Shadowlawn Scoop
School Newsletter November 2023
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Message from Principal Eliason
Greetings Shadowlawn families! It's been a busy fall here at SLE with learning, fun, and events. We want to thank those of you who came out to our Spooky STEM Night family event. We had a whopping 585 people attend - we think that might be a record! We loved being able to connect with our families through learning. There were so many smiles. laughs, and spookiness!
Please be sure to check your child's Thursday communication folder this week. One important item coming home is a permission slip for your child to take part in our school-wide yearly events. A new law this year requires the school to get parent permission for students to take part in events and activities such as our annual field day or musical performances. Please check "yes" to all of the events you wish for your child to participate in and sign and return the slip. We want all of our students to be able to take part in these fun learning experiences!
Amber Eliason
Important Dates
11/2: CCPS & CCSO Town Hall Meeting at Lely High School 6:00-7:00pm
11/6: CCPS Principal for a Day - Welcome Liane Sanson of Edenred Pay
11/7: SAC & PTO Meeting 7:30-8:15 in Room 6-100
11/10: Intermi Period Ends
11/10: 4th Grade Field Trip to FGCU Panther Posse (Masiello/Ames Homeroom)
11/14: 5th Grade Veteran's Day Musical Performance 6:30pm
11/17: Interim Reports Go Home
11/17: Read-A-Thon
11/20-11/24: School Closed for Thanksgiving Break
11/27: 4th Grade Field Trip to FGCU Panther Posse (Gonzalez/Kuhn Homeroom)
Read-A-Thon Fundraiser: November 17th
This Thursday information about our fall Read-A-Thon fundraiser will be coming home. On Friday, November 17th all SLE students will participate in a Read-A-Thon where they will spend the entire day doing reading and reading related activities! All monies raised will go directly to your child's grade level to support activities such as field trip, guest presenters, class events and celebrations and more!
We appreciate your support! Please return fundraising envelopes by 11/17.
SLE Chuck E Cheese Night: Friday 11/3
Join us this Friday, November 3rd at Chuck E. Cheese! The Shadowlawn PTO is hosting the event and will receive a portion of the proceeds. Come on out for some fun with your SLE friend and raise money for our school! Flyers with discount coupons are coming home in the 11/2 Thursday folders.
CCPS & CCSO Town Hall at Lely High School
Please join Dr. Ricciardelli as she hosts Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk for a town hall meeting on drugs, safety, and more. On Thursday, November 2nd from 6:00 – 7:00 PM at Lely High School, Sheriff Rambosk will cover several topics of vital importance to parents including the Laced & Lethal opioid safety initiative created by CCSO and supported by CCPS as well as general drug awareness, stranger danger, vaping, traffic safety and social media. CCPS is happy to bring this information to parents to help you stay informed and keep your child(ren) safe.
Free Breakfast Every Day!
Shadowlawn serves free breakfast every day for ALL students. Students who are well rested and have a health breakfast are set up for a successful day of learning. Encourage your child to head to the cafeteria once they arrive at school each morning and join us for breakfast!
Lunch is also available to students daily at no cost!
Last Call for SLE T-Shirts & Sweatshirts
Orders for SLE t-shirts and sweatshirts are due Friday 11/3. The order form is attached below or can be picked up in the front office.
Communication Corner
Why Home Language is Important for Your Child
Activity calendar for the month of November. It has short speech and language exercises to do with your child every day!
Please read the pictographs and the article below on the importance of helping your child know their home language.
Leader in Me
Each month at SLE we focus on one of the 7 Habits of being an effective leader. During the months of November & December we are focused on Habit 3: Put First Things First. Take a moment to talk with your child about this habit and where they can apply it in their everyday lives at home and school.
Around the School
Spooky STEM Night
Many thanks to all of our families for coming out to our Spooky STEM Night! We hosted 585 people for our family event - that might be a Shadowlawn record! If you've tried any of our fun experiments at home, let your teacher know!
From Ms. Harmon: We are busy learning our letters, letter sounds, and writing our names. We are also learning about science and what a scientist does. Pre-K ais well into our violin lessons, and we love it! We are learning how to hold them properly and pluck the strings. During free choice centers we played with kinetic sand in the Sensory Center.
From Ms. Matos: Mrs. Matos class had a fun time dressing up after Spooky Science Night with the new costumes that were donated to our school!
Kindergarten had all the fall fun with their latest science activity, models of a scarecrow. Students had to observe & label a picture of the parts of a scarecrow before bringing it to life. With their class, the students worked together to create their own festive models of a scarecrow to have on display for Spooky Stem Night.
First Grade
Second Grade
Second grade students had an amazing time participating in character book reports! They worked diligently with their families to create captivating pumpkins, inspired by characters from their favorite books. The presentations were truly delightful. We can’t wait for the next round of literary adventures. A big thank you to all the families to actively supported and encourage their children’s love for reading – it makes a world of difference!
Third Grade
On October 27, third grade went took a field trip to the Imaginarium! A big thankyou for all our chaperones that went with us. Your kids loved seeing you!! It was SUCH an extraordinary and unique field trip. The students got to see aquariums and animal exhibits, we were all especially intrigued by the black and white eel! The students got to experience interactive displays, exhibits, and enjoyed a nice picnic lunch outside.
Fourth Grade
4th graders in Mr. Masiello’s Math class had a day of Astronaut Space Training! Students were able to practice their Multi-digit Multiplication skills while exploring the solar system! 4th grade is “Out of This World!”
5th Grade
Related Arts: Technology
This quarter students in technology grades 1 and 2 are creating code using a program called Blockly. Blockly helps them understand how to program sequential algorithms using a character on a screen. To be successful they need to use the block code to move the character down, right, left on the screen to the final destination. Each puzzle celebrates their accomplishments and when they have completed all the puzzles for that lesson, they will receive a certificate.
PBIS Quarter 1 Celebration
Social Media & SLE Website
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, wenriv@collierschools.com or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.