DSA Weekly Update
Week of 6/5/23
Save the date:
Fri June 9 - Last Day of School (District Early Release Day 1pm)
Fri June 9 - DSA Commencement Ceremony 5pm Cameron Indoor Stadium
2022-2023 Calendar
To reach the Main Office: dist.frontoffice.323-DSA@dpsnc.net
Your message will reach most of the front office staff.
Please send all attendance matters to:
DSA 2023 After Testing Sign Out Parent Permission Form. Complete one form per student per day - Formulario de permiso de los padres para salir temprano después de la pruebas. Complete un formulario por cada estudiante y por cada dia de salida temprana.
●●●● Students: Starting Friday, May 19th, we will have the Post-Testing sign out form posted in several locations including Talking Points, DSA Website, Canvas page and on walls all over campus. This is to be used only for signing out after testing starting on May 26th. This is the only form we will use during the testing period so you must fill this out if you want to sign out after your exams, even if you have a Dr. Appointment. Stop by the Office if you have any questions.
●●●● Have you filled out our intent form? Please fill this out to get the transfer started.
●●●● North Carolina Drivers Eligibility Certificate
Any DSA student who is requesting a NC Drivers Eligibility certificate must pass 5 of their 7 classes and submit their Drivers Ed certificate to the main office before school, during lunch or after school before 4:30pm. Once the office receives the Drivers Ed certificate the student will receive the NC Eligibility form within 48 hours. Please note that the certificate is only valid for 30 days. Please ensure you have scheduled your appointment with the DMV.
DSA Graduation - Important Information
Graduation Friday, June 9, 2023
Graduate Timeline
- 3:00 pm - Arrive at the parking lot (Blue Zone - 2300 Duke University Rd) to avoid getting caught in traffic. Use the parking pass you were given at rehearsal. Make sure you have: gown, cap, tassel, and stole. Remember that you cannot have any bags with you!
- 3:45 pm - Meet in Rubenstein Pavilion at South End of Cameron Indoor Stadium and check in with Junior Marshall. You should be in full dress at this time!
- 4:30 pm - Report to your Junior Marshall and get in line alphabetically for one last check.
- 5:00 pm - Graduation ceremony begins
Guest Timeline (share with your family/friends)
- General Parking - Science Drive Garage - 3100 Cameron Blvd - Shuttle available
- ADA Parking - Blue Zone Lot 5 - 2300 Duke University Dr - Shuttle provided
- 4:00 pm - Doors open to Cameron Indoor for guest arrival
- Remember the bag policy: Bags or purses of any kind are not permitted to enter Cameron Indoor Stadium! However, diaper bags and medical bags will be allowed.
- Seating is general admission: first come, first served.
- ADA guests will enter at their designated entrance on the lower level and be escorted to their seats.
- 5:00 pm - Graduation ceremony begins
●●●● Post Graduation Tasks
Diploma Pick Up
- Actual diplomas are not handed out at graduation. You will receive the diploma cover and will pick up your diploma at DSA during the summer.
- Diplomas will be available for pick up starting the week of June 19th. Come by the front office Monday-Thursday between 9am and 3pm.
- Please note that you must have paid all fines/fees due to DSA before being able to receive your diploma. Visit our website for more details.
Request Final Transcript
- Graduates are responsible for requesting your final transcript be sent to your college, university, military, job, etc!
- Date: The first day you are able to submit the final transcript request is June 7th.
- How do I request my final transcript to send to college or employer?
- Go to the Durham Public Schools website: https://www.dpsnc.net/Durham
- Underneath the “Resources” tab select “School Records Requests (Records Center)” then click on the “online records request form” and follow all directions moving forward
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Schepp at marykatherine_schep@dpsnc.net
●●●● Seniors: If you have not picked up your cap and gown, please come see Ms. Schepp in Student Services during lunch!
●●●● The DSA High School Student-Athlete/Parent Handbook has been updated for the 2023-24 Athletic Year!
23-24 DSA HIGH SCHOOL Athletics Student Athlete/Parent Handbook
There are several UPDATES! It is a requirement to review this handbook prior to registering!
