Goucher Charter Academy
Growing Together. Leading the Way.
Week of September 2-6, 2024
Kona Ice (Thursday, September 5th)
Update for Afternoon Dismissal: Important!
Our kindergarten area for afternoon dismissal is not big enough to handle our increase in 4K and 5K students. The afternoon car line is lined out to Goucher School Road and is stalling traffic in both directions. Our front car line is large enough for the addition without causing delays. Our priority will continue to be student and parent safety.
Beginning on Tuesday, 9/3, 4K and 5K students that ride with an older student (1st-7th grade) will begin pick-up from the front car line. Currently, older students report to the kindergarten wing during afternoon dismissal if they are riding with a 4K or 5K student. Now, 4K and 5K students will sit in the cafeteria with the older student they are riding home with beginning next week.
Please be patient with our staff and other parents as this change is implemented. There may be a few delays until the new procedure becomes habit.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates to Remembers
Monday, 9/2:
- Labor Day (No School)
Tuesday, 9/3:
- Grits for Grands forms due to the main office
Wednesday, 9/4:
- Last day to purchase "Fast Pass" raffle tickets
Thursday, 9/5:
- Krispy Kreme Doughnut Certificate sale begins. (Ends on 9/9)
- Kona Ice available for purchase during lunch. (Kiddie Cups only-$3)
- 6:00 PM-Gorilla Troop Parent/Community Meeting @ GCA. Facebook Live will be available for those who cannot attend the meeting.
Friday, 9/6:
- 6th & 7th Grade: Yearbook Committee forms due to Ms. Allen or Mrs. Wright
- GOTR forms and $25 registration fee due to Coach Lewis
Monday, 9/9:
- Grits with Grands (4K-2nd Grade)
- 6:30 PM-GCA School Board Meeting @ GCA
- Final day for Krispy Kreme Doughnut Certificate sale ends
Tuesday, 9/10:
- Grits with Grands (3rd-7th Grade)
- Grades due for Q1 Progress Reports
Thursday, 9/12:
- Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:30 PM-6:30 PM)
Friday, 9/13:
- Dot Day!
- Q1 Progress Reports issued
Monday, 9/16:
- Good News Club begins (2:30 PM-3:30 PM)
Thursday, 9/19:
- Bobcat Ceremony (6:00 PM)
Grits with Grands
Join us on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th, as we celebrate our National Grandparent's Day with "Grits for Grands"! We welcome you from 7:00 AM-8:00 AM.
4K-2nd Grade (Monday, 9/9)
3rd-7th Grade (Tuesday, 9/10)
Please return your "Grits with Grands" paper by Tuesday, 9/3. Those who have multiple grandchildren can choose to participate just one day.
Doughnut Sale
Uniform Schedule
We understand that several of our students are missing light blue polos due to them being on backorder. Please choose one of the other 2 colors to wear if you do not have light blue.
Uniform Reminders
All students are required to wear their school uniform each day, unless it has been delegated as an uniform-free day.
- Only khaki or navy blue pants, skirts/skorts, rompers and shorts. No jogging pants or jeans.
- Tennis shoes are required for PE. Out of safety, students are not to wear crocs, slides, sandals, flip flops, etc. to PE--tennis shoes only!
- Please dress appropriately for both cold and wet conditions. Students are allowed to wear navy or gray coats.
Shirt: Scouting T-Shirt
Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers: Khaki or Navy Blue
Shirt: Yellow Polo
Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers: Khaki or Navy Blue
Shirt: Royal Blue (Dark) Polo
Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers: Khaki or Navy Blue
Shirt: Light Blue Polo
Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers: Khaki or Navy Blue
Shirt: Scouting T-Shirt
Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers: Khaki or Navy Blue
Weekly Lunch Menu: September 2-6, 2024
All students receive free breakfast and lunch this year!
Monday, 9/2:
No School-Labor Day
Tuesday, 9/3:
Chicken Nuggets or Chili Cheese Tater Tots
creamed potatoes, green beans, orange slices
Wednesday, 9/4
Chef Salad or Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
lettuce and tomato, strawberry banana cup
Thursday, 9/5:
Steak and Gravy or Chicken Tenders
rice, corn, cauliflower w/dip, apple
Friday, 9/6:
BBQ Sandwich or Chicken Filet Sandwich
fries, cucumbers w/ranch, fruit
Students have a choice of milk (lactose-free) and juice at each meal.
Click the attachment below to download the September Lunch Menu.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support)
We are kicking off our PBIS program this week! Through PBIS, we teach our students our expectations and reward those who consistently model good behavior.
Students earn "Banana Bucks" for modeling desired behaviors. These can be used to buy items from our Banana Bungalow store! Items such as: school supplies, lunch with Officer Parker, Hat Day, small toys or candy, etc. We like to offer students a visit to the store every other week.
Students who are recognized as being "Goucher Strong" earn an award for standing up to undesired behaviors and holding their peers accountable. These students are recognized during morning announcements and receive a special treat at lunch.
Each nine weeks we will offer a special event or activity for students who have earned a certain amount of daily points. These points are earned by showing certain behaviors throughout the day. These points are kept on a log by each classroom teacher.
Students who are Goucher STRONG are:
Ready to Learn
Never Giving Up
Good Citizens
Parents, you can help us by encouraging your child to show their STRONG characteristics at school and by having discussions like:
What does it mean to be trustworthy?
What does it mean to be safe?
How can you show that you are organized and ready to learn?
Students will receive a "STRONG" contract this week. Please review the behavior expectations with your child and send back a signed copy in your child's blue folder.
Important Websites
Goucher Charter Academy
Email: amber.comer@gouchercharter.org
Website: https://www.gouchercharter.org
Location: 604 Goucher School Road, Gaffney, SC, USA
Phone: 864-210-9262
Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083004288580