Graduation is on 6/16/2025 at 9AM - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Senior Breakfast: February 14, 2025
Students RSVP: Our next Senior Breakfast will be on February 14, 2025 at 8:30 AM in the Library. Mark your calendars to join us for a fun breakfast to kick-off your Valentine’s Day! Please RSVP by Monday, February 10 (close of business); seniors that do not RSVP by Monday will not be able to join us. Make sure to bring a photo ID or a copy of your sign-up genius confirmation to verify your RSVP to enter the library for our breakfast. Don’t miss out on the fun and we can’t wait to see you there!
Parents: We are looking for donations and volunteers to help show some love for our Seniors’ February Valentine’s themed breakfast. Please take a moment to check out our Sign-Up Genius List and consider helping us out. We thank you for your help with supporting and celebrating our fantastic Seniors!
Coming Soon: Senior Save-the-Date Postcards
Seniors and Senior families be on the lookout for postcards coming your way soon with all important dates for 3rd and 4th Quarters bringing us to our graduation!
Capstone 2025
Thank you to everyone who attended our Senior meeting about Capstone this past Friday. Please remember to join the RRH Capstone: 2025 Schoology course to access all pertinent information regarding Capstone. The code to join is TKWR-QV73-DCR4K. If you missed the meeting or have any specific questions pertaining to Capstone, email Mrs. Marchante at tiziana.marchante@lcps.org.
Graduation Preparations: Senior Fees DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2025
Now that we are in full swing of the school year and heading towards graduation, we are in the process of ordering caps and gowns, senior tee shirts and yard signs for our students. To cover the costs of these items we have a Senior Fee to save parents the hassle of ordering separate items.
The payment portal for Senior Fees is now open. The Senior Fee of $100. This amount pays for the Cap and Gown for Graduation, A Senior Yard Sign, Senior Tee Shirt and meals at the final graduation practice.
We plan to have the caps and gowns delivered in the Spring to allow for lots of photo opportunities.
To pay the fees please go to the SchoolCashOnline Payment Portal on the school web page. There are also two opportunities to make a voluntary donation to help students who are experiencing financial difficulties.
Mid year transcripts are being sent to all of the colleges you have already applied to. It can take up to a week for colleges to process, download or receive your transcripts after we have sent them. This is a good time to review what you have in Common App and what is showing in Schoolinks to make certain all colleges are showing in both places.
Important Dates and Times:
2/15 - 1pm-3pm - RRHS FAFSA Workshop - register below
2/18 - Military Night @ Independence HS
Each year, Rock Ridge Unified Mental Health Team members give mental health presentations to all students. This year, 12th grade presentations are occurring during your student’s English class on February 24th and 25th. The presentations discuss signs of depression, protective factors, coping skills, and accessing support.
If you do not want your student attending this presentation, please complete the following permission click link to opt your student out of the presentation. Students who opt out will be able to go an alternate location during the short presentation.
12th grade opt out: https://permission.click/xpnLg/int
Yearbooks On Sale NOW- Almost 50% Sold!
Senior Parents- Over 270 seniors have NOT purchased a yearbook. You can see the list of who HAS purchased a yearbook here. If your senior’s name is NOT on the list- they DO NOT have a yearbook. We only have 350 yearbooks left for the WHOLE school, so the only way to guarantee that your senior gets a yearbook is to preorder it NOW. You can go to yearbookforever.com to buy the yearbook, or your senior can bring cash or check to L405. Yearbooks are currently $80, the price will go up again at the end of April. Our yearbook is recognized as one of the top 10% best yearbooks in the country, don’t miss your opportunity to preserve the year for your senior. Buy your yearbook before we run out. Once the yearbooks are sold out, we CANNOT get any more.
Senior Ads- DUE FEB. 14
Senior/baby Ads are still available, however, sales will close on Feb. 14. If you would like to place a senior/baby ad to recognize and congratulate your senior in the yearbook, all ads are due by Feb. 14. To buy an ad, all you need to do is go to yearbookforever.com, click on “Get Started” under “Create an Ad.” There you will choose your size, upload your pictures, and include your text. The yearbook staff will do the rest for you. Here is an example of previous senior ads.