Panther Pride STEM School
Achievement: Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
February 2025 Newsletter
A message from Pinello’s Administrative Team:
Pinello has been nominated as a Capturing Kids Hearts National Showcase School for this year. We are very excited about the nomination! Staff and students work hard daily at building relationships, and learning about positive character traits. We find out later in spring if we received the award.
CMAS/COALT (state testing) is coming in April for 3rd-5th grade students. Mrs. Lind will be sending a letter home to parents in March with dates and times. We ask that you do not schedule any doctor's appointments during testing. We have a short window and not as much time for make ups.
Priority Deadline February 28 ~ ENROLL TODAY! If you would like your child to attend Pinello next year, and it is not your neighborhood school, you may submit a School of Choice Application to the front office. The deadline to enroll is February 28th. Miss Taylor sent home applications before break, and if you have any further questions contact 719-391-3396.
Our website is a great place to find out about our clubs, and any other information related to the school pinello.wsd3.org. We also have a Facebook page that you can see daily pictures, and information (Pinello Elementary School).
If you are interested in buying a yearbook this year here is the link: The cost is $22 and it will go up in February to $25 : https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1091967/Pinello-Elementary-School/
Amber Crigger – Principal
Tiffani Lind – Assistant Principal
Social Emotional Learning
Hi Pinello families!
We cannot believe it’s already February; we have so much going on at Pinello this month. Our Link Crew is celebrating Black History Month by making agamographs for Martin Luther
King Jr. We are celebrating his amazing work and teaching our students about the power their voices hold in advocating for the rights things. This month the CKH word is Kindness. We will be looking for
and focusing on showing compassion, caring, and good friendships skills in our small group and whole classroom lessons.
Pinello will also be hosting Kidpower for our kindergarteners. Kidpower is a nonprofit agency that goes into schools and teaches important safety and confidence skills. Students will learn how to be safe and fun in engaging ways. They will be at Pinello February 3rd through February 6th . As always, if you would like to talk about this or anything else, please reach out to Emily Zarkovacki, school social worker at zarkovackiemily@wsd3.org or (719)391-3410 or Darlene
Monson, school counselor at monsond@wsd3.org or (719) 391-3398.
Take good care!
About Pinello
Email: criggera@wsd3.org
Website: pinello.wsd3.org
Location: 2515 Cody Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-391-3395
Facebook: facebook.com/PinelloElementary
A Note from Music
Hello Families!
With February upon us, the Music room is as busy and active as ever. Kindergarten is starting to learn about different instruments. First grade is using their knowledge about Form to do some improvisation. Second graders are starting to work on the music for their performance in April. Third graders are working on partner songs. Fourth graders are finishing up learning songs and lines for their program that will be on March 5. There will be a performance at 2:50 pm for the whole school and at 6:00 pm for family and friends. Families are welcome at both performances. Fifth graders are working on a composition unit.
Choir has been learning some of the music for their In Harmony event in April. This is an exciting event that gives students the opportunity to perform on a professional stage.
Stay Safe and Warm,
Mrs. Means
PE News
Hello Pinello,
In the gym we are wrapping up the basketball unit. From what I hear from the students, it sounds like many are participating in basketball through the Community Center. That is awesome, parents thanks for getting kids involved.
Starting early November students will be pretending they are blood cells traveling through the heart. We will start our heart obstacle course.
We will also be participating in the Kids Heart Challenge fundraiser sponsored by the American Heart Association (used to be called Jump Rope For Heart). Look for paperwork coming home in the next few weeks.
STEM News by Miss Siedler
This last month has been an adventure in STEM. All students in kindergarten through 5th grade have spent time learning how to 3D design and 3D print. Our ssn, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students have been using the Toybox 3D printers to design and build their own keychains that they have gotten to keep. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students have learned how to use TinkerCad to create their own 3D designs and then print them on our new Prusa MK4s printers that we also received as part of the DODEA grant. This month has been exciting for students as they have gotten to see their creations come to life in real time.
Birthday Celebrations
This year, we are not allowing parents to bring treats in for parties. Parents can bring non edible treat bags to be distributed at the end of the day.
Only clear drinks are allowed in classrooms. Shared food items including lunch meals and snacks are prohibited.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students healthy and safe!
Boy Scouts of America Pathway to the Rockies Council is offering Scoutreach Program
at the following location
The Scoutreach Program is being offered at Pinello Elementary School free of charge to
all Pinello students in grades 2 through 5. We will meet after school for approximately 1
hour on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
You can sign up for Scoutreach at https://bsa060.us/pinello or find out more about
Scoutreach by calling Mark at 719-219-2906
Calendar of Events-Also listed on the website
Feb. 1-Science with a Twist competition at Grand Mountain
Feb. 6- Academic Night 5:00-6:00
Feb. 7-No School-Professional Development Day
Feb. 10- Midterms sent home
Feb. 11-Spring picture day
Feb. 13- PTO meeting at 3:40 in the library
Feb. 14-Valentine's Day parties
Feb. 17-No School-President's Day
Feb. 21-Buck a Hat day
Feb. 22-First Lego League Explore Day
Feb. 28th-Smencils for sale before school $1
Mar. 5-4th grade music program at 2:50 & 6:00
Mar. 6-3rd quarter ends
Mar. 7-No Students-staff professional development day-parent/teacher conferences
Mar. 8-Coding in Action Grades 3-5
Mar. 10-4th quarter begins/report cards go home
Mar. 13-PTO meeting 3:40pm in the library
Mar. 21-Buck a Hat Day/Renaissance Assemblies K-2 @ 1:30, 3-5 @2:30/Smencils for sale
Mar. 24-28-Spring Break