News and events

September 15, 2024
Upcoming events
September 16th - Homecoming Long Pep-Fest Schedule
September 16th - David Bank Senior Yearbook Pictures 7:30 - 11:00am
September 18th - Conference Email Sent to Parents
September 20th - Homecoming Long Pep-Fest Schedule
September 21st - Homecoming Dance
September 30th - Late Start - 8:30 am
October 3rd - Conferences 2:50 - 8:35 pm
October 7th - Late Start with Advisory - 8:30 am
October 14th - Regular Start
October 17th and 18th - No School - MEA
A message from administration
We are off to a fantastic start here at BHS and hope your student has had a successful beginning to the school year. Below is some helpful information as we continue to team with you to provide the best possible learning experience for all our students.
Homecoming Week
This week is homecoming at BHS. This can be a great week for our students, and we want to share a few helpful notes.
On Monday morning, we will begin with coronation in the Bengal Activity Center at 7:40 a.m. At 6:00 p.m. on Monday evening, we have our annual powder puff game in Bengal Stadium. On Friday, we will begin our day with a pep fest celebrating BHS school spirit. Finally, we will conclude our homecoming festivities with a student dance on Saturday evening from 7:00-10:00 p.m. in the BHS cafeteria. Tickets were on sale all last week and are all sold out. Please know that attending a BHS dance is a privilege which means students must be in good standing, with all detentions served, fines paid, and positive academic performance.
Our student council has developed some fun dress-up themes for the week.
School policy still applies on these days, specifically regarding masks and face paint. Masks - with the exception of PPE masks - and face paint are not permitted; students need to be identifiable at all times. The dress-up theme on Thursday is class color day. Many students enjoy creating their own t-shirts for this day. Please remind your students that all clothing that they wear on theme days still needs to be school-appropriate or they will be asked to change. Please encourage your students to participate in the festivities, have fun, and make good choices.
Homecoming Dance Chaperones:
We are in need of parent volunteer, and staff chaperones for our dance on Saturday, September 21st, from 7:00-10:00 p.m at Blaine High School. If you are able to help, please complete the following steps.
1. Click this link, register, and complete the assigned forms. (Email our volunteer coordinator at paula.miller@ahschools.us with questions.)
2. After completing the forms, type your information into this document.
Thank you, again, for your dedication and support to the BHS community. We're looking forward to a fun-filled Homecoming dance with you!
Monday Late Start Schedule
On Monday, September 23rd, we will have our first adjusted start time of the year. Classes will start at 8:30 AM. From 7:10 until 8:20, Anoka-Hennepin high school teachers will meet in their collaborative teams to prepare curriculum, assessments, and develop student interventions. Busses will maintain their standard schedule on these days. Students who are able to provide their own transportation may arrive on time for the 8:30 start time. Click here for a visual to help you plan for the trimester.
Conference Sign-up
We also want to make you aware that conferences are coming up on October 3rd, from 2:50 - 8:35 p.m. You will receive an email on September 18th with a link to sign up. Please contact Deidre.hoffman@ahschools.us if you do not receive a link and please provide your student's name.
If you need an interpreter, all requests will need to be in by noon on September 25th. Please email Deidre.hoffman@ahschools.us with student name and language after you have scheduled conferences. We will do our best to get an interpreter scheduled.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Please follow this map as you drive through our parking lot and frontage road while dropping off or picking up your student. Due to our large student population, navigating our parking lot can be challenging. Plan accordingly by arriving early and driving cautiously. Thank you for understanding.
Student Pictures
Student pictures will be taken all day on Thursday, September 19th, for students who did not attend the picture day on August 20th. Lifetouch will take pictures for grades 9 through 11. Please visit the Lifetouch website for more information and order forms. The access code is EVTK8XP6C.
David Bank Studios will take senior yearbook pictures for 12th-grade students on September 16th from 7:30-11:00 if your student missed the senior picture day in July. This is a correction to previous communication.
Safety and Security Protocols for Families and Visitors
Anoka-Hennepin Schools are committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming learning environment for our students. Enhanced protocols are intended to support this commitment.
Secure Entry System Requirements:
Parents, guardians, and any guests who have an appointment will continue to be required to have a driver's license/valid identification (ID) to enter using our secure entry identification system.
Parents/guardians listed in ParentVue will be permitted to enter.
Anyone who visits a school location and has a warning indicator in the district’s system will be denied entry.
Meetings are by appointment only:
Meetings with staff members must be arranged in advance. Please contact the school office via phone or email to schedule a meeting.
Dropping off items for your student:
If parents/guardians need to drop off items for their student, please communicate to your student that they can pick up said items at the security desk.
Further access into the school for parents/guardians to drop off items will not be allowed.
School staff will coordinate with the student to get them the items that were dropped off.
Picking up a student:
Please arrange in advance for any student pickup during the school day by calling your students' attendance office professional.
Your student will meet you outside.
To contact your student's office professional, please use the breakdown below:
This breakdown goes by student's last name.
