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Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
![Mary Hogan Family Newsletter](https://cdn.smore.com/u/d231/da4f5b26dd8c39e859ad9dcd574291c3.jpg)
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
Today is one of those perfect days - the weather is amazing and you are just itching to get outside and enjoy the breeze and sun. Kindergarten, 1st grade, and some 4th grade classes were out and about beyond the playground today, at Battell Woods, Robert Frost Trails, and the Ilsley Library. These explorers were joined earlier this week by other classes out in the woods, and MUHS, and over in Addison at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Refuge. While these are community building opportunities, there is also a lot of deep learning involved - reflecting on learning from the unit about patterns in nature, learning about bats, finding community resources, and the unexpected whimsy of a morning in the woods. Many thanks to MESA for the funding for many of these trips - and more in the coming weeks.
Be well,
Last Student Day is...
June 14, 2024.
Last Chance... Recognize Awesome Teachers and Staff!
We extend Teacher Appreciation Week to all staff and celebrate all month long! Our teachers and staff do so much to support our students and community. You can help us recognize them! Click here to share your appreciation.
Your appreciations also help to inform our nominations for our fall Teacher & Staff of the Year awards! We share as many of these appreciations as possible (last year we received over 220!)
Upcoming Events
May 25 - Mary Hogan Night at the Lake Monsters Game (see MESA Section for more info)
May 27 - No School
May 29 - Golden Dome Challenge, 2nd grade to Shelburne Museum
May 30 - Field Day (see MESA Section for more info) - rain date 6/3
May 31 - Last day to borrow Mary Hogan Library Books
June 3-6- Free Book Give- Away (A grant from RIF and Bonnie's Book Foundation will supply every student with 4 new books that they can keep)
June 4 - Burke & McColly to Middlebury College Maker Space, 5th grade to Marquis Theater
June 5 - Walk and Roll Day
- Franny's class to Ilsley Library, 5th grade goes to visit MUMS, 2nd grade to Marquis Theater
June 7 - Progress Reports go home, All materials due back to the library!
- 9am - Mary Hogan cheers the MUHS parade to the Memorial Sports Center
- 1st to Washington St. Cemetary, 3rd grade to Crown Point, 4th grade to Robert Frost Trails, 5th grade to Shelburne Museum
June 11 - Conklin & Leavitt to to Middlebury College Maker Space
June 13 - 1.30pm - 5th Grade Promotion
June 14 - Last Student Day!
- 3rd grade and 5th grade pool parties
- 5pm - MESA end of year Dance Party at the Middlebury Rec Center (See below for more)
This Week at Mary Hogan
Poetry and Patterns
4th graders got out into Battell Woods to study the patterns in nature and write some poetry
Robert Frost Nature Trails
Meanwhile, Kindergarten did some exploring, writing, and drawing up in Ripton.
Partners and Lettuce
Preschoolers walked to the MUHS greenhouse and harvested some lettuce with the high schoolers!
Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area
3rd graders explored the Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area and learned a lot about animal adaptations.
Tennis, anyone?
4th and 5th graders had a chance to learn tennis from Middlebury Indoor Tennis instructors.
I is for Ice Cream
1st and some 2nd graders found themselves making ice cream this week - learning how chemical properties can yield yummy results!
MESA Message
Upcoming Awesome MESA Events!
- Saturday, May 25th - Lake Monsters Game - Saturday, May 25th 6:05pm (First Pitch) - The Lake Monsters are hosting a Mary Hogan School night. Tickets are $8 and $4 from each ticket goes back to Mary Hogan.Click on the link for tickets: Lake Monsters
- Thursday, May 30th - Field Day (rain date Monday, June 3rd) - Field day is a fun-filled, all day, all school event. We have 8 stations set up on the fields by the school. Students are split into groups of 20 and rotate around stations run by volunteers. Stations planned for this year are: Disc Golf, Kickball, Skate Park/Pump Track, Dance & Bubbles, Relay Races, Lawn Games, Art and Tag. We are looking for more volunteers to run the stations in the time slots below. Please reach out to me at mesa@acsdvt.org to sign up.
- 8:30-9:15 AM - station set up
- 9:15-11:15 AM - 8 stations for Pre-K through 2nd grade
- 11:00 AM-1:00 PM - hand out popsicles at the BBQ lunch *Popsicles donated by Hannaford! *stay for lunch and eat with your student!
- 12:45-2:45 PM- 8 stations for 3rd Grade through 5th grade
- 2:30-3:00 PM - clean up
- Friday, June 14th - Dance Party! - MESA is hosting an end of the year dance party at the Middlebury Rec Gym. More details to follow.
End of Year Dance Party
Please join your classmates and their families in celebrating the last day of school with a dance party at the Recreation Center (154 Creek Rd.) from 5-7pm on June 14! Entry is by donation. Parents please remain in the company of your children. Hot dogs, drinks, snacks, and dessert will be available for purchase. DJing provided by Midd Town Melodies. Music requests are allowed with a $1 donation per song request. Come dance, let loose, and enjoy the end of the school year! Sponsored by MESA!
Family Resources & Opportunities
Free Food for Kids This Summer
Summer Food Service Program will be starting on June 17th
Mary Hogan: Breakfast and lunch will be available at the front entrance from 11:00 - 12:30 Monday through Friday
MUMS Breakfast and lunch will be available at the front entrance from 11:00 - 12:00 Monday through Friday
Bridport: Breakfast and lunch will be available from 11:00 - 12:00 Monday through Friday
All sites are non congregate and breakfast will be provided for the next day.
4th Grader & Families - Explore National Parks for Free!
Every Fourth Grader can get a free pass for themselves and their families to all the national parks/lands in the US. Here's a link if you'd like to share with your students.
Community Health Needs Assessment
Every three years, residents of Addison County are encouraged to join the conversation about how to strengthen community health. Currently, multiple local organizations are working together to promote a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA).
This year’s CHNA survey results will inform a three-year plan that:
- Identifies and prioritizes health needs
- Builds upon existing strengths
- Works on solutions with community partners
How to join the conversation:
- Please click to take the 10-minute online community survey: now available in 6 languages!
- Share this email with your friends and neighbors, aged 16 and older
- To thank you for your time, you can enter a drawing for a chance to win one of four $50 gift cards.
CLICK TO TAKE THE SURVEY: https://bit.ly/2024CHNA
For more information about the Community Health Needs Assessment, visit https://www.portermedical.org/about/community-health-needs-assessment/
If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Froeschle at amanda.froeschle@uvmhealth.org
Want to help out at Mary Hogan? - Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photo of the Week
For more awesome photos, check out the Instagram account, below!
Connect on Social Media!
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405