Board Briefs June 2024
News and Highlights from the Board of Education meeting

Aging Schools Face Funding Shortfall
The Board of Education is reviewing options for addressing $80 million in repairs, additions, renovations and remodeling to the district's aging schools identified in the Facilities Master Plan.
Earlier this year, the Building and Grounds Committee identified the highest priorities. Chief School Business Official Jessica Donato projected the district could fund $19.7 million over the next 10 years for projects including roofs, windows, tuckpointing, plumbing and electrical repairs, HVAC units, parking lots/sidewalks, and other crucial items through the operating budget.
The Facilities Master Plan identified about $60 million in projects that remain unfunded. Due to limitations under the Property Tax Extension Limitation (PTEL) law, District 28 does not have the ability to borrow money to make major building repairs or improvements without voter approval. The district could do small projects when funding became available, but that would result in a piecemeal approach. Another option is to seek voter approval to borrow money and complete the work equitably across the district in a timely manner.
The 528-page plan was compiled by DLA Architects with input from specialists in mechanical, plumbing, and electrical engineering, civil engineering, demographics, roofing, and building security. In spring 2023, the firm collected input from parents, students, and staff through focus groups on learning environments and priorities for improvements.
Six educator positions were filled for the 2024-25 school year and three assistants.
Meryl Blum, Special Education Teacher - Meadowbrook
Meryl Blum joins the District 28 team from Gurnee District 56, where she has been a special education teacher since 2020. She has a master’s degree in reading from National Louis University and is a licensed learning behavior specialist.
Jennifer Hook, Special Education Teacher - Meadowbrook
Jennifer Hook joins the District 28 team from McClean Unit 5 School District, where she was a learning behavior specialist for two years. She has a master’s degree in special education & English as a second language from National Louis University and a master’s degree in communications with reading.
David Hoppe, Orchestra Teacher
David Hoppe joins the District 28 after having worked an instrumental music teacher in Deerfield. He has a master’s degree in music from the State University of New York.
Kimberly Keller-Eck, Special Education Teacher - Westmoor
Kimberly Keller-Eck has been a transition teacher at True North Educational Cooperative since July 2008. She has a master’s degree in vocational education of individuals with disabilities from the University of Illinois and is a licensed learning behavior specialist.
Roya Lippe, In-House Substitute Teacher - Greenbriar & Meadowbrook
Roya Lippe joins the District 28 team after graduating from the University of Illinois with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She was a student teacher last semester in Northbrook/Glenview District 30.
Lori Sandler, School Psychologist - NBJH
Lori Sandler joins the District 28 team with a master’s degree in educational psychology from National Louis University. For the past year, she has worked as related services coordinator for the Northwest Suburban Special Education Association.
Also please welcome Norma Chavez, early childhood assistant; Amelia-Jane Levchenko, early childhood assistant; and Missy Platz, foundational assistant.
Summer Programming Comes To An End
District 28 offers summer enrichment programs, academic boost and extended school year during the month of June. This year 429 students are participating in programs hosted at Northbrook Junior High for grades 5-8 and at Westmoor School for grades 1-4.
Popular new enrichment classes include pickleball for grades 5-8, math detective and math mysteries for grades 3-4 and mock trial for 7th and 8th grades. This program is a great opportunity for students to try out a new hobby or dig deeper into a passion or interest while having fun with friends. Academic boost offers students who are referred by their teachers to work on math and reading skills and Extended School Year is for special education students. The session ends June 28.
Educators Participate in Professional Development
District 28 educators participate in a variety of professional learning and curriculum development activities during the summer months. Staff members recommend topics through a survey, and the majority of sessions are led by District 28 staff who have expertise to share with their colleagues. This year, there are about 35 classes with 154 teacher registrations.
Summer Construction Underway
In alignment with the 10-year Facilities Master Plan, this year’s summer projects that target essential building maintenance are underway. The district participates in purchasing cooperatives to secure large-ticket items and streamline the contract bidding process. This summer’s projects, totaling $1.3 million, include:
Roof replacement at Greenbriar School;
A large rooftop HVAC unit for Greenbriar and a smaller unit at Westmoor School;
Refinishing the gym floors at Greenbriar and Northbrook Junior High. As part of the intergovernmental agreement, Northbrook Park District will reimburse the district for 50% of the Greenbriar gym costs;
Remodeling the Greenbriar front office area to create two needed private offices and reconfigure the conference room and staff workroom, and
Renovate the District Office and HOH Community Room to create more efficient and updated workspaces.
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Livestream/Archive Video
The Board of Education meetings are live-streamed on the District 28's YouTube Channel. The live streams are also archived for later viewing.
Next Meeting is July 23 at 6 p.m.
The Board of Education will meet as Committee Of The Whole at 6 p.m. July 23 with the regular meeting immediately following. Board meetings are held in the HOH Community Room at District Office, 1475 Maple Ave., Northbrook. The meetings are also live-streamed on the District 28 YouTube channel.
Visit Northbrook28.net for more information