Ferdinand Elementary Newsletter
October 4, 2024
Message from Mrs. Winkler
We’ve had a wonderful first week of October! With the start of the new month, we’ve also begun focusing on important topics for Anti-Bullying Month and Mental Health Awareness. Mrs. Madden has been leading great discussions with our students in the classroom about these important subjects. In addition, we’ve been reinforcing our Ranger Ready skills by learning about emotional regulation and understanding how different parts of our brain help us make decisions, manage our emotions, and function effectively throughout the day.
A HUGE thank you to everyone for helping us have an extremely successful fundraiser! We greatly appreciate all the families who took time to sell items and raise funds for our PTO. A special shout-out to the parents who helped on Tuesday evening to organize, count, and sort forms, as well as the PTO board members who returned Thursday evening to finalize everything. Your efforts make a big difference!
We also wrapped up two great evenings of parent-teacher conferences. It was a fantastic opportunity to discuss your children’s strengths and areas for growth. A very special thank you to our PTO for providing dinner on Monday and to all the parents who prepared soups, sandwiches, and cookies on Wednesday. The teachers loved it, and everything was absolutely delicious. Ferdinand Elementary is truly blessed with such amazing families and incredible support!
Looking ahead, we have one more busy week before fall break. This coming week, we will have visits from Crisis Connection, participate in Fire Prevention Week activities, and celebrate the end of the nine weeks with our Ranger Ready celebration. It’s shaping up to be an exciting week!
Thank you again for all your continued support. We couldn’t do it without you! If you are at the football game tonight, be sure to listen to the FES and PRE choirs join forces to sing the National Anthem!
Have a great weekend!
Wonder Discussion
Here are a few questions you might ask your child about our schoolwide read aloud book.
If you and your family would like to read the book at home here is a breakdown of where will be in the book throughout the first semester.'
By the end of the week around page..
October 11th 123
October 25th 148
November 8th 195
November 22nd 242
December 6th 293
December 17th 310Finish the last week before break
Attendance Matters
Counseling Connection
Importance of Hydration
This month, I want to focus on hydration and the importance of including water in our every day routine. Each day, our students are active at school during PE and recess. With activity, our bodies require more fluids to give us the energy we need. By promoting hydration, we are helping our students bring their best selves to school to promote their learning and growth.
When we become dehydrated, our minds and bodies cannot perform to their best ability. We become tired, can’t think clearly, and become less attentive. Sometimes, this can create behavior challenges in our students while at school. Please make it a priority to send water, and only water, with your student to school in a water bottle that cannot spill. Please avoid sending soda and sugary drinks, as those do not provide the hydration needed and increases their risk of having a sugar crash.
We talk with the students often regarding health topics to promote our Ranger Ready skills here at school. So this month, let’s work together and push our students to drink 5-6 cups of water every day! Please help remind them that water is best to fuel their bodies to be the best they can be!
Flu Vaccine Clinic Information
Safe Visitor Information - Come to School with Your Drivers License
Note from Mrs. Hauser
Hello parents and guardians! At the elementary and intermediate levels parents and teachers have been meeting to discuss your child's progress this year. I have been fortunate to attend many of these meetings. Some of you have asked how to help your child at home. I have attached some websites that might be beneficial. The best way to help a child who is learning English is to tell them to read. I have attached a popular website that many of the teachers use in their classrooms. Epic! has many books your child can read. If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know.
epic! - https://www.getepic.com/
Math - https://www.mathgames.com/, https://www.khanacademy.org/math
Junior High and High School revised ILPs(individual learning plans) will go home next week. Please look at your student's plan and let me know if you have any questions. We can meet if you would like. Please sign, date and return the plan to me, Mrs. Hauser.
Have a great weekend!
¡Hola padres y tutores! En los niveles primario e intermedio, los padres y maestros se han estado reuniendo para discutir el progreso de su hijo este año. He tenido la suerte de asistir a muchas de estas reuniones. Algunos de vosotros habéis preguntado cómo ayudar a vuestro hijo en casa. Adjunto algunos sitios web que podrían resultar beneficiosos. La mejor manera de ayudar a un niño que está aprendiendo inglés es decirle que lea. Adjunto un sitio web popular que muchos de los profesores utilizan en sus aulas. ¡Épico! tiene muchos libros que su hijo puede leer. Si tiene alguna inquietud o pregunta, hágamelo saber. Los ILP (planes de aprendizaje individuales) revisados de la escuela secundaria y preparatoria se enviarán a casa la próxima semana. Por favor revise el plan de su estudiante y avíseme si tiene alguna pregunta. Podemos reunirnos si quieres. Por favor, firme, feche y devuélvame el plano, señora Hauser. ¡Que tengas un gran fin de semana! Emily Hauser
Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful
September and October Ranger Ready Skills
Important Dates
October 11th - Fire Prevention
October 11th - End of 1st Grading Period
October 11th - Ranger Ready Celebration
October 25th - Report Cards Go Home
October 25th - Grandparent's Day
November 11th - Veteran's Day
December 11th - Christmas Program
December 20th - End of 2nd Nine Weeks
December 20th - Ranger Ready Celebration