Online Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | 5 July 2022
July is HERE!
Aloha mai!
Summer Sun, Rest and Relaxation, or just work? Many have been working tirelessly on their course updates, digital accessibility updates, and more. Still to come: Kapi‘olani Summer Camp on August 1st.In this issue, you will find some Google updates and tips -- check those out! Also check out the many great on-demand videos and upcoming live webinars on best practices in online teaching and more at go2knowledge.org. Finally, enjoy some summer reading from our reading list in the "Best for the Last" section.
Leʻaleʻa nō Kau Wela!
IMPORTANT Process Change in Combining Laulima Sites due to FERPA
Do you combine multiple sections of a course in Laulima? Please note that due to FERPA concerns raised by the UH Data Governance Office, ITS has revised their request process for cross-listing or combining Laulima sites. You will find new guidance language on the Laulima site request page that reflects how faculty could request to combine their courses while still being FERPA compliant.
Here’re the highlights relevant to you for FALL 2022:
Dissemination mode vs. Collaboration mode: this distinction was necessary to ensure that students are fully aware (and have an option to withdraw) before the start of the semester if there is cross-CRN collaboration.
Combined sites in Dissemination mode are used for disseminating announcements and providing course content only: (a) Don’t use the Email tool since it shows names and email addresses of students in all CRNs, in violation of FERPA. (b) Discussion/Forum groups cannot be formed across CRNs.
Combined sites in Collaboration mode can use the Email tool and other collaborative activities (such as discussions/forums) across CRNs, but need to include in the syllabus “This course space is being shared by students in the following CRNs[list] and if you do not wish to be in a shared course space, please drop this section and register for another section of this course.”
Submit your request to combine sites by August 18, 2022, if you plan to use the collaboration mode.
---Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities---
Register Now! Kapi‘olani Summer Camp (Aug 1-5)
Kapi‘olani Summer Camp is August 1-5 and we would LOVE to have you join us! Summer Camp is an engaging, free, Zoom-based professional development and personal growth event hosted by Kapi‘olani Community College. There are a diverse range of session topics that include instructional, cultural, and health and wellness topics and many more. This year, we have an exciting in-person event to end the week: Friday Field Day at Kaimana Beach Park!
All activities will be happening in real-time for maximum engagement - no recordings or replays, so be sure to register and attend anything you want to experience live. Don’t miss out on networking with subject matter experts and colleagues from across Hawai‘i and beyond!
Feel free to share this news with colleagues, students, or even friends and family. Anyone who’s interested is welcome to attend! Please check out the 2022 Kapi‘olani Summer Camp program for session descriptions – you may sign up for as few or as many sessions as you like.
Check out the Kapi‘olani Summer Camp website to learn more and please feel free to contact the summer camp counselors at sumrcamp@hawaii.edu with any questions.
Go2Knowledge / Innovative Educators Webinars
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
How to Establish & Sustain a Faculty Mentor Program (Tuesday 7/12, 9:00 - 10:00am HST)
Transitioning Back To Campus: Learning Loss, Student Mental Health & The Socio-Emotional Impact Of COVID (Thursday 8/11, 9:00-10:00am HST)
Recently-added on demand webinars:
20 Emerging Best Practices for Remote Teaching & Learning (60 min)
5 Strategies For Managing Instructional Workload In The Online Classroom (60 min)
---Helpful Tech Tips---
Automated Transcripts/Captioning for Loom Videos
New Options for Google Forms
Text Edits
Rich Text Edits
Additionally, rich text formatting is now available in Google Forms, enabling you to customize and add emphasis to your forms. This highly requested feature allows you to use bolding, underlining, italicizing, hyperlinks, and lists in titles, question titles, and descriptions.
GOOGLE Document URL Tricks
Most of us know how to change the URL of a Google file to force a copy. But here are a few more tricks that you’ll find oh-so-useful!
Make a Copy Link
Force others to make a copy before viewing your document
→ Replce /edit with /copy
Preview Link
To share a clutter-free view of your document or slides:
→ Replace /edit with /preview
Make a Copy with Comments Link
Force others to make a copy that includes comments from the original before viewing your document
→ Replace /edit with /copy?copyComments=true
Template Link
Share an easy-to-copy preview of your document
→ Replace /edit with /template/preview
PDF Link
Share a direct download of a PDF version of your document
→ Google Docs & Sheets: Replace /edit with /export?format=pdf
→ Google Slides & Drawings: Replace /edit with /export/pdf
Reverse Engineer
If you are on the receiving end of the force copy URL, you can reverse engineer a Preview, Make a Copy, Template, or PDF link to see the document in the regular view mode
→ Replace /preview, /copy, /template/preview, /export?format=pdf, or /export/pdf with /edit.
Credit: Google Document URL Tricks (Vincent, 2017)
---The Best for Last---
What We Are Reading or Watching Now
- Everything Old is New Again: Rethinking the Socratic Method for the 21st Century (article, Faculty Focus, June 6, 2022)
- Ten Online Course Structural Components to Support Learning (article, Faculty Focus, June 1, 2022)
- Is total in-person learning a thing of the past? (article, eCampus News, June 1, 2022)
---DE Newsletter Authors and Compilers---
ʻIwalani Koide
Hawaiian Language Kumu
Melissa Nakamura
Co-chair, Faculty Senate DE Committee
Jamie Sickel
Helen Torigoe
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
Kristie Malterre
Kara Plamann Wagoner
Kelli Nakamura
Nadine Wolff
Kawehi Sellers
Man Beryl Yang
Michelle Dela Cruz
Links to Previous DE Newsletters
- DE Newsletter - June 2022
- DE Newsletter - May 2022
- DE Newsletter - April 2022
- DE Newsletter - March 2022
- DE Newsletter - February 2022
- DE Newsletter - January 2022
- DE Newsletter - December 2021
- DE Newsletter - November 2021
- DE Newsletter - October 2021
- DE Newsletter - September 2021
- DE Newsletter - August 2021