The Grizzly Roar
First Day of School- Monday, August 26th; 8:20 am - 3:40 pm
Meet Our 2024-2025 Administrative Team
Meet the Principal, Mrs. Watson
Meet Assistant Principal, Ms. Lowe
Hi, my name is Kristina Lowe and I am excited to begin my third year at Grover C. Fields Middle School as an Assistant Principal. My previous experience in Craven County includes working at HJ MacDonald teaching ELA/SS and at Havelock High teaching English. This year, I am excited to serve as the Interim Principal of GCF during Mrs. Watson's maternity leave. I am looking forward to another great year as a Grizzly!
Meet Assistant Principal, Mr. Bryant
My name is Cortez Bryant and I am excited to be a part of empowering and cultivating the future leaders of Craven County Schools. It brings me much joy to be announced as one of the Assistant Principals at Grover C. Fields Middle School. I was born and raised in North Carolina and I have been educating students within the North Carolina School System for the past 12 years. I began my educational career teaching middle and high school band/general music. After teaching middle/high school band for two years, I began my eight-year tenure as an Elementary School general music/orchestra teacher. I joined the CCS family in 2022 as the Assistant Principal of West Craven Middle School. In my new role as Assistant Principal at GCF, I look forward to impacting the lives of the students and staff, as well as, building relationships within the community. "GO GRIZZLIES!!!"
Two mottos I stand by are "Once a Learner, Always A Learner" and "Never Forget Your Why".
Meet Principal Fellow, Mrs. Etheredge
Hello! I am Ashley Etheredge and I am excited to be a Principal Fellow at GCF while in the Pirate Leadership Academy at ECU. I have previously served as the Director of Bands at West Craven Middle School. I am excited to gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to be an effective school leader so that I am prepared to make a difference in the communities that I will serve. I believe that education is a profession of privilege and that each day there is an opportunity to change the world, one student at a time. Go Grizzlies!
Open House Information
School Nutrition Information
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Lunch Procedures
Upcoming Sports Information
Grover C. Fields will use the DragonFly platform for the 24-25 school year to collect and manage team participation and eligibility. All athletic paperwork/physical forms will now be completed using the following process:
• Step 1: Parents, please visit http://dragonflymax.com to set up a parent account.
• Step 2: Create a student athlete account/profile for each CCS student-athlete in your family.
• Step 3: Begin the process of completing requirements, including uploading pages 3 and 4 of the NCHSAA physical form which are the “Physical Examination Form” and “Medical Eligibility Form”. Both must be signed by your physician. Physicals are valid for 395 days.
Visit https://www.nchsaa.org/health-and-safety/ for current forms. You can also find Dragonfly registration information and Physical Examination Form on the CCS District Website. You can find the physical form under "For Parents and Students".
All forms for student athletes participating in sports must be completed and submitted in Dragonfly before student-athletes are eligible to try out for a team.
Come by the gym during Open House for assistance or more information!
Due to NBHS open house, the parent meeting for FOOTBALL has been rescheduled for Friday.
**Practices are mandatory**
Tuesday 3:30-5:30
Wednesday 8:30-10AM
Thursday 3:30-5:30
Friday 3:30-5:30 with parent meeting to follow in the gym!
Volleyball: Monday, August 26th from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Co-Ed Golf: New to GCF this fall! Tryout dates are TBD.
Get to Know Our School
PTO Needs YOU!
Email: GCFPTO@gmail.com
Grover C. Fields Middle School
Website: https://gcf.cravenk12.org/
Location: 2000 Doctor Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, New Bern, NC, USA
Phone: 252-514-6438
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GCFgrizzlies