College Resources
Sweetwater Union High School District
Welcome to SENIOR YEAR!!
This year will be very busy for you; planning for your life after high school. It will be stressful, full of deadlines, and things to remember to do, but it will also be fun, exciting, and rewarding. You are getting a jump start by making plans ahead of time and knowing what is expected of you to accomplish.
Get ready for the start a great senior year!!
Community Colleges in California
Explore this website to find any community college in California and what programs they offer:
Application: https://www.cccapply.org/en/apply
CSU - California State University
Admission requirements:
Explore the campuses:
Application filing period: October 1st - November 30th
UC -- University of California System
Admissions requirements:
Campus and majors:
Application filing period: November 1st - 30th (You can begin working on your application starting on August 1st)
WUE - Western Undergraduate Exchange
Learn more:
Find the college that qualify:
Hispanic Serving College Institutions
Look on the National Center for Educational Statistics: https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d19/tables/dt19_312.40.asp?current=yes
US News and World Report: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/hispanic-serving-institutions-what-to-know
HBCU -- Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Visit the US News and World Report website: https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/hbcu
United States Military Academies
Army (West Point): https://www.westpoint.edu/
Merchant Marines (Kings Point): https://www.usmma.edu/
Navy (Annapolis): https://www.usna.edu/homepage.php
Coast Guard (New London): https://www.uscga.edu/
Air Force (Colorado Springs): https://www.usafa.af.mil/
IVY League Colleges and Universities
Visit the US News and World Report website:
Seven Sister Colleges - historically women's colleges (They are still known as this, even though two out of seven are now co-ed)
Explore the colleges known as the 7 Sisters to the IVY League colleges
- Barnard College
- Bryn Mawr College
- Mount Holyoke College
- Radcliffe College
- Smith College
- Vassar College
- Wellesley College
Visit the website: https://blog.collegevine.com/seven-sisters-colleges-what-you-need-to-know/
Colleges for students with Learning Disabilities
Most colleges and universities in the US have an office on their campus that work with students with disabilities. Look at these websites for a list of colleges and universities who have been identified as working with both physical and intellectual disabilities.
Common Application
website: https://www.commonapp.org
NACAC -- College Fairs
- September Virtual College Fair - Sunday, September 11, 2022
- October Virtual College Fair -- Sunday, October 9, 2022
- November Virtual College Fair -- Sunday, November 6, 2022
Go to the NACAC website for times of the college fairs.
RACC -- Regional Admissions Counselors of California
Visit the RACC website: https://www.regionaladmissions.com/virtual-college-series.html
For more information
- Attend a college fair
- Explore the college websites
- Visit the various campuses either in-person or virtually
- Talk to people who have attended the college
- Email the admissions representative for more information
- Talk to your school counselor