Tiger Times
Gunter ISD Online Newsletter

The best resource for activities taking place in our district is the District Calendar.
For the full school year, click here to download the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.
Keep scrolling in this newsletter to find announcements, sports updates, reminders, highlights, and much more! There is a Table of Contents to the left for quick scanning.
Important November Dates
11/3 - Chili Cook Off Hosted by Cheer Boosters
11/3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
11/5 - Election Day
11/7 - Black Out/Senior Pep Rally | Senior Night at the Football Field
11/8 - Gunter ISD Veterans Day Program - 8:30 AM
11/11 - Veterans Day
11/11 - 3rd Grade Veterans Day Program for families - 6PM @ GES
11/13 - World Kindness Day
11/18 - School Board Mtg. 6:00 PM @ GMS
11/19 - GES Picture Day
11/20 - Education Support Professionals Day
11/22 - Substitute Educators Day
11/25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
November - National Diabetes Month
* Events can change in an instant! Be sure to use the Event Calendar for the latest updates.
Don't forget to sign up for the Veterans Day Program to be held on Friday, November 8th.
8:30 AM - Veterans Day Program in the GHS Event Center
9:30 AM - Veteran Brunch (Veteran and one guest) *RSVP included in the form below
If you are a Veteran, or have a Veteran in your household, please submit your/their service information in the form below. We are requesting that everyone who will be recognized fill out the form so that we can keep the information current.
Thank you for your service!
Gunter ISD Board Briefs
GISD Board Briefs - October 21, 2024
Visit the GISD Board of Trustees page on our website for more school board information.
* We love our school board at GISD. Please be sure to thank them for serving in these very important roles.
Please click here to view PDF
Pursuant to Section 11.154 of the Texas Education Code and Section 272.001(a) of the Texas Local Government Code, the Gunter Independent School District publishes this notice that the following parcels of surplus real property owned by Gunter Independent School District is offered for sale.
National Principals Month
October was National Principals Month! We are blessed with principals in GISD who care for their students and work tirelessly to make sure their campus is a safe learning environment. Thank you to Mr. Davis, Mrs. Claunch, and Mr. Barton, your efforts do not go unnoticed!
- Thank you to the custodial staff for keeping our campuses clean. Each campus recognized their cleaning staff in a different way.
Book Fair Thank YOU!
Thank you to EVERYONE who purchased merchandise at the campus book fairs in October.
- Sales at the elementary totaled $17,500 with a profit of $4,335.
- Sales at the middle school totaled $4300 with a profit of $935.
Both libraries will use their profits to add books to the library for our Gunter Tiger readers to enjoy.
Do A Little Good
A BIG THANK YOU to Navy Veteran, Russ Spears and the DALG Foundation for making our teachers wishes come true! Mr. Spears is a resident of Gunter and the founder of the foundation, "Do a Little Good". When he learned the teachers had wish lists during the book fair, his foundation granted each of those wishes and purchased the books that were still on their list unpurchased.
Russ Spears comes from a family of educators, and his mother was an educator and a librarian for a total of 30 years. All of the books purchased through DALG will have labels placed on the inside denoting the kindness of the giver and a dedication to Rebecca Russell, Mr. Spears' mother. The books will then be delivered to the teachers.
Do a Little Good is a non-profit Organization that is all about doing good deeds for people. The website is: https://dalg.givingfuel.com/good-for-kids
Thank you, Mr. Spears, for doing A LOT of good!
Book Fair Gift of Reading
A BIG THANK YOU to the Ashton family for making sure each child at GES had the opportunity to purchase a book during the book fair. Reading opens up so many adventures and we appreciate you taking all students on a magical journey through reading.
Blood Donation Thank You
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to donate blood. HOSA helped the Texoma Blood Bank fill their shelves with 25 units of blood, which in turn, will save up to 75 lives.
Thank YOU to the PTO
- A huge thank you to the GES PTO and GMS PTO for helping us with the book fair at both campuses and the Grandfriends event at the elementary campus. Your hard work made everything go very smoothly.
- The GMS PTO organized a Butter Braids fundraiser contest and the 6th grade won by selling the most! Great job 6th Grade! Thank you to the GMS PTO for providing ice cream floats to the winning class.
