Star News
December 2023
Happy December!
I hope this newsletter finds your family well and that your Thanksgiving break was a wonderful one. I continue to be so proud of our students and the hard work they do each day. In addition, as I continue to walk in and out of classrooms on a daily basis, I am in awe of the dedicated staff here at Simpson who work hard to provide challenging and engaging lessons for our students. I want to thank our amazing PTA for all of their fundraising efforts to support Simpson Elementary School. Last month, I enjoyed spending time connecting with our Simpson families during our PTA Fall Festival and our Mother/Son Rodeo Night! It was such a blessing to have such a strong school-parent partnership! On behalf of Simpson Elementary, we are thankful and grateful for all that you do to support our sweet school. I continue to say, Great Communities, build Great Schools and in turn, Great Schools build Great Communities! As we approach the end of the year, the time to celebrate is near! Let's make the month of December one to remember! Please see our Staff Calendar of Holiday Cheer attached students are welcome to join as it is optional, as we enjoy the most wonderful time of year! Happy holidays to all and have a safe upcoming winter break!
Proud to be your principal,
Dr. Taffeta Connery
December Calendar Dates
December 6 | Giving Tree Donations Drive Closes
December 12 | All Pro Dads, 7:00 AM
December 13, 14, 15 | Grade Level Winter Parties
December 18 - January 3 | Winter Break
GCPS Newly Released 24-25 School Calendar
PTC Holiday Glow!
Peachtree Corners will be celebrating the holiday season by lighting a 6-foot Menorah and an innovative LED tree at the Town Green with the Holiday Glow! Mark your calendars for this FREE event on THURSDAY, November 30th from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm. The event will kick off at 5:30 pm with a special live performance by our very own Simpson Elementary School Singers! Event attendees can cozy up with complimentary hot chocolate while enjoying holiday sing-a-longs, craft snowball bath bombs with Buff City Soap, pet stocking stuffers by Hollywood Feed, decorate holiday cookie boxes with Tiff’s treats, glowing giveaways by Illuminating Designs, and more to come!
5:30-6:00 PM Simpson Elementary School Singers
6:00-6:15 PM Holiday Tunes & Sing along
6:15-6:30 PM Tree Lighting
6:30-8:00 PM Geek Squad Holiday Show
Winter Parties are coming soon!
Wed.12/13/23 -
K & Taylor- 1:00-2:00 PM
1st grade Hargrove, & Walters from 12:45-1:45 PM
Thurs. 12/14/23 -
2nd Grade 1:00-2:00 PM
3rd Grade 1:30-2:30 PM
Beard and Williams 1:30-2:30 PM
Fri. 12/15/23 -
4th Grade 12/15 1:00-2:00 PM
5th Grade 1:30-2:30 PM
Moore and Walker 1:30-2:30 PM
PreK, Speer, White, Desai, Bowman 1:00-2:00 PM
Greetings Superstars,
The Georgia Department of Education wants each school in the state to conduct a Georgia Parent Survey. The Georgia Parent Survey is designed to give parents an opportunity to share input about their child's school climate. It contains 24 questions and takes approximately 15 minutes. Parents may complete the survey using a computer, smartphone, or tablet. For parents who do not have access to the internet, we can schedule an opportunity to complete it at our local school by contacting the main office.
The feedback that parents provide by completing this survey will be used in the calculation of the School. Each school will receive a Climate Star Rating which was Simpson Elementary School's last score listed below in 2019 with 4 out of 5 stars with a calculation of 94.20.
A school with a score of 96.4 and above will receive 5 out of 5 stars for a climate rating. Therefore, survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to the Georgia DOE for analysis. Please provide your voice for Gwinnett County Public Schools about Simpson Elementary School by clicking the link here to complete the survey.
The deadline for our school survey is Friday, December 8, 2023.
On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, Simpson Elementary was recognized by the state of Georgia as a State Literacy Leader school! Schools with 90% or more of their third-grade students reading at grade level or above grade level are being recognized for Outstanding Achievement!
