Duniway Dispatch
August 5th, 2024
August 26, 2024
Special Edition
- August 27: First day of school for Grades 1-5
- August 27: Principal Coffee, Cafeteria, 8 a.m.
- August 27-30: Kindergarten Ramp Up Days, students in small groups
- September 2: Schools Closed
- September 3: First official full day for all kindergarteners
- September 3: Boohoo Breakfast for Kinder Parents, Cafeteria, 8 a.m.
- September 6: Duniway Field Day
- September 10: General PTA Meeting, Library, 7 p.m.
- September 25: Early release - dismissal at 11:50 a.m.
Principal's Message
Dear Duniway Families,
John Melvin
Daily Schedule (for the first week of school)
The school day begins at 8:00 a.m.
The school day ends at 2:30 p.m.
Breakfast at 7:45 a.m.
Students who opt for breakfast at school enter through the cafeteria.
7:45-7:55am- Students begin lining up by class outside designated entrance (see map below). Look for signs with teacher name and form line behind sign.
First Bell at 7:55 a.m. - Teachers Greet Students Outside and Escort Students into Building
Teachers greet students at the grade level designated entrances at 7:55 a.m. Teacher escorts students into the school building and parents/guardians wave goodbye to students. (For safety reasons, only students and staff can enter the building at this time.) Note: After the first week, students will enter the building on their own and teachers will greet students at their classroom doors.
Second Bell at 8:00 a.m. - Class Begins
Students arriving late enter through the main entrance on SE Reed College Place and sign in with staff in the main office. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be marked late for the day.
Recess and Lunch
20-minute recess followed by 20-minute lunch
- Grades K and 1 - 10:50-11:30
- Grades 2 and 3 - 11:20-12:00
- Grades 4 and 5 - 11:50-12:30
Dismissal at 2:30 p.m.
Students will be dismissed at their designated entrance, after school program, or head to the bus.
If your student takes the school bus...
- Review the bus schedules for Routes 227-DUN and 289-DUN.
- Please note that the bus schedules, stops, and routes have changed this year. Many students may take one bus route in the morning and a different bus route in the afternoon even if they are going to the same stop.
- Please complete this survey to ensure we have accurate information.
- If you are making a change to your child's afterschool plans on any given day, please email duniwayattend@pps.net and your child's teacher by 9 a.m.
- Thank you!
Personal Electronic Devices Policy
Per school and district policy, students are not permitted to use personal electronic devices (cell phone, I-Watch, etc) during the school day. If you need to contact your child during the school day (or your child needs to contact you), you or your child must contact the school office. Any personal electronic device must be stored away in their lockers/backpacks during the school day. If your child plans to bring a personal electronic device to school, please review this policy with them.
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All PPS Students
Portland Public Schools Nutrition Services is happy to announce all students will be able to enjoy breakfast and lunch at no charge for the 2024-25 school year. This opportunity is made possible in part by the expansion of federal eligibility and additional funds allocated by the state’s Student Success Act.
Breakfast includes an entrée, choice of fruit, and milk. Lunch includes a choice of entrée, milk, and unlimited fruits and vegetables. Students must choose at least three foods, with one food being at least a 1/2 cup of fruit and/or a vegetable.
Due to this change in services, our kitchen teams will no longer be able to take cash or check payments. If students bring their lunch from home and want milk, they must choose two other foods – such as a fruit and vegetable – at no charge. Milk can no longer be purchased separately.
A few more clarifications:
Families do not need to submit a free and reduced-price meal application. All PPS students are automatically enrolled in this program.
If you have questions about your student’s meal account, please visit our webpage for more information or contact our department for further support.
School Supplies
We are continuing the Duniway tradition of having families donate funds to the school to allow for our staff to purchase the required supplies for the entire school year, rather than students bringing their own supplies. The link to pay your suggested school supply fee is now live on Konstella. We are recommending a $50 per student school supply fee. If you are able, there is also an option to sponsor another student. Please click HERE to pay your school supply fee(s).
If you would rather pay with cash or check (made payable to Duniway PTA), you can bring it to the office by ringing the buzzer by the main entrance on SE Reed College Place on school days between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
If you haven't done so already, please join our community on Konstella. Konstella is a platform provided to us by the PTA to help connect parents, volunteer for school activities and keep up to date on community events and activities. Link to Join Konstella