- The GES PTO provided an awesome Tailgate spread for the elementary staff this month. It was all very much appreciated.
- The GHS PTO set up a Magical treat station for the teachers to fill a bag of candy on Halloween. There were also cookies and popcorn! Thank you for the Halloween surprise :)
- If you give a teacher an apple they’ll probably want some caramel and toppings to go with it... and that's just what the GMS PTO provided! Thank you for the caramel apple bar on Halloween!
Join your campus PTO
Each campus has a wonderful group of parents who work together to help bring smiles to the teachers and students. Check out their Facebook page or contact information below to join them.
- Email your name, cell number and email address gunterhighschoolpto@gmail.com.
- Click the following link to join the GHS PTO Parent Square Group - https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/flahz37kx2
GMS PTO - Contact through our Facebook page @guntermiddleschoolpto
GES PTO - Contact through our Facebook page | @gunterelementarypto
Text @gespto1 to 81010 to join
Please Support GIFT - Gunter ISD Education Foundation
SKIP THE LINE and support GIFT, the one and only education foundation supporting teachers and students in Gunter.
They will be selling raffle tickets for one GES FASTPASS at football games on
- Friday, Oct 25th (all game)
- Thursday, Nov 7th (until halftime).
- Tickets will also be sold during the GES car line November 4th - 7th!
The winner will be selected at halftime of the football game on Nov 7th!
Food Services
National School Lunch Week - October 14-18
October's menu highlighted some Pirate treasures and learning activities to celebrate National School Lunch Week. The cafeteria ladies always make this week fun with dress up days, guests, and displays.
Farm Fresh Month
October was Farm Fresh month and our cafeterias helped the students learn more about healthy food choices and local fresh foods. Thank you to these ladies for serving wholesome meals to our kiddos!
- At the elementary, Mrs. Jenny taught children some fun facts about Texas grown fruits.
- The high school students had displays to learn some fun facts about healthy choices
- True Harvest Farms came and talked to the students about their farm and growing procedures.
Safety and Security
🚧 Construction Zone - Please Respect the Fenced Areas 👷♂️
Construction Zone: Fencing has been placed between the middle and high school. Construction on the Gunter Bond 2022 projects is continuing and that area is not accessible to you. For your safety, please DO NOT enter that area.
National School Bus Safety Week - October 21-25
While student safety is a year-round priority, National School Bus Safety Week is a time to remind everyone of the measures we must take to keep our bus riders safe. As part of the campaign, Gunter ISD Transportation conducted emergency evacuation drills to make sure our students understand how to safely evacuate a bus. We also shared posts and emails reminding our community to practice safe driving habits around our buses.
Driving 101 - Refresher on School Bus Lights
- Yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. You should slow down and prepare to stop your vehicle.
- Red flashing lights and extended stop arms indicate the bus has stopped and children are getting on or off. You must stop your car and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop-arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving, before you can start driving again.
Patience is a virtue. Be patient while buses are turning. Slow your roll and don't try to go around them.. it's only a few seconds of wait time.
Elementary Campus
True Grit Character Awards
Congratulations to our first recipients of the True Grit Character Awards for the first nine weeks! These students have demonstrated resilience, determination, and perseverance every single day. True grit isn’t about what you’re capable of—it’s about what you’re willing to do, even when things get tough. It’s the drive to keep pushing forward, embracing challenges, and refusing to give up. These qualities are the foundation of success, both in school and in life. We are so proud of these students for embodying the spirit of Gunter Elementary’s ‘True Grit’!
Crystal Apple Awards
Join us in congratulating our first-ever Crystal Apple Award winners! Joanna Martinez has been recognized in the ‘Teaching’ category, and Annie Wasson has been honored in the ‘Supporting’ category. This peer-nominated and peer-voted award celebrates staff members who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Joanna and Annie have set the standard for what it means to be a GES Tiger, demonstrating excellence, dedication, and a deep commitment to our students and school. We are proud to celebrate their outstanding contributions to the Gunter Elementary community!
On October 1st we hosted one of our favorite events of the year, Grandfriends! We loved seeing all of our students engaged in conversation with their grandparents or grandfriends while they shared a moment eating lunch together. We can only imagine what those conversations were about, but we do know they were priceless!