In addition, the DSA HS Athletic website has been updated for registration information: www.dpsathletics.com/dsa (click the blue button)
To be cleared for Fall athletics or Summer workouts, Athletes/Managers must:
- Bring the NEW 2023-24 Physical Form with you when you get a physical from a medical professional.
- Have a Parent/Guardian register on the Dragonfly Platform, connect to DSA, and add the athlete or manager to their registration.
Upload/submit ALL required documents ONLINE:
- Please make sure you follow exact instructions to allow your clearance to go smoothly.
These uploaded forms cannot be uploaded together so please complete the following in order to be eligible to attend the clearance session, the NCHSAA requires these to be separate uploads. (Yes even though they print out as "one" document, they must be uploaded by title on the top of each page
1. Authorization for release (DPS online form) ONLY PRINT HARDCOPY
2. Assumption of risk (DPS online form) ONLY
3. NCHSAA Health History ONLY (upload 1)
5. NCHSAA Concussion ONLY (online form)
6. NCHSAA Medical Eligibility Form ONLY (upload 3)
7. The NCHSAA consent form-WHENEVER IT IS ADDED- I WILL LET YOU KNOW!! PARENTS WILL HAVE TO REVISIT DRAGONFLY WHEN IT IS AVAILABLE. If this is not released by Fri 6/9 all cleared participants will need to have a 2nd clearance (only online).
The sooner you get your documents uploaded, the better and the faster clearance will happen!
Reminder if you do not have your documents 1-6 uploaded in the appropriate place BEFORE Fri it will be a long slow process for clearance! After Friday, 6/9 the next clearance is not until 7/28!
- Do not upload any documents to these categories that are not the documents it is asking for. Doing so will slow down your clearance tremendously!
Once these uploads have been done, the next steps are:
- Attend a Registration Clearance session to drop off hard copies of the HIPAA form (Authorization for release is HIPAA) and your physical on one of the days listed in the DSA high school student-athlete/parent handbook! (link below)
- Reach out to your potential coach if you have not yet! (Contact info in handbook!)
●●●● Have you filled out our intent form? Please fill this out to get the transfer started.
●●●● Dear families, students, teachers, and staff of the Durham School of the Arts:
The PTSA (the Parent Teacher Student Association) is asking each family, as you are able, to make a tax-deductible donation to the PTSA. It is not too late (we have thus far only raised half of our intended goal for 2022-2023) and no amount is too small, as anything we raise goes directly to support our students and the school.
DSA’s PTSA has traditionally relied on parent support through donations, instead of selling items such as popcorn, coupon books, or candy. Over the past few years the PTSA has supported the school by providing money for projects, supplies, and student stipends such as financial aid for students to attend competitions and conventions, funding for senior celebrations and middle school awards, staff lunches and other teacher appreciation activities, and funding various grant requests submitted by the staff to meet educational needs in excess of what the school district can support.
Donations can be sent to the main office or given online at www.dsaptsa.com or you can use the link on the DSA website. Thank you for your support of our students, our teachers and our school.
●●●● The DSA PTSA needs you. We really do! As we head towards spring we realize that with the joy of graduation comes the pain of losing experienced PTSA volunteers. We need to replace these volunteers and it is best to do it while they are still here and can pass their knowledge directly on to their successors. Please go to http://www.dsaptsa.com/ and click on "Click here to learn more about Volunteer Opportunities" and sign up! There are all sorts of fun positions opening up. You can make a difference!
●●●● The PTSA holds our annual giving campaign to fund a considerable amount of the budget. We are now welcoming any and every donation amount, as every dollar raised goes directly to support DSA student and staff initiatives and the school. Please consider making a donation today!
There are two options for contributing:
● Give online at www.dsaptsa.com and click “DONATE” to make a secure Paypal donation.
● Send a check payable to DSA PTSA and address it to: DSA PTSA
400 N. Duke Street Durham, NC 27701
“Scholars-at-Work Spring Break”
“Scholars-at-Work Spring Break” We have several companies that have signed up to support this career development experience and we are so EXCITED about this opportunity for our students. This year the program is FACE TO FACE and we have 100 slots available.
