Bennett News
January 1, 2025

Bennett Family Sing
< Family Sing Videos at End of Newsletter >
Grade 4 Winter Chorus Concert
Family Skate Night Fun
Additional Pics at End of Newsletter
Upcoming Events and Reminders
Snack Time Reminder
Just a friendly reminder that all classrooms have a designated snack time built into the school day. Please send a sensible snack with your child each day to help keep their energy and focus up. We kindly ask that you consider any food restrictions or allergies communicated by your child’s teacher when selecting snacks. Additionally, refillable water bottles are encouraged to keep our students hydrated throughout the day. Thank you for your support in keeping snack time safe and enjoyable for everyone.
Electronics, Toys & Trading Cards Should Stay at Home
Students should not bring personal electronics, toys, or trading cards to school. These items often create distractions during learning time and can lead to disruptions in the classroom, on the bus, and at recess. To help maintain a productive and focused environment for all students, we ask for your support in keeping these items at home. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Weather Advisory - Dress for Outdoor Recess
With the unpredictable nature of the New England weather, we encourage parents to dress their children in layers that can be added or removed to accommodate variations in temperature and conditions. Please note that students will go outside for recess most days of the year. Thank you.
Student Absences
If your child misses school for any reason, please contact the main office. Absences may be excused for medical appointments with a note from the doctor's office. Notes can be sent in to your child's teacher or faxed/emailed directly to the main office.
Health Office Reminders about Student Illnesses
Any student with a fever of 100 degrees or more, diarrhea, or vomiting, cannot return to school until they are fever/symptom free for 24 hours without the use of fever/symptom reducing medicine (Tylenol, Motrin etc.) If a child is absent for five or more consecutive days, a written note from your child’s health care provider may be required for re-entry to school. If you have any questions, please contact our Nurse Kimball at (508) 821-1245 or ckimball@tauntonschools.org.
Join the Bennett Elementary School Facebook Group
We’re excited to invite parents to join the Bennett Elementary School Facebook group, managed by BES administrators. This private group will showcase highlights of lessons, activities, and events happening at school. It’s a great way to stay connected and celebrate the wonderful things our students are learning and experiencing. Parents can request to join by searching for the page online or by using the QR code provided.
PTO News and Updates
Grade 2 Wins a Pajama Party Celebration!
Congratulations to our second-grade students who won the November Box Top Challenge sponsored by the PTO. As a grade level, they had the most box tops scanned for the month and have won a special Pajama Party! That celebratory event has been planned for Friday, January 3. Thank you to the Bennett parents who continue to support the PTO's fundraising efforts through the box top program.
Bennett PTO Meeting - Tuesday, 1/7
The Bennett PTO is a group of parents, teachers, and administrators working together to help supplement the educational offerings at BES by planning, coordinating, and running special events and fundraisers. The group is always looking for new members and volunteers. If you would like to take a more active role in supporting the school community, please consider joining. The next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, January 7, at 6 PM in the BES cafeteria.