St. Jerome Gladiators
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
St. Jerome Mission Statement
The mission of St. Jerome School is to empower each child's unique intellectual, moral, social, and physical development through a safe and nurturing environment. Through a cooperative partnership with families and the community, our school provides a quality education emphasizing faith formation, academic excellence, and service based on Catholic values.
Dear St. Jerome Families...
We did it! The 2023-2024 school year is very quickly coming to an end. The children are becoming very excited to complete the year and begin summer vacation, actually the teachers are too!
St. Jerome school and the Diocese of Cleveland are very happy to announce our co-principals for the next school year. Mrs. Lyndsey Byrne and Mrs. Katie Coan have accepted the position to be co-principals for the 2024- 2025. We are very excited that Mrs. Byrne and Mrs. Coan have accepted the position for the next school year, we feel this will be a great transition for our school!
I would like to once again thank all these wonderful children and families for your outpouring of support to me during my cancer treatments and now with my retirement. This has been a bittersweet time for me. I love this school community and I am so honored to starting my teacher career here and your principal the last 15 years. My years here have been an amazing experience, and taught me to be grateful for every day I was able to be with your children. I will continue to pray for all of you and hold you all close to my heart.
Blessings to all of you,
Mrs. Susan Coan, Principal
Thursday, May 16th-1:30 Dismissal
Thursday, May 15th- 8th grade Baccalaureate Mass, 8:30, Graduation ceremony at 6:30 (in church).
Friday, May 17th-Kindergarten graduation at 9:30 in the gym
Friday, May 17th- Grades 1 & 5 field trips
Wednesday, May 22nd- All school skating party, 6:00-8:30
Friday, May 24th-Last day of school! 9:30 awards in church
Friday, May 24th 11:00 dismissal, NO AFSC!
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you to all our awesome parents who donated cookies, chicken and snacks for our teacher lunchroom for teacher appreciation week. The snacks were awesome and the faculty enjoyed all of them, thank you for your generosity!
Lake County Captains Game
We also want to thank all the parent and guardian volunteers who came to the Captains game and field day to lend a helping hand. We cannot do these fun activities for our children without your help! The children had a wonderful time at both events. We received many, many compliments while at the game how sweet our children were! Nice job! Thank you parents and guardians!
Help Wanted!
One of our parishioners called and would like to know if a seventh or eighth grade students would like to cut their grass. The family lives on Harland. Please call the school office if your son or daughter would be interested in mowing their lawn for the summer.
After-school Care
All the parents/guardians who use our AFSC program and have a balance will need to pay $50.00 each week until your balance is paid off in order to have your child remain in AFSC . This does not apply to families who are current with their payments. The next $50.00 fee is due on Monday, May 20th to have your child/children remain in AFSC. No exceptions per our finance committee.
CSTP/ED Choice Scholarship
Thank you to the families that already returned their paperwork for the 2024-2025 school year. We have started to accept new students and some of the grades have been closed out. Please send in your paperwork, utility bill, and $50 registration fee as soon as possible. If you need a new application, please call the school office or visit our website.
Thank you!
Upcoming Events
St. Jerome Parish is honored to be able to host a Parish visit of the Virgin Statue of Fatima, on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Details are included in this newsletter.
Please take a quick minute to complete this survey to ensure we have your updated contact info!
Family Skating Night 5/22 at United Skates of America
Dress Code
- Beginning on May 1st the students may wear their summer school uniform. Navy blue, cargo style above the knee walking shorts with their St. Jerome school shirt and tennis shoes.
- Please remember girls are not to have died hair. I have seen many bright pink, bright red, blonde braids in our young ladies hair. No fake nails or colored polish on nails.
- Please be sure you do not send in glass bottles with your child's lunch. Thank you!
- We are having too many children tardy each day! We have 20-25 students each day! School begins at 7:45am. When your child is late, they are not ready, not organized to start their school day! They miss important directions and objectives the teachers will be teaching for the day. We are in the process of beginning Saturday School for students who are constantly tardy.
When picking up your child in the parking lot, please only form one line and pull all the way up to the blue dumpsters. Many parents are forming 2 lines, illegally parking, and stopping in the middle of the parking lot. We want to keep our children and staff safe at dismissal.
Thank you!
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
SJS Links
Location: 15100 Lakeshore Boulevard, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phone: 216-486-3587
Instagram: stjeromegladiators