Simpson Elementary was recognized for achievement on Monday, November 27, 2023, by our State Superintendent, Mr. Richard Woods. He stated, "These schools -- our Literacy Leaders -- are doing exceptional work to ensure every student is equipped with the lifelong skill of literacy, and it's an honor to recognize them". Please see the link below for details.
This is not only a celebration of Simpson's literacy achievement, but also a validation of the hard work of our teachers and students. Thank YOU to our outstanding staff and parent community for consistently going the extra mile for our kids each and every day! This is a team effort and a huge WIN for our Superstar Students! ~ Dr. Connery
Hello Parents,
Our Simpson Annual School-Wide Spelling Bee will be held on January 5, 2024, at 9:15 AM in our school cafeteria with our 4th and 5th grade students. Here is the zoom link, if you would like to attend virtually. Looking forward to celebrating our classroom winners on January 5th!
Jeanette Johnson
Simpson PBIS
Greetings Parents,
Beginning this school year in 2023, we will engage in Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) at Simpson Elementary to have a positive behavioral expectation schoolwide. PBIS is an approach schools use to promote school safety and good behavior. With PBIS, schools teach kids about behavior expectations, strategies, and with a primary focus on having a positive prevention, not consequences.
What is PBIS at our school?
A unified set of school wide expectations for behavior in our school. We are Simpson Superstars, so to ensure that students can easily comprehend our expectations, we have established a 5-star approach for appropriate behaviors posted throughout the school. Your child has been learning these expectations since the first few of school.
What are the 5-Star Expectations at Simpson Elementary?
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Ready to Learn
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
As part of our PBIS process, teachers and other staff members use evidence-based practices to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. To keep students on the rules in a positive manner, we do the following when teaching academics and behavior:
Þ Constantly teach and refer to our school-wide expectations.
Þ Provide students with more praise than correction.
Þ Talk to students with respect using a positive voice tone.
Þ Actively engage everyone in the class during instruction.
Þ Use pre-correcting, prompting, and redirecting as we teach.
Þ Look for the positive first and provide positive, immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback.
Please look forward to additional details as we unveil our STARBUCK incentives for recognition of positive student behavior. We are excited to begin having students spend their Starbucks in our new PBIS Store at our Grand Opening beginning September 11th.
Buying Days
Monday-5th grade
Tuesday-4th grade
Wednesday-2nd and 3rd grade
Thursday-1st grade
Friday-PreK and Kindergarten
Car Rider Updates!
I Scream You Scream...We All Scream for Ice Cream
School Lunch & Parental Visitation
GCPS students will have access to a meal (breakfast and lunch) throughout the year for each child. Student meal costs are listed below and an adult bar is available for both adult visitors and staff throughout the school year.
Meal prices for elementary students are below:
Student breakfast -$1.50
Student lunch -$2.25
Adult Breakfast -$2.50
Adult Lunch -$4.00
* Please see our new Al-a-carte options for student purchases below. This is a new feature sponsored by GCPS which is being offered, in addition to their regular meal.* As a disclaimer, assortments may change daily based on availability.
Come Learn With Us at Little Learners Academy!
Simpson is excited to offer an opportunity for parents with children ages birth to five!
We are so blessed to have one of our veteran, retired, and former Simpson Kindergarten Teacher, Ms. Sharon Terry! Once again she will be our Play2Learn instructor during the 23-24 SY. Therefore, please help us spread the good news to all of your family and friends, who may have children in this age range to call the school for additional information.
Want to learn more about how to be your child's best teacher through PLAY? Simpson Elementary is now offering the GCPS from Birth-To-FIVE Program for you and your child!
- Learn how to find teachable moments in everyday life activities
- Learn how to engage your child in play
- Learn how to continue play activities at home and on the or anywhere
- Learn about your child's educational milestones
- Learn how to get your child ready for school
Simpson Safety Plans
GCPS will continue to follow strict guidelines as it relates to safety & security by visitors producing identification when inside the vestibule to check out students (as well as during visiting lunch hours).
In addition, we will continue to follow safety guidelines to minimize the risk of infection and/or spread of COVID-19. Therefore, if anyone in your household becomes sick and has tested positive for COVID-19, please contact our school nurse, Amy Norris, and/or your grade level administrator, immediately.