Thank you to the Gunter Elementary School Cafeteria staff for going above and beyond to make sure everyone was fed. We appreciate you very much. Thank you the PTO for helping to organize the event.
The book fair was the finale for this event. We appreciate all the love you showed by purchasing so many items. All proceeds will come back to our library to purchase more books. Check out our profits in the "Thank You" section of this newsletter!
September and October Students of the Month
We are excited to announce the students selected as our September and October Students of the Month! These students showed us they have the traits of a Tiger! They are natural leaders who confidently show others the best way to do things. They are focused, passionate and bring excitement to whatever task they are given. All of these traits show that each of these Tigers have TRUE GRIT in everything they do!
- Kindergarten - Aubrey Kirk
- 1st Grade - Owen Franklin
- 2nd Grade - Karsyn Wells
- 3rd Grade - Luke Stelly
-4th Grade - Ben Maiden
Kindergarten - Sawyer Skaggs
1st Grade - Graham Cain
2nd Grade - Gavin Simmons
3rd Grade - : Liv Fisher
4th Grade - Berkley Fieszel
Readers Are Champions!
Look at all of the students who completed the first 9 weeks Reader’s Are Champions reading logs with a minimum of 675 minutes, WOW! Each reader received a prize from Mrs. Genthner and they were recognized in front of their classmates. Reading is fun, and these students are taking it to the next level!
Storybook Pumpkins
The annual Storybook Pumpkin decorating contest has become a fun family event! GES students and their families choose a storybook that they love to read together and create a pumpkin based off of one of the characters in the story. Every entry was fantastic! Our hallways looked so festive, so thank you so much for participating.
Check out our gallery of pictures right here! https://photos.app.goo.gl/MYgsoy6cP5PwpxyV9
Our GES STUDENTS voted for their FAVORITES, and the WINNERS are...
(drummmmm rolllllll pleaseeeee)
Pre-K (two way tie):
- Reagan Cooper - Never Let a Unicorn Scribble
- Lily Martinez - The Smart Cookie
Kinder: Hayes Keel - Bluey
1st Grade: Izaiah Tinajero - Pikachu
2nd Grade: Clara Youngblood - Sally's Story
3rd Grade (two way tie):
- Blake Boddie - Snowmen at Christmas
- Brynley Duncan - Carousel Critters
4th Grade: Heath Crawford - Moon Watcher
Classroom Highlights!
Pre-K kiddos had so much fun on their field trip to Preston Trail Farms. Pumpkins and animals are the best way to celebrate October. We are so lucky to have this business in Gunter!
The Pre-K Students are learning to code using Frog-E. Frog-E is a programmable floor robot that comes with easy-to-navigate buttons for programming a series of up to 40 commands.
- Kindergarten started a labeling unit and practiced stretching out sounds to label their teachers. We love how our teachers interact in such a fun way with our kiddos!
Community Helpers! Kindergarten students learned about the professionals that help our community in so many ways. Students were able to see what the inside of a police car looks like and ask questions about being a police officer.
Thank you, Chief Jones for visiting and making sure our littlest Tigers know what it means to be a police officer and how they can help them.
2nd Grade
Mrs. Walden's students are getting smarter every day! In this lesson, they are working with "Part-Part Whole Fact Families". This is a math lesson showing that the two parts equal the whole. Students had to find the matching picture to complete the problem, and then write the addition and subtraction sentences.
Oh no! On Halloween the 2nd grade candy went missing!
Never fear... the 2nd grade sleuths from Mrs. Needum and Mrs. Walden's classes figured it out by moving through tasks to earn clues that eventually lead them right to the culprit!
3rd Grade
High Tech High Touch
3rd and 4th grade students were excited to be introduced to High Tech High Touch. This is a STEM based program that brings hands on activities to the classroom. In this lesson, the students learned about electricity and circuits.
Thank you to the PTO for providing the resources to bring this program to our campus!
4th Grade
Touring the New Campus
Let the dreaming begin! Teachers toured the new elementary school to get a glimpse of the inside of the building. It is coming along nicely! We could see their minds churning as they mentally designed their new learning space. The plan is for the building to be open for the 2025-26 school year. We can't wait!
