ATA Weekly
December 13th, 2024
President's Message
SPEECH TO THE BOARD on December 10, 2024
Good evening, Board President Gin, Board Members, Superintendent Jaramillo, and Executive Cabinet,
On behalf of ATA, I would like to begin by congratulating our three re-elected BOE members. Your commitment to our students, staff, and community has been unwavering, and we are fortunate to continue working with such dedicated leaders. Thank you for your dedication and service.
I also want to acknowledge this month’s Game Changers - Amy Walsh & Marissa Valarao. Recognizing and celebrating such achievements reminds us of the incredible work happening in our District every day.
Now, I would like to address a few pressing matters.
Mediation and Contractual Consistency
ATA and the District will meet with a state mediator this week to discuss a grievance concerning the definition of an unsatisfactory evaluation. The Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) program was negotiated decades ago to support teachers facing unsatisfactory evaluations. Language in a side letter of the contract clearly outlines the circumstances under which an educator becomes a PAR participant due to an unsatisfactory review. This issue highlights a broader concern: the inconsistent application of contract language. While the District has used side-letter agreements to implement advisory classes with site support, it has selectively omitted side-letter language in this situation. Such selective application is problematic; we need consistency and fairness to guide these processes. We are hopeful for a resolution that aligns with the principles of equity and integrity.
Consultants and Professional Autonomy
When implemented thoughtfully, using consultants to share expertise can enhance professional growth. However, recent concerns have emerged regarding site-level directives that mandate uniform approaches, potentially undermining educators’ professional judgment and unique teaching styles.
Educators thrive when treated as professionals who are trusted to adopt and given ample time to familiarize themselves with strategies that align with their expertise and the needs of their students. Mandated approaches stifle creativity and innovation. To foster the collaborative culture we value in AUSD, it is crucial to empower educators with the flexibility to apply strategies selectively in their classrooms.
Negotiations and Equity
As we review tonight’s first interim report, ATA acknowledges the financial challenges the District is facing. We understand that difficult decisions lie ahead, and we remain committed to working together to find solutions that serve our community.
That said, the District’s current bargaining position is deeply concerning. The proposed increase in health and welfare contributions, additional hours mandated by site administrators, and no salary increase effectively results in a 3% to 4% reduction in pay for many educators. This is neither sustainable nor equitable.
Our educators already contribute countless hours beyond their contractual obligations. Asking for more without appropriate compensation devalues their dedication and undermines morale. Such proposals do not reflect those values in a district that champions equity.
ATA is prepared to continue negotiating in good faith, but we must ensure that any agreement upholds respect and fairness.
In closing, thank you for your time, attention, and ongoing collaboration in supporting our students and educators.
Ralph Hernandez
What You’re Saying: Unit Member Responses
We appreciate everyone who has provided feedback. Your responses emphasize the significant impact the District's proposals would have on our lives, work, and finances. Here are a few compelling messages we've received:
On Salary
- "Essentially, what is written in their proposal amounts to a cut of 2.75% along with a reduction in benefits. What does this mean for the agenda of equity and equality if the district displays contradictory tactics?"
- "Why has the retroactive paycheck been delayed for over 8 months? If I were this late paying my bills, there’d be serious consequences. The District should be held accountable for these delays and compensate us for the financial loss. Perhaps future contracts should include penalties for late payments."
On Additional Campus Hours
- "With their request for teachers to remain on campus for an eight hour day (4 times a month), are they literally asking teachers to remain at school until 4:30pm on those days?! "
- "Requiring additional hours on campus without compensation is insulting. It overlooks the countless unpaid hours we already dedicate to lesson planning, grading, and supporting our students."
On Health & Welfare Changes
- "Raising the inpatient copay from $0 to $250 represents a significant financial burden on employees, particularly those who require hospital care due to unforeseen medical emergencies. This change disproportionately affects those with chronic illnesses, families with children, or individuals undergoing major medical treatments, undermining the equitable access to healthcare that should be a cornerstone of our benefits. Maintaining a lower copay is essential for ensuring employees' financial and physical well-being, which directly impacts their ability to perform effectively in their roles."
- "I am very concerned about any changes to the medical insurance options that could increase costs, whether in co-pays, medications, or monthly contributions. I believe these expenses will continue to rise each year, effectively acting as a pay cut. I would prefer to negotiate in another area and accept a loss elsewhere rather than in this aspect of our benefits."
Next Steps
The ATA Bargaining Team is currently reviewing newly obtained data to better evaluate the District's financial claims and proposals. We are also organizing a meeting with the District's contracted actuary to discuss findings related to the retiree medical benefits program. We expect to reconvene with the District in mid-January and will keep you updated on our progress.