School Hours
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 4:15 PM
All visitors must sign-in at the welcome desk and please be prepared to provide some form of identification upon request.
Staff Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM * Hours will vary depending on morning staff meetings (Tuesday/Thursday -7 :45 AM - 3:45 PM).
Student Hours: Monday - Friday 8:50 AM - 3:20 PM
Students should arrive between 8:20 AM- 8:50 AM.
Administrative Team
Principal- Dr. Taffeta Connery
Assistant Principal- Ms. Brandy Bosak, Grades 1, 3, & 5
Assistant Principal- Ms. Jeanette Johnson, Grades K, 2, 4
Assistant Principal- Ms. Stephanie Wells, Special Needs & Connections
Need Afterschool Care?
Georgia Platinum Award 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2016 and 2019!
2010 Georgia School of Excellence!
2012 and 2018 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence!
The PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
When you join the Parent Teacher Association at Simpson Elementary by giving your time, talent and resources, you join our collective efforts in promoting quality education, arts, and community involvement to build a healthy environment and safe neighborhood for all of our families. Because of the generous support from our parents, grandparents, teachers, staff and business partners we are able to offer many academic and social opportunities that may not otherwise be able to take place.
Did you know the Simpson PTA sponsors and coordinates over 30 programs each school year through the generous support of our Simpson families and business partners?
Every dollar raised goes directly to programs and events that benefit our Simpson Superstar students, staff, and facilities.
Visit our website and join our PTA Facebook page to stay connected!
Mark Your Calendar
December 6 | Giving Tree Donations Drive Closes
December 12 | All Pro Dads, 7:00 AM
December 13, 14, 15 | Grade Level Winter Parties
December 18 - January 3 | Winter Break
Volunteer Opportunities
Please visit the Volunteer page of the PTA website to stay current on open and upcoming PTA positions, and general volunteer opportunities which currently include :
Open and Upcoming PTA Positions
Please click here to see the website for more details!
Open/Upcoming Committee Roles :
Special Education Class Coordinator Liaison ⭐ Reflections Committee ⭐ Media Center + Book Fair Committee ⭐ Student Directory Committee ⭐ Father/Daughter Dance Committee
Open/Upcoming Executive Roles :
Incoming Co-President ⭐ VP of Communications and Publications ⭐
VP of Family and Community ⭐ VP of Finance ⭐ VP of Staff and Student Services
General Volunteer Opportunities
- Contributing to Special Education Staff Breakfast
- Media Center Volunteers who will shelve books, laminate for the staff, help students check out and return books, and/or complete other small tasks with which Mrs. Dierkes might need assistance. Please note that Media Center volunteer shifts are now only one hour, and this opportunity is open to parents, guardians, and grandparents.
Congratulations to the '23-'24 Reflections Winners
Yearbooks On Sale Now!
Click here to order today to guarantee your copy of our 2023-2024 Yearbook
Simpson Elementary's School Code - 25732.
Cost - $40
Order Deadline- March 15, 2024
All Pro Dads
Tuesday, December 12th @ 7:00 AM
$3 CASH per person - includes breakfast for kids
Please register here
Thank Yous
Thank you to all of our volunteers, it is because of the combined efforts of family and community members that our PTA is able to serve our school so robustly. All of our programs are truly made possible by YOU.
Jessica Campbell for helping our PTA better support our Special Education Team and Support Staff.
Michelle Baughman, Laura Thompson, and Linda Herring for planning, organizing, and executing the Mother/Son event -- from the theme, the venue, the food, the entertainment, and soliciting roughly 35 parent and older sibling volunteers to support the event day-of. Thank you for providing a fun evening!
Samantha Morgan and Michelle Reuter for celebrating our incredible staff with a Holiday Luncheon, and for engaging roughly 40 parent volunteers to contribute delicious goodies and assist with serving and clean up. We are so grateful for each of you.
Kelly Loder for ensuring our Winter Spirit Wear Sale ran smoothly.
Mallory Thornton for organizing Spirit Night with Taqueria Del Mar.
Vernessa Glover for all of your efforts in coordinating the Simpson Singers' and The City of Peachtree Corner's Holiday Glow at the Town Green.