A -D
Shireen Hassan 763-506-6702 or Shireen.Hassan@ahschools.us
E - La
Joan Ericksen 763-506-6517 or Joan.Ericksen@ahschools.us
Ann Edwards 763-506-6609 or Ann.Edwards@ahschools.us
S - Z
Michelle Pouliot-Drew 763-506-6607 or Michelle.Pouliotdrew@ahschools.us
CEMS Students
Melody Anderson 763-506-6507 or Melody.Anderson@ahschools.us
Contact the main number at 763-506-6500, and your call will be directed to the appropriate person for assistance.
Student Expectations
Messaging was shared with students last Friday regarding behavior expectations at Blaine High School and what it means to Be A Bengal. It also included an introduction to our Behavior Intervention staff. The presentation can be found here.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Health Office
Please send an appointment note with your student when they return to school from a
medical appointment (doctor, dentist, therapy, orthodontist, etc.) to help with student
attendance records. Thank you! The Health Office Team
Career Center
The 2024-2025 school year is off and running! These updates come from the Blaine High School Career Center and are a resource for students and families to help guide all things “life after high school.” The primary mission of the Career and College Specialist (CCS) is to professionally educate and effectively assist students as they navigate through high school and transition into their career/college experience.
Career Center Services
The college and career center is a resource for students to get support with all things related to figuring out life after high school. Here are just a few of the services the career center provides:
*Campus tours/college visits *Financial Aid & scholarship help
*College planning *Career tours with hands-on learning experiences
*Career planning *Assessment and Interest Tests
*ACT Prep *Interviews/Resumes
*Military Resources *Much more!
Career Center Link - BHS Career & College Site
Thank you for reading!
Jill Wolfe
Career and College Specialist
Blaine Career and College Specialist Ms. Wolfe, along with BHS School Counselors, welcomed seniors to the new school year and presented information about post-high school planning resources this week. The presentation is linked here for reference and many planning tools are available on the BHS College and Career website
Upcoming Opportunities - September
Saturday, September 14, and Oct MEA - Invitation to visit St. Cloud State University
You're Invited! We are excited to invite and host the students and families from the Anoka-Hennepin School District. Saint Cloud State University is a 4-year public University on a 100-acre scenic campus located about an hour away from the Anoka-Hennepin School District in St. Cloud, MN. SCSU offers affordable tuition, attainable admission requirements, 95+ undergraduate programs and 150+ student organizations. We would like the opportunity to show you our campus and rich student life. Details below.
If you are interested in coming to campus, please fill out this interest form HERE. We hope to see you soon!
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 | 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Join us for a day-long construction trades summit hosted at Saint Paul College. This summit is designed to support underrepresented youth, including BIPOC and femme-identifying students, by connecting them with industry leaders in the trades, offering hands-on learning, and providing recruitment opportunities within the construction trades. There are hands-on workshops in the electrical, sheet metal, and carpentry classrooms, as well as a panel of folks in the field offering their perspectives and stories of how they entered their career fields. Lunch will be provided and parking is also taken care of. This is a free event, and we welcome your youth as well as adults if they'd also like to tour the facilities.
Saturday, September 28 - Visit the University of MN, Twin Cities
Experience Minnesota is a high-energy, once-a-year multicultural event that gives you the chance to experience a day in the life of a Golden Gopher and see how you can expand your horizons, discover new passions, and accomplish your goals and dreams as a University of Minnesota Twin Cities student. You and your supporters will learn more about our outstanding academics and opportunities to enhance your college experience, while exploring the multicultural community of our vibrant Big Ten campus and great Twin Cities location. Register Here
Save the Date - October 10: Pay Less for College Seminar
This free workshop is designed to help parents find ways to work within the financial aid system to increase their eligibility for financial aid, reduce taxes, and find more efficient ways to pay for a college education. Learn more and register here.
Save the Date - Oct 22-23: National College Fair at the Minneapolis Convention Center
The National College Fair will be in MN on Oct 22-23 for students and families to speak with hundreds of various colleges, find some good fits, and explore opportunities available. See details here and get your barcode in advance (optional)
Youth Skills Training/Internship Opportunity - Apply before Sept 25
Aggressive Hydraulics found our experience with the Youth Skills Training program so valuable last year, and we are excited to offer it again. We had such high interest that we’re going to have an application window, and then will be making some hiring decisions. This is paid work experience, typically between $18-$21/hour. The application window is open now until September 25th. And then we will make final hiring decisions at that point. Students can find the link for our application under our Careers page, https://www.aggressivehydraulics.com/about/careers/youth-skills-training-program/.
Also, we figured it may be helpful to share with students a video of a previous YST Intern, which can be found on the website above, or by clicking here, Aggressive Hydraulics Youth Skills Training Program Video
Aspirations in Computing Award - Apply before Oct 29
Now through October 29 is the time for high school students to submit a 2024-25 Aspirations in Computing Award application. If selected, they'll:
be publicly recognized for their tech interests and early accomplishments
actively learn about tech worker roles and career opportunities
benefit from touring MN companies empowered by technology
engage with professionals who will support their tech growth and learning
gain access to college scholarships, based on eligibility
increase the likelihood of becoming a summer 2025 paid intern
Historically, over 80% of applicants receive some form of recognition and become eligible for a remarkable array of tech education and career readiness resources. High school students who identify as women, trans women, genderqueer, and non-binary are eligible to apply and participate in MnAiC year-round programs.