At Gunter ISD we know the importance of fostering relationships between all campuses. Younger students look up to older students, and those older students have a way of making the younger ones feel special. That is exactly what our "Senior Buddy Program" is all about... fostering relationships!
When a younger student looks up to an athlete, actor/actress, musician, or Academic UIL competitor for their performance outside of the classroom, imagine the impact the older students have when they walk into a classroom and show them that learning is just as important as the extracurricular activities. This program promotes positive behavior, social skills, and friendliness.
So what does the senior take from this? A lot! They are making memories they will take with them into their next adventure in life. They are giving back to the campuses that nurtured them as they climbed to the top of their educational ladder in high school.
All of this is what makes Gunter ISD and our community so great! Take a look at some of our buddies at work (or play)! Thank you to the students who volunteer for this program! You will never know the impact you are having on a child.
Middle School
Students of the Month - October
Congratulations to these students who were selected as the October Students of the Month. These Tigers are earning their stripes by staying focused, performing tasks stealthily, and pouncing on every opportunity to help their peers!
5th- Emma Stelly6th- Christian Smith
7th- Noah Alfarue
8th- Ian Ramirez
Classroom Highlights!
Coach Beville’s classes are identifying and describing common traits that describe various cultures through image analysis and discussion.
Coach Guice’s black light shared reading of Ronald Dahl’s The Landlady for opportunity to explore plot, theme, mood and tone.
5th graders in Mrs. Hough's classroom are working hard to multiply decimals by whole numbers in math. They used manipulatives to support their understanding of this concept. Students enjoyed working with the the objects, collaborating with their classmates, and engaging in some "math talk."
Students in Coach Parker's history class experienced different aspects of life on a Spanish mission in Texas. The goal was for them to not only experience mission life but to understand the reasons that the Spanish established missions and to understand the impact that missions had on Native American life.
Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it. Hmmmm.... how can we teach this to our 8th graders? Mrs. King's students studied the Laws of Motion outside by playing kickball. Moving Ball+Kick=Motion! There is definitely more to it than that ... ask any 8th grader
Dancing the Night Away
The middle school Fall dance was a huge success! The dance was split into two sessions according to grade level: 5th/6th grade, and 7th/8th grade.All of the students had a great time dressing up, learning some new dance moves and just having fun with their friends.
Mr. Small's students had an awesome trip to the Gunter Police Station. Thank you, Chief Jones for giving us a tour and showing us the ins and outs of a police officer's duties. The students were excited to sit in the chair of a real police chief and he gave them stickers, candy, and answered all of our questions. The students had a memorable experience.
High School
GHS Yearbooks and Senior Recognition Ads
Last day to order yearbooks before the price increases to $70 is Friday, November 15. This is also the last day to order and design your senior's recognition ad.
Contact Mrs. Guice at kguice@gunterisd.org if you have any questions.
Classroom Highlights!
Take a peek inside some of our classrooms.
Ms. Mercado's Spanish beginning a unit on The Day of The Dead, and have created posters that depict the monarch butterflies and their significance with Day of the Dead.
Mr. Thornhill's World History students went on a scavenger hunt around the high school to identify influences that Ancient Greece has had on modern science, math, literature, and culture.
It was a beautiful day for a game of catch! Mr. Eaton tasked his students to design a protective barrier for an egg and now they are testing the strength of what they created by playing catch with the egg. We hope their designs held up, and that's no yolk!!
Fine Arts
MS Art
Just in time for Halloween! Art students at GMS have been diving into the spooky season with some delightfully eerie art projects!They’ve been studying Victorian architecture and incorporating those elements into haunted house designs. Alongside this, students explored the unique style of filmmaker and artist Tim Burton, crafting haunting portraits inspired by his work. These and many other works of art are on display at Gunter Middle School!
GHS Theatre took the stage at the beginning of October to present The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. The students worked hard and put on an amazing show, and the audiences loved it! With different audience members vying for a chance at the title, it literally was a different show every night! Thank you to everyone who came out to see it.
Plushy Monster Factory
Theatre Tech students were each given an artist's depiction of a monster that they had to re-create as a stuffed pillow. The artists were students in our Pre-K classes, and they are always so excited to see their monster come to "life" (not really) in the form of a pillow!