Below is a list of the Companies!
Forge Fencing Academy and Club
Chick-fil- Hillsborough Road
Discover Durham
City of Durham
Bland Landscaping
6 & Fix HVAC & Refrigeration
Tammie Harris Real Estate Firm
Tributary Land Design and Build
Show your athletics school spirit and love for your team with a letter jacket!
About Us
DSA is an active and dynamic center for arts and academic education. School life at DSA is based on our shared culture of success and an emphasis on tolerance, diversity, personal responsibility, and respect for individual differences.
We are a school like no other. Durham School of the Arts (DSA) is a magnet school founded on the premise of providing our students with an education focused on excellence in the visual and performing arts and rigorous academics. We believe that since our students are both participants and consumers of the arts, they will be better educated and more informed citizens. As a result, we expect our students to be the leaders and intellectuals of tomorrow.
DSA partners with top tier institutions, such as the Durham Performing Arts Center, Duke University and the American Dance Festival, to expose our students to high-caliber guest artists who provide workshops and master classes.
Email: dist.frontoffice.323-DSA@dpsnc.net
Website: https://www.dpsnc.net/dsa
Location: 400 North Duke Street, Durham, NC, USA
Phone: 919-560-3926
Free STEM Day Camp For Middle School Students
Duke InnoWorks is a volunteer student organization at Duke University. Our members organize a free, week-long program for rising middle school students from underserved communities. Our goal is to get students excited about science and hone their critical thinking abilities. Over the course of the program, students are assigned to groups of roughly 3 to 4 students, each led by a Duke undergraduate mentor, usually with a major in the life sciences or engineering, who guides them through the day's activities.
If interested the link to the application is below. If you have any questions reach out to Natasha at duke.innoworks.2011@gmail.com.
6th-8th Grade Mentorship Program
Good afternoon,
My name is Victoria Ely, and I am contacting you on behalf of The Girls’ Club, a club centered around mentorship that connects Duke students with middle schoolers in the Durham Public School System. We meet every Tuesday from 6 PM to 7 PM at the Emily K. Center and cover topics ranging from resilience, self-expression, and growth mindsets. We provide the mentees with snacks, and the sessions are completely free!
Our first meeting is January 24th, but the mentees are absolutely welcome to join later! We have so much excitement and heart to share with them, so we hope this email finds you well and inspires you to pass the information along to any students you think might benefit from this positive, uplifting environment.
I have attached a flyer with more information on the club if you wish to share it with students, colleagues, or parents. For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at this email or our president, Sofia Bottinelli at sofia.bottinelli@duke.edu.
Thank you in advance,
Victoria Ely
Co-Recruitment Chair for TGC
PTSA Announcement
Every spring, the PTSA members elect officers for the following school year. Next Thursday, May 18th, the PTSA will be holding its final general body meeting of the 2022-2023 school year, in order to hold elections, and also to give you the chance to hear a special presentation by Lara Ratkovic, the Director of Communications at Family Leadership Center: "Livin' with Limits and Lovin' It": a brief talk on effective ways to set respectful rules and limits with our children, and strategies for upholding them.
Below are the two PTSA positions in need of nominees, along with brief descriptions of the responsibilities of each position.
The PTSA Vice-president acts as an aide to the President, and performs the President’s job in his/her absence.
The PTSA Secretary keeps accurate records of meetings, membership, and correspondence.
To volunteer or nominate someone, please fill out the form on the DSA PTSA website (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeb1M2JXeYM5hitT7wkUDqxIT2ZYT-8dGrqjcSQJr956DCa0Q/viewform?usp=sf_link).
In addition, the PTSA is holding its final fund raising "dine-out" event on May 31st at the Q-Shack in Durham, so join us and invite friends a neighbors to enjoy some excellent BBQ while raising much needed funds for the DSA PTSA. Let's make the most of this last fund raising opportunity of the 2022-2023 school year!