Bronco Bulletin May 22, 2024

November 15, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Greetings Bronco Families!
It was another great week of learning & engagement at Crews. Congratulations to our Spelling Bee Winners: 1st-Heer Kalaria, 2nd- Parisa Shahnaz, 3rd-Neel Vyas, and 4th - Rishabh Kothari. We wish them success at the next level of competition. Special shout out to our counseling department and peer leaders for shining a light on World Kindness Day this week. On the tales of successful seasons for cross country and volleyball, we are excited to launch basketball season. Stay Connected @ Crews and maximize opportunities for your student's curricular and extracurricular engagement.
As we enter the final half of the semester, monitor your student’s performance and engagement closely to help them finish strong. Remember that your 24-25 Parent and Family Resource Guide provides additional guidance for doing so. Here are some key reminders:
All missing/absentee assignments are due the first week of December. Afterwards, teachers will be focused on grading final projects and exams.
Communications will go out in the coming weeks about Georgia School Climate surveys for stakeholders.
These surveys are anonymous, but participation rates determine our state rating for school climate.
Check out these documents to learn more about the GA School Climate Survey for Students and GA School Climate Survey for Families.
Final exams are December 17 - 20. Exams cannot be taken early. Make-up testing will occur the first week of January.
Please reach out to the school if you need assistance to support your student’s journey.
In service to others,
Principal Moffett
Clinic Update Regarding Medication
With cold and flu season around the corner, all medications, both prescription and over the counter (including cough drops), must be brought to the school clinic by a parent or guardian. Students may not bring medication to school.
Please contact Cheri Edwards, Crews clinic worker, at 770-736-4911 or cheri.edwards@gcpsk12.org with any questions.
Spelling Bee Winners 🐝
Book Fair - Nov. 18 - 22
Please see details below regarding next week's book fair. Additionally, there is a link detailing instructions for signing up for KidCredit (a cashless way for students to purchase items at the book fair).
Crews Chorus Hoodie Campaign
Need a comfy hoodie? Want to look amazing while supporting the Chorus Department? Please consider purchasing a hoodie.
*Hoodie sales end on Friday, November 22nd*
School of the Arts (SOTA)
Interested in learning more about Gwinnett County’s School of the Arts? See the attached pamphlets for more information. Applications are due on Sunday, December 1st. https://schools.gcpsk12.org/SOTA