Thespian Festival
Mrs. McGaughey and four of her students got up early on a Saturday to travel to the Texas Junior Thespian Festival! Mrs. McGaughey said, "These sweet girls sang Broadway tunes for the entire 1.5 hour drive there then took some super cool classes on stage combat, gory make-up, singing, and more! Then they sang for another 1.5 hours on the way home as we raced to make it back in time for their MS dance."
It is events like this that spark the desire to pursue a craft. The dedication it takes to be a Fine Arts teacher goes way beyond the classroom walls, and we are lucky to have Mrs. McGaughey!
Band Contests
The GHS Marching Band was busy this month! Not only are they playing music for us at the pep rallies and football games, they also participated in two events and one contest.
10/5 - Aubrey Marching Classic
10/12 - Celina Marching Invitational
On October 16th, they took the field at Celina Bobcat Stadium for the UIL Region Marching Contest. Thank you to those who came to cheer them on, and to OurGunter for taking photos during the performance. Although the band received a rating of 2 from the judges, we will always rate them #1 in our books!
FFA / Agriculture
State Fair of Texas
Colten Needum
- 2nd place heavyweight Charolais
- 3rd place medium weight Black Cross
Ellie Needum
- 6th place medium weight Black Cross
Special Events in October
Homecoming 2024
Homecoming Week is a time honored tradition that the entire community loves.
The week was filled with some fun dress up days that went along with our 2024 theme, Eras of Champions. We had so many great costumes on each campus!
The Tailgate on Wednesday is a community favorite. Vendors were on site with food, merchandise, spirit items, face painting, bounce houses, gift certificates and so much more!. The following vendors participated:
- First Baptist Church Gunter
- Addalynns Boutique
- DB breakfast and lunch
- Green Attics Heating and Cooling LLC
- Gunter Chamber of Commerce
- Grace Bible
- Board of Trustees
- Grace Bible Fellowship
- Gunter Ladies for Tomorrow
- Chef Chewy Catering
- Salty And Sassy Boutique
- Gunter Cheer Booster Club
Thank you so much for supporting our event. Please support these businesses when you are looking for a service they might provide.
The Pep Rally brought the spirit! Cheers, songs, twirling with fire... WOW! The introductions of our Homecoming Court highlighted the 10 nominees. They looked great as they crossed Tiger Field.
All campuses dismissed early so the students could get ready to ride on the floats in the Homecoming Parade. Spectators lined the highway as 43 parade entrants passed by! Yes, 43! Thank you to the Gunter Volunteer Fire Department and Gunter City Police for helping to block the street for safety and leading the parade at a safe speed. You couldn't miss Mr. Martindale, GISD Superintendent, running through the parade in his golden suit passing out candy.The GHS Band and our awesome twirler marched with precision. The cheerleaders walked with their beautiful mums showing off their Gunter spirit. We had a variety of vehicles pulling floats from pick-up trucks to semis and even a tractor! Sports teams and organizations of all grade levels were represented. The Homecoming nominees were transported down the highway in style, waving and tossing candy as they passed by. Horses and classic vehicles ended the parade. By the end of the parade, our streets were filled with candy that the spectators picked up and filled their buckets!
Coronation took place before the kickoff at the football game. Our King nominees were proudly escorted by their mom or another significant person in their life, and the Queen nominees were proudly escorted by their dad or another significant person in their life. The nominees dressed to the hilt and looked amazing!
The 2024 Homecoming Court
Queen Nominees: Mackey Cox, Grace Dainauski, Chloe Johnson, Juliana Moore, Ella Pinkernell
King Nominees: Carter Balak, Bryce Biros, Brock Boddie, Mitchell Gage, Colin Peacock
Bryce Biros and Chloe Johnson were crowned as the 2024 Homecoming King and Queen.
Saturday night the GHS Cheer Boosters hosted a wonderful dance. Students had a great time getting dressed up and dancing the night away.
Thank you to everyone who had a part in making HOCO 2024 such a success.
HOCO Parade Gold Cup Winner
Gunter ISD is proud to celebrate Red Ribbon Week each year. Dress up days are fun, but we know that a costume is not what will stop the use of drugs. The themes are a jumping point to discuss the reasons how drugs can stifle your success story. A campaign like this can only open doors, and we can only hope our parents took advantage of the days to have those important conversations.
