Summit Road STEM Elementary
September SPARK Newsletter
Homecoming Parade Banner
Homecoming Parade Students and Teachers
Math Design Challenge
2nd - Picture Day
3rd - Mum Pick-Up (3:45-6:30, Volunteers Needed, See Below)
4th - Walk-a-Thon @ 9:15am
8th - Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting @ 6:30pm
11th - Multicultural Day
17th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:30pm)
18th - No School
21st - No School
24th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:30pm)
School Hours:
8:35 am Arrival /Drop Off Begins
8:45 am School Day Begins
3:05-3:15 pm End of Day/Dismissal
PTO Mum Fundraiser Pick-Up Help
Please sign up to help unload mums being delivered and sort for families to pick up. All work will be outside at bus loop near kindergarten playground if you need to bring your children. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a drink. If you can only help for part of the time, that is fine too, just leave a comment. Thank you so much!
Oct. 4th - Walk-a-Thon
Come cheer on, or walk with your child at the Walk-A-Thon! We will have our morning SPARK from 9-9:15, then begin walking after our Morning SPARK. Parents can join us at 9 for the SPARK meeting.
If you wish to walk with us, please bring closed toed, old, walking shoes!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Oct. 17th and 24th between 4 and 7:30. These will be held virtually, and the classroom teachers will be communicating with you soon to schedule these.
Picture Day
E-mails have been sent to the e-mail in our system regarding picture day on October 2nd. Please be sure you read that e-mail regarding ordering photos. If you have any questions, please call the front office.
Did You Know??
At Summit Road STEM Elementary, the culinary lab, located in the EL classroom, engages students in sustainable practices by utilizing produce from the on-campus garden and leftover food from the cafeteria's share cart. Each week, a different grade level collaborates with both EL teachers and classroom teachers to explore hands-on cooking activities. This interdisciplinary approach encourages sustainability, science, and environmental stewardship while promoting healthy eating habits and life skills.
Tennis Shoes
When your child is going to miss school, please email maggie.lawson@reyn.org to let the school know that your child will be absent that day. This must be done every time your child misses school.
If you have not had your child bring in over-the-ear headphones, please send your child with them soon. Instruction has begun, and working headphones are a large part of the school's instructional day. Throughout the year, your child's teacher will notify you if headphones are needing to be replaced.
Weekend Meal Request
RCS Weekend Meal Program Request-Reynoldsburg City Schools partners with Children's Hunger Alliance to provide non-perishable shelf stable meals for students and families in need of additional food resources for weekends and breaks. These boxes are provided at each school site weekly by request. The method by which these boxes are distributed varies based on school location.
If you would like your child to receive weekend meal boxes, please complete the form above. Please read each question carefully and answer all questions.