SHHS Parent Newsletter
February 6, 2025
Updates and upcoming events
Thursday, 2/13 - Marking period 8 ends- Check grades in Skyward on 2/19
Friday, 2/14 & Monday, 2/17 - No school - Holiday for all
Wednesday, 2/19 - TSIA testing
Wednesday, 2/26 - Counselors will meet with Students during English classes to begin looking at their class schedules for next school year. Parent signatures are required, so be on the lookout for this.
March 3 - 7 - Texas Public Schools Week
Wednesday, 3/5 - TSIA testing
Thursday, 3/6 - PTA meeting - High School Library
Friday, 3/7- End of the 3rd marking period - Check grades in Skyward on Tuesday, 3/18
March 10-14- Spring Break
Monday, 3/17- No school, teacher workday
Information for current juniors regarding NEXT school year
* See the attachment and give close attention
to the section under "Earned CCMR Point."
Counselor Appreciation Week was last week.
We have two wonderful counselors at the high school.
Paige Childers & Allison Williamson
Congratulations to our Panthers who will play at the college level next year!
Trevor Allen - Northwestern State University
Levi Mackey - East Texas Baptist University
Arsh Signh - East Texas Baptist University
Khloe Saxon - University of Arkansas Rich Mountain
Kyndall Witt - University of Arkansas Rich Mountain
Tyhia Mack - Henderson State University
We were pleased with our first FAFSA night and the opportunity to help
some of our seniors and their families complete the FAFSA.
Student Council Staff Member for January
Emily Holmes
BRAVO Teacher of the Month
Paige Wood
Perfect attendance winners for January
Carter Whitlock & Laila Rios
Jaylon Hollins, Sophia Robinett, Anna Martin, & Brenna Cordeiro
Juniors and Seniors
Congratulations to our students nominated for our Panther Student Spotlight!
Logan Murdick nominated by Coach Stewart
Caleb Peurifoy nominated by Mrs. Pimentel
Lillian Young nominated by Mrs. Pimentel
January 21, 2025 Cheer packets available in the junior high and high school offices.
February 3, 2025 All cheer packet signed forms are due to junior high and high school offices.
February 12, 2025 6:00 PM mandatory parent meeting in high school library
February 20, 2025 Cheer tryout material released in Google classroom
February 25, 2025 4:30 PM Mock cheer tryout in high school gym
February 26, 2025 4:00 PM Cheer tryouts in high school gym
Congratulations SHHS Cheerleaders!
Spring Hill Cheer recently attended the UIL Spirit State Championships to compete with teams from across Texas. They advanced to the final round and achieved a school best finishing tenth in the state! Congratulations on your accomplishments and success!
Leaders' Core January Blood Drive🩸
Thank you to all who helped and gave blood at our blood drive on January 28th. We had 48 attempted donors and were able to collect 38 units of blood. Each unit can save up to three lives, so that is potentially 114 lives affected by our drive! We will have one more drive this year in April.
We are proud to announce our partnership with STOPit Solutions, a nationally recognized leader in school safety and wellness.
While we will always encourage students and parents to directly approach school employees with any safety concerns, we recognize that sometimes there is apprehension in doing so. That’s where STOPit comes in.
The STOPit app is an anonymous reporting tool designed to deter and promptly address instances of bullying, school violence, self-harm, and inappropriate behaviors. Members of our school community can speak up when they have a concern, without the stigma or fear of retaliation.
With the STOPit app, anyone from our school community can:
Report their concerns without revealing their identity.
Attach photo or video evidence.
Engage in private, two-way communication with school leaders, ensuring they have all the details to address and resolve the matter efficiently.
By providing the STOPit app to everyone in our school community, we aim to ensure that no incident goes unreported. We believe that this app complements our existing mechanisms and helps us further ensure the safety and well-being of our students.
We urge all parents and guardians to download the STOPit app and discuss it with your children.
The STOPit app is available on Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
SHHS Exam Schedule & Exemption Guidelines
Federal Report Card Notification
Spring Hill ISD is sharing this information about the district with you as part of its obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).
Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website at this link listed under TEA Report Cards, or are also available on the Texas Education Agency’s website.
If you have difficulty accessing the information from the website, hard copies of the reports are available at the district or campus office. If you have questions about the information, please contact Debbie Terry at dterry@shisd.net or 903-323-7703.
Senior Celebration for Class of 2025 - Hosted by the Spring Hill PTA
Hello Senior Parents! Please see information below regarding this year’s Senior Celebration!
Date/Time: May 22, 2025 at 10:30 am (following Senior Walk – further instructions will come from Mrs. Tidwell on that part
Where: Intermediate School Auditorium
I will need:
From Students: Biographies – I will be attending the senior meeting to be scheduled by Mrs. Tidwell and I will ask the students to fill their biographies out.
From Parents/or students: pictures for the Senior Slide Show – Picture requirements below!
- Pictures will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025
Senior Celebration Picture Guidelines -
The email address to send your pictures is seniorcelebrations25@gmail.com
*All pictures MUST be:
- edited and ready to go
- saved in a .jpg format
- sent as email attachments (not in the body portion of the email - no screenshots)
Please send…
- ONE baby picture
- ONE in-between picture
- ONE senior picture for each student.
* Please do not send more than three individual photos - if you do, I will pick the first three!
* In the subject line of the email: include the student’s name (the spelling used in the subject line will be the spelling used in the slide show)
* If you would like to send some Group photos – ONLY SEND 2 or 3! If more than 3, I will pick the ones I like best!😊
*There are 134 seniors. With 3-5 pictures for each senior, it will be a fun challenge to coordinate this
slide show so please help me by following the above rules!
When we get closer to the event, I will send out a reminder to make sure I have coordinated with everyone who is planning to participate in this event. If you know beforehand that you will not be attending, please let me know! A solid headcount is crucial for the planning that is involved. I will respect the wishes of those who do not want to attend by not calling their name.
Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions!! The Spring Hill PTA and I are so excited to be a part of this celebration!
Julie Diggins - VP High School for Spring Hill PTA
Email seniorcelebrations25@gmail.com
(Yes there is an s in front of the 25)