During the week we had kids dressed as their favorite movie star, their favorite Disney character, their future self, and then they had some fun with their Halloween costumes. There were also doors decorated, trinkets passed out, coloring pages, and so much more! It was a great week of sending the message to "write your script for life as a drug free scene"!
Take a look at all of the pictures in our gallery.!
Elementary School RRW - Photo Gallery
Middle School RRW - Photo Gallery
Fundraisers and Mark Your Calendar
Veterans Day Celebration - Veteran Info Request
We love to honor the Veterans in our town. We will be hosting our Annual Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 8th in the Gunter HS Event Center. You are welcome to attend.
8:30 AM - Veterans Day Program in the GHS Event Center
9:30 AM - Veteran Brunch (Veteran and one guest) *RSVP included in this form
Lady Basketball T-Shirt Sales - Due November 10th
Head over to guntertees.com to pick your favorite designs in t-shirts, sweatshirts, and more!
All proceeds benefit the Lady Tiger Basketball program!
Orders due by November 10!
Help us spread the word!
FFA Fundraiser Extended Sale - Now due 11/5
Order your Gunter FFA Spirit Wear today! Sale closes on 11/1!
All Gunter FFA Items will be available for pick up at GHS. Please put GHS’s address, 1102 N. Preston Rd, Gunter, Tx 75058
GHS Prom
Friday night lights wouldn't be the same without these student groups supporting our team. Thank you, cheerleaders and band for helping to make the night so much fun!
Photos: GHS Yearbook
Junior High Pep Rally
The junior high cheerleaders planned and carried out an awesome pep rally on October 31st. Great job! The teams and fans were pepped up and ready for their game!
Upcoming Sport Schedules
Schedules change due to a variety of factors, be sure you have the latest information by checking our Event calendar on the website for last minute changes.
Upcoming Sport Schedules
📸 Marion Cole and Renee Marler with OurGunter
All events are placed on the District Calendar located on our GISD website. This is the best place to look for schedule changes during the year.
Bass Fishing
October 19 - Lake Texoma
17th place - Halston Standerfer/Grant Gartrell
31st place - Hayden Rodges/Braeden McDaniel
41st place - Trevor Wright
High School
District Meet - Boys 3rd Place >> Qualified for Regionals
- Brody McDonald 2nd
- Raiden Windlow 4th
- Justin Kriechbaum 10th
- Tucker O'Daniel 23rd
- Jacob Endsley 26th
Regional Meet
- Raiden Windlow 75thJustin Kriechbaum 91st
- Tucker O'Daniel 153rd
- Jacob Endsley 165th
- Diego Muñoz 166th
Middle School - District Meet
- Bo Martin 8th
- Silas Turner 9th
- Brayden McGowan 26th
- Mason Acha 37th
- Stella Fuller 6th
- Madie Endsley 16th
- Hayden Zey 33rd
- Hannah Perkins 34th
- Lily Stinson 35th
Photo Credit - Cross Country X Page
Photo Credit - Marion Cole
- 10/11 vs Callisburg 69-0 WIN
- 10/18 vs Howe 65-7 WIN
- 10/25 vs Blue Ridge 52-21 WIN
- 10/10 vs Callisburg 42-0 WIN
- 10/17 vs Howe 47-0 WIN
- 10/24 vs Blue Ridge 34-0 WIN
- 10/31 vs Celina 55-6 WIN
- 10/10 vs Arlington Lamar 26-7 WIN
- 10/17 vs Van Alstyne 13-15 LOSS
- 10/24 vs Denison 39-37 WIN
- 10/31 vs Bishop Lynch 53-0 WIN
October 1 vs Decatur
- 7th Grade 22-6 WIN
- 8th Grade 30-16 WIN
October 10 vs Callisburg
- 7th Grade 18-0 WIN
- 8th Grade 36-0 WIN
- Combo Team 14-0 WIN
October 17 vs Howe
- 7th Grade 22-28 LOSS
- 8th Grade 44-0 WIN
- 7th Grade 26-6 WIN
- 8th Grade 22-8 WIN
October 31 vs S&S
- 7th Grade 34-0 WIN
- 8th Grade 46-0 WIN
DCTF Unsung Hero Award presented by Texas Farm Bureau Insurance
On Friday, October 25th before the football game, we had a very special award presentation given by Dave Campbell’s Texas Football, the legendary chronicle of Texas high school football since
1960. DCTF annually selects five student athletes from around the state to be spotlighted with
its prestigious Unsung Hero Award presented by Texas Farm Bureau Insurance. The Award
recognizes special young people who represent their team, school, family, and community in a
way that truly sets them apart. This year, one of those selected is our very own, Bryce Biros.
