no balls or other toys are permitted in the stadium.
Tickets and Stadium Access
Advanced tickets- Tickets are available for purchase prior to the game via GoFan. OR you can purchase tickets at the gate. Cash and credit are both accepted at the gate.
Student entry- ** for football games*** Students with activity passes should enter the stadium at the student line closest to the fence on the soccer stadium. It will be clearly marked. Student activity passes are no longer tethered to their student ID. Instead, students must use the GoFan app and have their activity pass accessed through that platform. Students entering at this gate can not use a BV Employee pass- students who have parents/guardians that are employees of the BVSD can contact our bookkeeper to receive a voucher code for their GoFan pass.
Here is the link and the QR code to the GoFan app.
IMPORTANT! Within the GoFan app, patrons will be asked to click through 2 separate screens to validate tickets and passes. This must be done in front of the ticket taker at the gate and NOT in advance while walking up.
Our BVNW student leaders work hard in the stand to maintain a lively and respectful student section. Please follow our students’ lead and be respectful in all moments of competition. A national shortage of referees is real- we want officials to choose to come to Blue Valley Northwest, so out ability to host games is not impacted. Even if you disagree with a call, please respect our officials’ time and investment in our community and keep your comments courteous.
Food and Drink
There is no outside food or drink allowed in the stadium. All reusable water bottles must be emptied before entrance. A single sealed water bottle is permitted for each person attending. Additionally, we’d like to remind our community alcohol is prohibited anywhere on campus.
We are looking forward to a great fall sports season and can’t wait to see the home stands full of BVNW fans! Go Huskies!!
BVNW Athletic Schedule
Go Huskies!
BVNW Administrative Team
KCTV5 High School Star of the Week
KCTV5 is actively searching for outstanding high school students who excel in various areas outside of athletics. Whether it's choir, debate, math club, culinary club, or any other noteworthy achievements, we want to shine a spotlight on their accomplishments and share their inspiring stories with our audience. Students will feature in My KC Live’s "High School Star of the Week" segment every Friday at 9am.
To nominate a student from your high school, simply submit their photos or videos through our website: https://www.kctv5.com/lifestyle/living-kc/high-school-star-of-the-week/
Reporting Religious Absences
Did you know? Families can select “Religious Holiday” as an option for a child’s absence in ParentVue, when applicable. This notation could be helpful to our school staff so they can plan accordingly for your student’s absence.
Proactive School Safety: How Blue Valley Addresses and Assesses Threats
At Blue Valley Schools, student safety is our top priority. Our approach to safety blends proactive prevention, fostering strong adult-student relationships and maintaining robust physical security measures. Central to our strategy is understanding and addressing potential threats.
What Constitutes a Threat?
A threat includes any expression of intent to harm, whether spoken or written. Identifying and responding to these expressions is crucial to the safety of our school community.
The Role of Threat Assessments
Blue Valley’s comprehensive threat assessment process has two primary objectives:
Preventing Violence: We work to intervene before potential threats escalate.
Resolving Underlying Issues: By understanding the reasons behind a threat, we can resolve conflicts and provide necessary support.
Structured, Evidence-Based Approach
Blue Valley Schools follows the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG), a nationally recognized, evidence-based program. This approach ensures that we not only prevent violence but also support individuals in need.
Since the fall of 2023, Blue Valley building leaders have been trained in and actively using this Threat Assessment approach. This consistent use of CSTAG has equipped leaders with a common vocabulary and protocol, enabling them to resolve situations more effectively when threats arise.
By staying committed to this structured and compassionate approach, Blue Valley Schools ensures that students and staff are supported, safe and able to focus on what truly matters–learning through extraordinary educational opportunities.
More information about Blue Valley’s threat assessment process is available on the district website.
College Visits
College visits are a great opportunity for juniors and seniors to meet with college representatives at BVNW. Click here or scan the QR code to sign up. Colleges and universities are added throughout the year, so please check back periodically and review the schools listed in announcements. This is only for 11th and 12th grade students and is not open to parents/guardians.
Volunteer Opportunities
Hearing and Vision Parent Volunteers Needed:
We need several parent volunteers to assist with our hearing and vision screenings on Friday, September 6th. Any questions, please contact the school nurse, Haley Murkin at HNMurkin@bluevalleyk12.org. Please click on the sign-up genius link below to volunteer and thanks in advance for your time!
NW Booster Club: Hearing and Vision Volunteers 2024 (signupgenius.com)
Homecoming Dance Chaperones Needed:
Please help our students enjoy a fun night at the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, Sept. 14 2024! There are 2 shifts available and volunteers can sign up for one or both shifts. Thank you for helping make this a wonderful night for our students! Please click on the sign-up genius link below to volunteer:
School Dances: Homecoming Dance Volunteers 9/14/2024 (signupgenius.com)
To Do This Week:
Important Dates:
September 12th - Homecoming Pep Assembly
September 13th - Crowning of Royalty at football game
September 14th - Homecoming Dance (more information to come!)
Oct. 17 - School picture retakes/Senior last chance photos
Repeating Information (already shared):
BVNW Structured Expectations
BVNW Father's Club
The BVNW Father’s Club is welcoming new members. It's free to join! The time commitment is small, but the benefit to students and parents is huge. Make a difference – join here: https://fathersclub.org/join/. You’ll see Father’s Club out soon sharing some fist bumps and snacks with students – maybe even a few dad jokes.
If you have questions or would like to help coordinate activities this year, please contact Charles Dahm, Chairman for area schools, at 913-707-5694 or Charles.dahm@fathersclub.org. He is looking for 4 – 5 dads to help lead the chapter..
