TSA Wings Up Weekly
July 24th, 2023
February 10, 2024 Volume #27
Principal's Message
Dear Amazing Owls and Families,
We appreciate everyone who came to our PCA Bingo night to support Tomball Star! As we enter these next two week, remember that they are both short weeks. Friday 2/16 and Monday 2/19 are Holiday's for Tomball Star Academy however; they are not Holiday's for Lone Star College. Juniors and Seniors with classes at LSC on Monday, 2/19 will need to plan on attending, TSA transportation will not be provided.
Additionally, Friday, February 23 will be an ODD day here at TSA. All Juniors and Seniors will be expected to attend all TSA classes on campus that day. We will not run an 11:15 bus route home that that day.
Our PCA will have their February meeting on the 13th at 11:00am at Fajitas and Margaritas Mexican Kitchen in Tomball. This will be a general meeting but also celebration of the amazing success of Bingo Night!
Additionally, PCA will be here on Valentines Day selling Pura Via Bracelets ($8), and TSA Vinyl Stickers ($5). Support our PCA!
Senior Parent Meeting
We will have a Senior Parent meeting on February 20th at 6:00pm in the Tomball Star Cafeteria to go over all the spring events! We will discuss prom, graduation, awards ceremonies, and so much more! We look forward to seeing you all there!
We value culture here at TSA, and our vision this year is to provide high quality instruction and a learning environment that embraces personalized learning. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions/concerns
Wings Up!
Jennifer Collier
Electronic Hall Pass System
Over the next few weeks, you might hear your child begin talking about a new hall pass system that we will have at Tomball Star Academy. TSA will be moving to a virtual hall pass through a program called Securly or Pass.
An electronic hall pass system allows for TSA to:
- Always know where students are with a live dashboard.
- In an emergency, account for every child's location within seconds.
- Let students generate their own passes, for quicker response time.
- Facilitate appointments to make it easier for them to schedule assistance from staff at TSA.
Students will be able to access the pass system from the Chromebook that is issued by Tomball ISD. We will be informing students that there is an app that they can download from the apple or android store that makes this process simpler, but that will be a parental decision.
Order your TSA Yearbook!
Lone Star Spring Calendar
As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure effective communication and collaboration between Tomball Star Academy and Lone Star College, we are pleased to share with you an important resource designed to keep everyone on the same page.
Attached you will find a comprehensive calendar that includes significant dates from both TSA and LSC. This calendar aims to help you plan ahead, stay informed, and manage your schedules effectively. You'll notice that there are several dates in which TSA will have a student holiday, but LSC will not. On those days, it is your responsibility and obligation to get to your LSC classes independently.
Lone Star Shuttle Schedule for Juniors/Seniors
Get Involved at TSA
Freshman Weekly Schedule
In an effort to support our Freshman Owls, the Freshman Team updates a week at a glance before Monday so that you can help support your child at home. Please bookmark this link for future use! We will continue to include it moving forward at the bottom of the Wings Up Weekly!
Register to be a TISD Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering at TSA or any TISD facility or event, you must complete a volunteer application. Please visit the TISD website volunteer page linked HERE to complete the process.
TSA Bell Schedule
Below is the TSA Bell Schedule for 23-24 school year. Please note that on Friday's ALL Juniors and Seniors will be dismissed at 11:15am.
Additionally, there will be 5 Fridays where we will run an Odd day schedule to accommodate district holidays. Juniors and Seniors who have TSA classes on those days will be expected to attend. The dates are 9/8, 10/13, 1/19, 2/23 and 3/22.
TSA Traffic Instructions
YELLOW Bus Path (NO parent cars)
Please be aware… the school buses will use the same entrance/exit as everyone else. There is an officer scheduled to be on duty in the afternoon to assist with traffic flow at the 2920 junction.