Thanks to the support of Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Bryce will receive $500 in tuition
assistance to the college of his choice and will be spotlighted later this year during the UIL State
Football Championships in Arlington.
Presenting the award on behalf of Dave Campbell’s Texas Football was Texas Farm Bureau
Insurance Grayson County Agent, Darren Foster. Let’s give him a round of applause and
congratulations again to Bryce Biros!
Photos: Marion Cole
Bi-District Round - Volleyball Playoffs
Bi District Round - Volleyball Playoffs
Monday, November 4 @ 7 PM
Gunter vs Commerce (Gunter is Home Team)
@ Anna HS
Photos - Marion Cole
10/1 vs Bells 12-25, 25-17, 25-23, 25-16 WIN
10/4 vs Pottsboro 25-15, 25-16, 25-11 WIN
** Madison Smith - 1000th Kill
10/8 vs Blue Ridge 18-25, 25-14, 25-20, 25-11 WIN
10/11 vs Aubry 22-25, 11-25, 15-25 LOSS
10/15 vs Howe 25-9, 25-12, 25-9 WIN
10/18 vs S&S 25-13, 25-10, 25-6 WIN
10/22 vs Leonard 25-11, 25-10, 25-13 WIN
10/25 vs Bells 25-10, 25-18, 19-25, 25-22
10/29 vs Pottsboro 25-19, 25-18, 25-7 WIN
District Record: 12-0
10/1 vs Bells 25-15, 25-22 WIN
10/4 vs Pottsboro 21-25, 25-23, 15-9 WIN
10/8 vs Blue Ridge 25-23, 13-25, 7-15 LOSS
10/11 vs Aubry 18-25, 20-25 LOSS
10/15 vs Howe 25-14, 25-15 WIN
10/18 vs S&S 25-13, 25-18 WIN
10/22 vs Leonard 25-14, 26-28, 15-11 WIN
10/25 vs Bells 29-27, 25-13 WIN
10/29 vs Pottsboro 25-16, 25-23 WIN
District Record: 11-1
vs. S&S
- 7A 2-0
- 8A 2-0
- 7&8B Combo 2-0
vs. Blue Ridge
- 7B 2-0
- 8B 2-0
- 7A 2-0
- 8A 2-0
vs. Bells
- 7B 2-0
- 8B 2-0
- 7A 2-0
- 8A 2-0
Volleyball Senior Night
Senior Night is a time to honor our seniors! We have enjoyed watching you grow in your sport. We can't wait to see what successes you have in store for your future.
Senior Volleyball Players
#2 Chloe Johnson
#4 Grace Dainauski
#5 Maddie Martindale
#10 Kylee Keller
#15 Madison Smith
#14 Matilde Teller was also recognized. She is a foreign exchange student from Denmark attending GHS this year.
Photos in collage: Marion Cole
Special Olympics Van Alstyne Bocce Tournament
Our Tiger Bocce Ballers sure came home with a lot of hardware on October 31st! Great efforts and positive attitudes were had by all!
The following won medals at Van Alstyne Bocce Tournament for Special Olympics:
- Joshua Robinson and Clark Smith- Gold (Mens Doubles)
- Alayna Hulsey- Gold (ramp bocce)
- Grace Kruzie- Silver (half court)
- Sean McGurk- Silver (half court)
- Ayden Perez- Silver (mens doubles) Bronze (mens doubles)
- Noah Green- Silver (halfcourt)
- Bryce Pinson- Silver (mens doubles)
- Chance Nichols- bronze (mens doubles) bronze (mens doubles)
- Bethany Brookshire-bronze (girls doubles)
- Leah Salazar-bronze ( girls doubles)
Connect with us!
Website: www.gunterisd.org
Location: Gunter, TX, USA
Phone: 903.433.4750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gunterisdschools
Twitter: @Gunter_ISD