School Pictures
School Pictures were taken August 23rd! You may place orders here. Students who did not get pictures taken may have their pictures taken the morning of Thursday, October 17. This will also include seniors who did not get pictures taken over the summer (for the yearbook). All students must get their picture taken if they want it in the yearbook!
Important Travel Outside of the USA Information
This important message is for any family or staff that will travel out of the United States during the school year. Please click here to read the restrictions and recommendations for Out of the Country travel. Blue Valley resources such as Canvas, Classlink, and school email are not accessible out of the country unless you have a personal device with a VPN on it.
Attention Seniors & Senior Parents! Apply Kansas Information!
The Kansas Apply Free Days will be held on October 7-9, 2024! During these three days, any Kansas resident, regardless of age or income can apply for free at any of our 7 public universities, 19 community colleges, 6 Technical colleges, and the 21 private member institutions of the Kansas Independent College Association. Eligible programs include general applications, certificate programs, associate degree programs, and bachelor degree programs. (Graduate programs or other mid-degree applications will not qualify.)
Refer to the 2024 Apply Free Days Application Instructions for detailed institution-specific guidance on completing applications for admission.
JCCC’s College Now Program is a dual or concurrent credit option for students in approved classes at BVNW. What is dual credit? When a high school student takes an approved BVNW HS class from an approved high school teacher, they have the option to earn both high school and college credit. Students must enroll separately at JCCC to earn the college credit. Please refer to a recent email that was sent regarding College Now or the BVNW Counseling Canvas course. The deadline to enroll is September 20.
BVNW College Now (JCCC) Classes
AP Pre-calc/Trig
AP English Literature (12th)
AP Calculus AB
Honors Spanish 5
AP Calculus BC
AP Spanish Language
Baker Concurrent Credit Enrollment
Baker CCP (concurrent credit program) is a concurrent enrollment option where your student attends an approved class at BVNW, and can also receive college credit through Baker University if all steps/requirements necessary for enrollment are met.
Students with a 3.0 or better GPA are eligible to enroll and do so online.
BVNW Courses with available Baker CCP credit:
- AP US History - Mr. Lange (both fall & spring semesters)
- AP Psychology - Mrs. Gipple (yearlong)
BV Virtual Courses with available Baker CCP credit:
- AP US History – Virtual/Mr. Lange (both fall & spring semesters)
- AP Psychology – Virtual/Mrs. Buffington (yearlong)
- AP Macroeconomics – Virtual/Ms. Garcia (fall semester)
The deadline to enroll is September 6 for yearlong and fall semester classes.
**ATTENTION Seniors & Juniors**
We’re offering college visits for you to attend again this school year. Here is the list we have so far but please check back often as new schools will be added frequently. Once you sign up you will receive an email, and this will be your pass to show your teacher to be able to attend. No passes will be sent to you to attend the visits, you are responsible for keeping track of when & where the visit is happening and getting yourself there
Kansas Air National Guard
Wednesday 8/28
During lunch 11:15-1:10
NO PASS IS NEEDED FOR THIS VISIT. A table will be set up by the nurse’s office, stop by as you like
Purdue University
Wednesday 9/4
Location TBD – check future announcements for location
Boston University
Thursday 9/5
Location TBD – check future announcements for location
University of Missouri
Thursday 9/12
Location TBD – check future announcements for location
Kansas State University
Wednesday 9/25
Location TBD – check future announcements for location
Oklahoma State University
Wednesday 10/9
Location TBD – check future announcements for location
Grinnell College
Wednesday 10/9
Location: Conference room in the Student Services Office
Athletics Reminders
Blue Valley Families,
We are excited to have your families come to support our high school activities and athletics this school year. It is great to see the entire community at these events. It is imperative that our parent community partner with us as we work to encourage a positive atmosphere for our high school games or events.
Sportsmanship/officials: We want to give our student athletes the opportunity to play as many games as possible and we need officials to make those games happen. With a local and national shortage of officials, we want to make sure officials continue to choose to work Blue Valley events. The number one way we can create a welcoming environment is for spectators, coaches and student athletes to be courteous and respect the official’s decisions.
Tailgating: Tailgating before games has become a tradition for many students and families. We love to see our community gathering together to enjoy food and tailgate games in our parking lots. As a reminder, alcohol and tobacco are not allowed on district property including parking lots. Outside food and drink is not permitted inside the gates except for unopened water bottles. Please visit the concession stands and support our school groups!
Thank you for your help in making our district events a great experience for all who attend. We hope to see your family cheering for our Blue Valley teams this school year.
Matt Ortman
Director of School Administration, Athletics and Activities
Blue Valley School District
GoFan Student Tickets:
Please click the link to purchase a student pass for $40 -
Upcoming Events: Click here to view all athletic schedules
Once you click the link, you can select specific schedules under the “view schedules” tab on the right side of the screen.
9/26: Varsity Golf @ Sycamore Ridge
9/27: JV Golf @ Smiley’s Golf.
JV Tennis @ BVNW vs STA.
9/28: VB Jamboree @ BVNW vs BVW, BVN, and BMHS.
9/30: F,JV,V Football Jamboree @ SMN
JV/V Soccer vs BVN @ SWIDAC Turf Side
8/31: V Volleyball @ SJA vs St. Michaels
Activities Reminders:
All school activities can now be found on the EKL website. This is new!
We will follow KSHSAA guidelines. If you’re interested in what is offered at BVNW, please click here: https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/domain/5413
We strongly encourage club involvement as it is a great way for students to develop friendships and connect within the school community! If you are interested in the clubs offered at BVNW, please click here: https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/Page/35611
Blue Valley Northwest High School
Website: https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/bvnw
Location: 13260 Switzer Rd, Overland Park, KS 66213
Phone: (913) 239-3400