Parenting Virtual Students
Edition 3
Visual Schedules
Since Virtual Learning can involve a number of transitions from one activity to the next, many of the families have found these changes challenging. Making a visual schedule can help many students get into a routine. A "visual schedule" combines the activity with a picture or photograph which allows your child to see what is coming next at a glance. Here is how they work:
- Take a picture of the learning environment (Have a dedicated "Learning Space" place preferably not the student's bedroom)
- Change the pictures for each activity. (Such as a picture of your child looking at a book for reading time and another picture of them participating during a movement activity.
- Add a photo of your children during "break time" activities during scheduled breaks
- Place the photos or images in order and include a short description of what your child should do
- Use a timer or clock to help cue your student on when an activity stops and the next one begins
Click on the Buttons Below for More Information and Resources
Create Visuals Supports for your Child
Computer templates for "Visual Schedules" and other visual learning
More about Visual Schedules
Explains the value of Visual Schedules and additional resources
What do teachers expect during TEAMS meetings?
Netiquette - Etiquette for students using Zoom (Tazdaz Teaching)
More Student Resources for TEAMS and CANVAS
Canvas Troubleshooting Guide for Students
Table of Contents
Microsoft Teams Quick Start guide for students
Download for offline, all-in-one access to Teams tips.
Brain Breaks and Fine Motor Activities
In the previous newsletter, we discussed the use of "Brain Breaks" which are activities that are intended to "give your child's brain a break from academics" to help refocus. There are some fun activities that you can do wth your child to both take a "Brain Break" and practice "Fine Motor Skills".
Fine Motor skills include things like holding a pencil correctly, buttoning clothing (such as shirts or pants), or tying shoes.
Since all children develop at different rates, finding fun ways to practice these skills are important. Click below for some suggestions on activities that are fun and the great news is they can also be used as "Brain Breaks" as well.
6 Fine Motor Activities for Kids
Elementary and Middle School Students
Provide Positive Reinforcement
- Identify multiple rewards for good behavior
- Use behavior specific praise - I like the way you are paying attention!
- Take a break when needed
Respond Calmly to Challenging Behaviors
Remaining calm will help you make good decisions to support your child. By being an example of what you expect, your child can learn coping or calming skills.
Find Ways to Keep Motivated
Some examples include Choice Boards, (child can indicate which reward they are working toward) "First Then" cards (First eat the vegetables Then you can have desert), or timers. Are positive ways to encourage students to remain on track.
Remember the Importance of Self Care!
Apps and websites offering free yoga, mindfulness and workout classes. (Some may be appropriate to participate with your child.)
- Planet Fitness is offering live online classes for members as well as non-members
- Yoga International is offering a 30-day free membership with access to articles and instruction regarding mindfulness activities, meditation, and all levels/styles of yoga.
- CorePower On-Demand is currently offering free classes on Mindfulness
- • 2000 Mindfulness exercises offered on Mindfulness giving users free resources on learning about and practicing mindfulness skills
Supporting Student Engagement
Event Information
Virtual Transition Fair: College Application Supports
During this event, college professionals will describe college admissions, disability disclosure, disability services and accommodations, and the financial aid application process across different types of postsecondary education options in Tennessee. This virtual transition fair is suggested for students and young people with disabilities, their families, and professionals working with the disability community.
Tuesday, Oct 13, 2020, 06:30 PM
Click Here to Register for Virtual Transition Fair
College Application Supports