TO LEARN MORE about MnAiC and its affiliation with the Minnesota Technology Foundation, the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT), and to apply: click on this link.
Business Professionals of America
Coats for Kids Drive at BHS
Business Professionals of America (BPA) members will be conducting its 31st annual Coats for
Kids drive from September 16 – October 19. Students, staff, and community residents are
invited to drop off new or used coats at BHS throughout the school day at the main entrance.
Last year BHS collected over 800 coats for this great cause and this year they have a goal of 600
coats. Blaine BPA has collected over 14,000 coats for children over the 30 years they have
participated in this wonderful cause.
Coats for Kids was founded in 1986 to ensure that local community children in need would have
access to warm coats each winter. Since then, they have collected and donated more
than 463,500 coats to help keep children warm.
Clean out those closets this weekend and drop off your no longer used coats at BHS beginning
September 16. If you would like to arrange a drop off please contact Holly Boisjolie, BPA
Advisor, at 763.506.6540 or holly.boisjolie@ahschools.us.
Blaine Students Explore Data Science at Analytics U
This free, week-long pathway program is designed to introduce underrepresented high school students to the transformative world of data science. This past August, our participants delved into the intricacies of analytics with guidance from Carlson faculty and gained hands-on experience with Tableau, a leading business analytics tool. They explored how analytics drives decision-making at major organizations, including Best Buy and the Minnesota Wild. The program culminated in a practical application of their new skills at Nickelodeon Universe, where students gathered data to tackle a real-world case challenge for the Mall of America. Beyond the academic and practical experiences, students also had the opportunity to connect with current undergraduates, engage with a career coach, and explore the vibrant spaces of Carlson and Hanson Hall.
To join the program, students had to apply, write a short essay, and report their GPA. Admission considered leadership, community involvement, the essay, GPA, and interest in business and STEM. Participation does not affect admission to the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Blaine Senior Fernando Fun Bautista was one of three Blaine students accepted. He praised the program for its growth opportunities and the relationships he built, saying, “The program was an opportunity for growth and to expand horizons.”
The Coordinator for Diversity Pathway Initiatives & Community Partnerships, Jeff Williams said, “We had our biggest ever cohort for Analytics U, and I was really impressed with the students that joined us. Despite having students come from around the metro, we saw great teamwork and new friendships all week. They also asked great questions all week and wrapped it up by putting together amazing data- driven insights.”
For more information about Analytics U click on the link. There will be a meeting held in the spring for students to learn more about the program.
Volunteer news
All volunteers must fill out a BHS Volunteer Application for the 2024-25 school year.
How to Volunteer with Anoka-Hennepin Schools
We are so happy you’re interested in helping our Bengal community!
Please see below for more information on opportunities and sign ups.
September 19 - Fall Picture Day
Are you available to help guide students at Fall Picture Day on September 19?
Sign up here - Fall Picture Day
September 21 - Homecoming Dance Chaperones
Blaine High School’s 2024 Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, September 21. We need many adults to chaperone the cafeteria and commons from 6:30-10:00 pm so that students may safely enjoy the evening. Sign up here - 9/21 Homecoming Dance
October 3 - Conference Snack Donations
Parent-teacher conferences are in just a few weeks, and our teachers will need healthy, hearty, and delicious snacks to fuel them through the evening. A sign up for food donations will be posted soon.
Year-Round: Cafeteria Servers
If you would like to help our child nutrition staff with light kitchen duties, please contact paula.miller@ahschools.us and I will get you set up!
A great big THANK YOU to our volunteers who helped at Open House and P.E. Padlock Distribution! You have made a difference and got our school year off to a great start!
BHS Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC): Paula Miller
Bengal Den
The Bengal Den will be open for select events, offering a range of Bengal-themed merchandise in youth through adult sizes. We also have a variety of products from hats and backpacks to our NEW line of stickers. Stay updated on our latest offerings and special event schedules by following us on Instagram at @BHS_BengalDen. Don't miss out on exciting updates and promotions—connect with us to be in the know!
New Staff
Olga Suarez - Spanish Teacher
My name is Olga Lucia Suarez Guzman. I am originally from Barranquilla, Colombia. I am happily married to Henry and I have two sons, Caleb and Nathan.
I am passionate about teaching and serving others. I have taught English and Spanish for 22 years. In my free time I enjoy being with family, traveling, watching movies, and reading.
Bernie Ward - Math/Boys Basketball Coach
My name is Bernie Ward and I am excited to join the Blaine High School staff this year as a math teacher and basketball coach. This is my tenth year teaching and coaching in the Anoka-Hennepin School District. My wife Leah is a teacher at Champlin Park High School, and we live in Ramsey with our two sons Phil and Cam. We’ve had a sports-filled summer, but have been able to spend a little more family time together this August, which has been awesome. I’m excited for this school year and I look forward to meeting more of my colleagues as the year begins.
I can already tell this is a great place to work. I feel fortunate to have this opportunity. Go Bengals!
This e-newsletter is published by Blaine High School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.