Your continued feedback and visible support strengthen our case and remind the District that we stand united for a fair, respectful, and equitable contract.
Together, we are stronger—and together, we will be heard.
Dear ATA,
I’m writing to express my frustration, which I’m sure many of my colleagues share, regarding the delay in receiving our retro pay. It’s unclear what actions the District or ATA are taking to address this issue. In a recent newsletter, you also mentioned “ongoing challenges” with the new payroll system. Could you clarify what those challenges are? Are there specific issues I should watch for in my pay stubs? How can I ensure these problems don’t affect me?
Recent updates from the District have not offered much clarity or solutions. Instead, they have advised patience, which only adds to the frustration.
Patience Under Pressure
Dear Patience Under Pressure,
Thank you for voicing your concerns. We understand how frustrating and disheartening this situation is for you and many others. Let us provide an update on the challenges we’re aware of and how ATA is addressing them.
Currently, the main issues affecting members include:
• Underpayment or overpayment of regular or extra-duty pay.
• Discrepancies in State and Federal tax withholding amounts.
• Missing STRS contributions on certain extra-duty payments.
• Inaccuracies with 403(b) and 457 contributions.
• Delays in processing extra-duty pay.
ATA has consistently brought these concerns to the District’s attention to advocate for solutions. We’ve also requested increased transparency so members can assess their own situations more effectively.
Additionally, we’ve pushed for a Zoom session with Fiscal Services to help members identify potential paycheck discrepancies. Unfortunately, the District has been hesitant to move forward, suggesting these issues impact only a small number of individuals. Their current guidance is for members to monitor their pay stubs independently.
We strongly believe a comprehensive audit of the new payroll system is necessary to identify and address these problems fully.
Regarding retroactive pay, we share your disappointment. The District’s failure to meet the December timeline without communicating delays beforehand is unacceptable. ATA will continue to press the District for clear and timely updates on this matter.
Please know that ATA is here to support you. We remain committed to advocating for solutions and keeping our members informed.
Authority of Teachers to Assign Grades According to California Education Code
According to the California Education Code, teachers have the authority to assign grades to their students. The grade assigned by a teacher for any course taught in a school district is considered final, unless there is evidence of clerical or mechanical mistakes, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. If a parent, student, or administrator challenges a grade assigned by a teacher, the teacher has the right to defend their grade with the support of a representative from the Association, who should be present during such discussions.
Traveling Soon? Here's What You Need to Know as a Blue Shield Member
Are you planning to travel soon? If you are a Blue Shield member, it's crucial to be aware of your insurance benefits. Whether you're traveling within the United States or abroad, it's important to take the necessary precautions to ensure your health and safety.
If you're traveling within the United States, call your Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) company to find out what your benefits cover while away from home. Always carry your current BCBS ID card, and to find nearby doctors and hospitals, call BlueCard Access at 1-800-810-BLUE (2583) or visit the Blue National Doctor & Hospital Provider Finder. If you require precertification or prior authorization, refer to the phone number located on your Blue ID card.
If you're traveling abroad, verify your international benefits with your Blue Shield Plan before leaving the United States. Alternatively, you can purchase a GeoBlue plan. Always carry your Blue ID card, and in case you need to locate a doctor or hospital or require medical assistance services, hotlines are available 24/7. You can reach the BlueCard Worldwide Service Center at 1-800-810-BLUE (2583). Stay safe and healthy while traveling!
Upcoming Events
Please Help Fill The AUSD/ATA Food Pantry!
The Institute for Teaching Grants
Dear CTA Member, Don't miss this opportunity to bring your ideas to life!
Great news! The Institute for Teaching (IFT) Grant Program applications are open now through March 31, 2025!
All members are eligible to apply for amazing grant opportunities designed to support innovative projects for the 2025-2026 school year.
Here's what's available:
Find more information and apply today at www.cta.org/ift
Thank you,
The Institute for Teaching (IFT)
Mark Your Calendars
December 23 - January 3
- Winter Break
January 6
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
January 7
- ATA Board of Directors (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
January 14
- ATA Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
January 20
- Martin Luther King Day - Holiday
January 27
- Pupil Free Day
February 3
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
February 4
- ATA Board of Directors (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
February 10
- Lincoln's Birthday - Holiday
February 10
- President's Day - Holiday
February 18
- ATA Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
February 25
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
Contact Us
The Alhambra Teachers Association (ATA) exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just equitable and democratic society.
Email: ataoffice3030@gmail.com
Website: www.alhambrateachers.org
Location: 3030 West Main Street, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626)289-1933
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlhambraTeachersAssociation/